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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 4 revisions


vdeluser - remove a user from a virtual domain


vdeluser [ options ] email_address


vdeluser removes a virtual domain email account from the system. All files and directories for the user are removed from disk. All forwarding, aliases, entries in database are also removed. The Directory Structure Layout's Hashed Component is decremented by one. For a clustered domain, the user will be deleted only if the user lies on the host where vdeluser is being run. vdeluser has the setuid bit set and must be run as root or as uid for the domain in /etc/indimail/users/assign, or if the user as the gid of the domain as a supplementary group. When run vdeluser changes its uid to the uid defined for the domain in the assign file (See qmail-users(5)).


If the environment variable POST_HANDLE is set, vdeluser executes the program defined by the POST_HANDLE environment variable. If POST_HANDLE is not defined, vdeluser runs the program /usr/libexec/indimail/vdeluser. The POST_HANDLE program is always executed with uid/gid of the domain of @email_address in /etc/indimail/users/assign. For both cases email_address is passed as a command line argument to the POST_HANDLE program. The POST_HANDLE program is executed as the last step after all earlier steps have been successful.


Set verbose mode.

email address
Fully qualified email account. For example: If no domain is specified then the account is removed from the default virtual domain.


0 if all steps were successful, non-zero otherwise. If any of the steps fail, a diagnostic message is printed.


vadduser(1), qmail-users(5),

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