I love coding! I am a full-stack web & mobile development ninja looking for exciting opportunities as a full-stack developer! I hold a degree in Computer Science and enjoy using my creativity to solve problems.
I am exploring new challenges in an excellent company committed to top-quality products!
- 🔭 You can find more of my completed projects on my repo page.
- 🌱 Technical Skills: Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Python, Django, PHP, Laravel, WordPress, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, Next, Angular, Vue, React Native, Flutter, Ionic, Docker, Bash, Linux, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, HTML, CSS, ES6+, TypeScript, RESTful APIs, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Chakra UI, SCSS, Styled Components, PhaserJS, D3JS, PixiJS, FabricJS, ChartJS, Rspec, Jest, GitHub workflow, VS Code, TTD, OOP, Frontend Design, Figma, Accessibility, Debugging, BDD, Agile Methodologies, Web3.js, Ethers.js, Solidity, Smart contract, Truffle, Hardhat, Moralis, IPFS.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Soccer