A simple code generator for SpringMVC + MyBatis + jQuery + Bootstrap CRUD demo, by FMPP & FreeMarker & Ant.
The latest released version is FMPP 0.9.15 (comes with FreeMarker 2.3.21, but you can replace it with a later version).
FMPP is a Java application so it requires Java to be installed on your machine (version 1.4 or later).
The FMPP Ant task (ignore if you don't know what Ant is) requires Ant 1.5.1 or later.
FMPP - FreeMarker-based file PreProcessor https://github.com/freemarker/fmpp
FMPP - FreeMarker-based file PreProcessor http://fmpp.sourceforge.net/
hxgdzyuyi/tang_poetry 全唐诗数据库 https://github.com/hxgdzyuyi/tang_poetry
A mysql database of Chinese poetry of the Tang Dynasty, crawled from Internet.
mybatis-generator-core-1.3.3.jar can download from http://www.mybatis.org/generator/
to download from http://fmpp.sourceforge.net/
- fmppConfig/javaMeta.xml: for gen java and xml config fragment
- fmppConfig/webPageMeta.xml: for gen jsp file with Bootstrap CSS
- retreive-dependencies-jar-to-lib-folder.xml: retrive jar lib by ivy,ivy.xml need to modify by your environment and demand
- ant_mybatis_generator.xml:produce MyBatis ORM Mapping files
- codeGenerator.xml:code gen
- CodeScaffold_FMPP_Ant.xml: partial code gen