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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page May 28, 2024 · 5 revisions


vmoddomain - Modify delivery instruction for a virtual domain or set domain limits


**vmoddomain [ **options ] virtual_domain


vmoddomain modifies delivery instructions for a virtual domain by modifying .qmail-default. vmoddomain can also be used to set domain limits when using the -l option or hash method using -H option.


virtual_domain is mandatory. Rest are optional.


-l 0 | 1
Set domain limit. 0 to turn off, 1 to turn on.

-f 0 | 1
Sets the domain with VFILTER capability. 0 to turn off, 1 to turn on.

-h handler
Sets the handler for delivery instruction for non-existing local users. The handler can be one of the following values

The keyword 'delete' - Any mail addressed to a non-existing user gets deleted.

The keyword 'bounce-no-mailbox' - Any mail addressed to a non-existing user gets bounced to the sender.

Maildir – A full path to a Maildir (e.g. /home/manny/Maildir/). - Mails for non-existing users get stored in a Maildir

Email Address - Any mail addressed to a non-existing user gets forwarded to an email address.

IP Address – An IP address in SMTPROUTE specification (e.g. - The mail gets redirected to another server which has the user.

   Example Usage

   vmoddomain -f 1 bounce-no-mailbox

-H hash_method
You can set domain specific hash method to override hash method configured in /etc/indimail/control/hash_method. It has to be one of DES, MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512 or YESCRYPT at the moment


0 if all steps were successful, non-zero otherwise. If any of the steps fail, a diagnostic message is printed.


vadddomain(1), vadduser(1), vdeldomain(1), vdominfo(1), vdelivermail(8),

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