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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Sep 4, 2022 · 1 revision


spipe - supervise a pipeline of commands


spipe dir1 dir2 ...


spipe is designed for the purpose of allowing supervise to manage a complete pipeline of commands. spipe executes supervise on all of the named directories, inserting a pipe between each pair of supervised processes. The supervise processes are started from last to first, to ensure that each producer of output has a consumer to pipe its data to. If spipe is sent either the INT, QUIT, or the TERM signal, it runs svc -dx on each command to shut it down, and waits for it to exit. The processes are shut down from first to last, to ensure that each producer stops writing its output before shutting down the corresponding consumer.


Exits 0 when all the commands are shut down. If a fatal error is encountered, it exits.


supervise svscan

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