A suite of general Python scripts.
2x2 Matrix Inversion
(Jupyter Notebook & .py file)Factors
(.py file)Fibonacci
(.py file)Lowest Common Multiple
(.py file)Prime Numbers
(.py file)
Dear reader,
This is perhaps my most basic repository. It contains a variety of files I wrote when first learning to code. Where possible I have tried to make them neater, and in certain cases provide additional information, but for the majority I have left the bulk of the code as it was.
I decided to include this repository for a two of reasons. Firstly, whilst they may be short and simple, some of the scripts do require subtle tricks which I am sure to forget at some point in the future. Secondly, I hope that anyone that happens to stumble across them may find them in some way useful, even if it's simply a lesson in what not to do.
H ✌️
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This repository and the code therein may be freely copied and distributed as necessary. It is being provided solely for information and general illustrative purposes. The author will not be responsible for the consequences of reliance upon the code or for numbers produced from using the code.
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