some django beginner-intermediate-advanced projects from books / tutorials modified to learn quickly and try features out
Brad Traversy
Django 3 by example (3rd ed)
Django 3 web dev. cookbook (4th ed)
Building Django 2 web applications
django for beginners (WS Vincent)
django for professionals (WSV)
django for apis (WSV)
django crash course from the guys who made 2 scoops of django
various udemy / codemy / packt video / skillshare tutorials
Practical django 2 and channels /pro-complex/ (F. Marani) this uses channels that is event driven asgi - django 3 has "stolen" it
- tutorial(s)
...and one of the bests: training materials
have python 3.7+ available and create a virtual environment for pip packages first (py3)
python3 -m venv .venv
optionally install watchman for quicker dev. srv. reload (pywatchman is in dev reqs)
brew install watchman
activate it
source ./.venv/bin/activate
install packages
pip install -r requirements[_dev].txt
try it
cd into folder and use python ./ migrate/collectstatic/*runserver*