AjaxMailChimp is a jQuery plugin that lets you ajaxify your mailchimp form with multiple input fields. This plugin is based on scdoshi's Mailchimp plugin.
Use this if you hate the jarring transition to the mailchimp website upon submitting an email address to mailchimp.
Note: This relies on an undocumented feature at mailchimp that uses JSONP to allow cross-domain ajax to work. You have been warned. (It has however, been around for at least 3 years that I know of, and probably more.)
Just add the script to your webpage (along with jQuery ofcourse). Get it here:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iamMonzurul/jQuery-Ajax-MailChimp/master/jquery.ajaxMailChimp.js
- jQuery
Note: Developed with 1.9.1, but it should work with earlier versions. If it does or does not work with a particular version, please open an issue on github.
Form should have one label element with attribute id="mc_notification" (used to display error/success message)
<form id="mc-multiple-form">
<input id="mc_email" type="email" placeholder="email">
<label id="mc_notification"></label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
language: 'ft',
url: '//blahblah.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=5afsdhfuhdsiufdba6f8802&id=4djhfdsh9',
fields: {mc_name: "Name", mc_email: "Email", mc_message: "Message"},
callback: callBackFunction
<form id="mc-form">
<input id="mc_name" type="text" placeholder="Name">
<input id="mc_email" type="email" placeholder="email">
<textarea id="mc_message" placeholder="Message" rows="5"></textarea>
<label id="mc_notification"></label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
url: 'http://blahblah.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=5afsdhfuhdsiufdba6f8802&id=4djhfdsh9'
You can specify multiple fields to override default email only field.
fields: {mc_name: "Name", mc_email: "Email", mc_message: "Message"},
For field names always start with 'mc_' e.g. 'mc_name', 'mc_email', 'mc_message', 'mc_custom'
If you have multiple fields then you have to name your fields according to MailChimp field tags. You can find it by visiting Settings -> List fields and |MERGE| tags in your MailChimp list. For e.g if have a custom field "Subject" then your field tag name should be "SUBJECT" (all CAPS) in MailChimp and in your form input field name as "mc_subject".
Optionally, you can specify a callback with either method to run after the ajax query to mailchimp succeeds or fails.
callback: callbackFunction
The JSONP response from mailchimp will be passed to the callback function
function callbackFunction (resp) {
if (resp.result === 'success') {
// Do stuff
You can specify the mailchimp URL to post to (or override the url provided on the form element)
url: 'mailchimp-post-url'
The mailchimp post url will look like this:
For success and error messages in different languages:
- Specify the language as an option.
language: 'en'
Note: If the language you want is not supported out of the box, or the translations are wrong, open a pull request with the required language and I will add it in.
You can also add custom translations just for your website:
$.ajaxMailChimp.translations.es = {
'submit': 'Grabación en curso...',
0: 'Te hemos enviado un email de confirmación',
1: 'Por favor, introduzca un valor',
2: 'Una dirección de correo electrónico debe contener una sola @',
3: 'La parte de dominio de la dirección de correo electrónico no es válida (la parte después de la @:)',
4: 'La parte de usuario de la dirección de correo electrónico no es válida (la parte antes de la @:)',
5: 'Esta dirección de correo electrónico se ve falso o no válido. Por favor, introduce una dirección de correo electrónico real'
The mapping to english for mailchimp responses and the submit message are as follows:
// Submit Message
// 'submit': 'Submitting...'
// Mailchimp Responses
// 0: 'We have sent you a confirmation email'
// 1: 'Please enter a value'
// 2: 'An email address must contain a single @'
// 3: 'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: )'
// 4: 'The username portion of the email address is invalid (the portion before the @: )'
// 5: 'This email address looks fake or invalid. Please enter a real email address'