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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 4 revisions


vaddaliasdomain - Create an domain aliased to an existing virtual domain


vaddaliasdomain new_domain old_domain


vaddaliasdomain takes an existing virtual domain and links a new domain to all the accounts on the existing virtual domain. vaddaliasdomain has setuid bit set and can be run by the root user, by user having uid/gid of the domain in /etc/indimail/users/assign or if the user has the gid of the domain as a supplementary group. Carries out the following steps to create an alias domain.

Insert into table aliasdomain on the Control Host (if old_domain is clustered).

Create a symbolic link new_domain linked to old_domain in the domains directory.

Add entry to qmail assign file.

Add entry to virtualdomains control file.

Send SIGHUP to qmail-send.

Add entry to .aliasdomains in the domains directory for the domain old_domain.


If the environment variable POST_HANDLE is set, vaddaliasdomain executes the program defined by the POST_HANDLE environment variable with uid/gid of the domain in /etc/indimail/users/assign. If POST_HANDLE is not defined, the program /usr/libexec/indimail/vaddaliasdomain will be executed with the effective uid 0. The POST_HANDLE program is passed the same command line arguments as passed to vaddaliasdomain. The POST_HANDLE program is executed as the last step after all earlier steps have been successful.


The desired name for the new alias domain. new_domain can contain alphanumeric characters besides '-' and '.' . However the first and the last character cannot be '-'.

The name of an existing real domain to which the domain new_domain needs to be aliased.


0 if all steps were successful, non-zero otherwise. If any of the steps fail, a diagnostic message is printed.


vadddomain(1), vrenamedomain(1), vadduser(1), vdeldomain(1), vdominfo(1),

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