This is an open source Link shortening Progressive Web App (PWA) written in Django and NuxtJS. With a single click, you can shorten any valid URL.
The website is decoupled into the frontend and the backend which is served over an API using Django Restframework. Please note, the above package contains only the frontend! You can find the backend here. A live demo of this project can be found on netlify.
Note: To proceed you must install NodeJS and Git on your system.
# clone the repository
$ git clone
# navigate to the cloned directory
$ cd short-frontend
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
After running the following commands; dist folder will be generated which is a distribution file that can be uploaded to any web server.
# build for production
$ npm run build
# launch server, not important!
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
To use your own custom backend/frontend
Go to assets/config.js to modify the default URL of your frontend app. You can change it to whatever URL you deploy your frontend to.
Go to nuxt.config.js to change the proxy URL to that of your backend.
Note: after changing any settings please remember to regenerate the distribution folder
Grab the dist folder and upload the content to Netlify
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.
You are free to contribute by forking this repo!