Live demo to illustrate how ext4 LVM volume can be resized (up) online, without service disruption. What it does, in essence:
- create CentOS VM on AWS with 3 extra EBS disks
- install LVM2 package
- create GPT partition on each EBS disk
- create an LVM logical volume composed of 2 EBS disks with size 5 GB
- format logical volume with ext4 and mount to /data01
- add 3rd EBS disk to the volume group
- expand logical volume to use all available space from the volume group (23 GB)
- perform online expansion of /data01 from 5 GB to 23 GB
- fetch output of CentOS commands as file lvm-demo.log locally
- delete all AWS objects to stop the charges
Terraform on Windows
Provided Terraform code was meant to be executed on Windows (provisioner "local-exec" and scripts explicitely use cmd.exe).
Download and install Terraform on Windows
To verify installation:
terraform version
AWS account:
AWS IAM account with admin privileges
Configure AWS CLI for region "us-east-1" and default profile.
aws configure get region
where ssh.exe where scp.exe
Start either cmd.exe or powershell.exe as administrator. This is needed for scripts\fix-key-pair-privs.ps1
during Terraform run
Initialize Terraform - get dependencies:
terraform init
Create Terraform plan:
terraform plan --out=main.tfplan
Run the demo:
terraform apply "main.tfplan"
Check the last line of output, something like this:
ssh_command = ssh -i key_pair.pem centos@
, you can use that command to ssh to created VM and inspect results of the demo in CentOS
Cleanup, to stop AWS charges:
terraform destroy -auto-approve
Inspect lvm-demo.log - output of CentOS commands performing demo steps.