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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 2 revisions


serialqmtp - blast files across QMTP


serialqmtp prefix


serialqmtp sends messages to a QMTP server. It expects to be run under an UCSPI client; it sends data to the server on descriptor 7, and reads data from the server on descriptor 6.

serialqmtp reads the messages from separate files. It reads the filenames from stdin. Each filename is terminated by a 0 byte.

serialqmtp retrieves a message's envelope sender address and envelope recipient address from the Return-Path and Delivered-To lines at the top of the message header. It removes these lines before passing the message along.

serialqmtp removes prefix from the beginning of each envelope recipient address. It ignores any message whose recipient address does not begin with prefix.

serialqmtp reports its results on stdout. Each result is a 0-terminated filename, followed by a status byte, followed by an LF-terminated readable status message. The status byte is K if the QMTP server has accepted responsibility for the message, Z if the QMTP server has temporarily rejected the message, and D if the QMTP server has permanently rejected the message. serialqmtp silently truncates excessively long status messages. serialqmtp does not necessarily print a result for every file: it may skip files, it may have trouble reading a file from disk, or it may have trouble talking to the QMTP server.

serialqmtp uses a 73-second timeout on each network write.


See for further information about QMTP.


tcpclient(1), serialsmtp(1), maildirserial(1), qmail-qmtpd(8)

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