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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 3 revisions


dnsqr - asks for records of type t under the domain name fqdn


dnsqr t fqdn


dnsqr asks for records of type t under the domain name fqdn. It prints the results in a human-readable format, more compact than the dig output format.

t may be a name or number. Currently recognized names: any, a, ns, mx, ptr, txt, cname, soa, hinfo, rp, sig, key, aaaa, axfr. Note that, if you want to perform a zone transfer, you should use axfr-get(8), not dnsqr(1), axfrdns(8).

dnsqr is available in djbdns 1.01 and above. dnsqr exits 111 if it is unable to parse, runs out of memory or unable to write results to descriptor 1.


dnsip(1), dnsipq(1), dnsmx(1), dnstxt(1), dnsname(1), dnsq(1), dnstrace(1), tinydns-get(1),

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