Righteo, straight to it then:
// Connect to the router
using (var link = Link.Connect("{router-host}", "{router-user}", "{router-password}")) {
// Get list of interfaces
var ifaces = link.Interfaces.Query();
foreach (var iface in ifaces) {
// Get ether1's received byte counter
var ether1 = ifaces.Single(a => a.DefaultName == "ether1");
// Create new static ARP entry
link.Ip.Arp.Add(new IpArp() {
MacAddress = "01:02:03:04:05:06",
Address = "",
Interface = ether1.Name,
Comment = "Demo ARP entry"
// Ping address
if (link.Tool.Ping.IsAlive("")){
Console.WriteLink("Target lives!");
} else {
Console.WriteLink("Target has left the house")
TikLink allows you to control MikoTik routers (RouterOS) from .NET applications. Key features:
- Written in .NET Standard 1.3, for maximum compadibility
- We're a national ISP, and we use it and will continue to maintain it
- Fully thread safe
- SSL-API supported, with a CA-signed cert or with a known public-key (SSH style)
- Simple and easy to use
- Ability to support multiple concurrent requests
- Easy to add support for extra features that come along
Most router functionality has been implemented - but there's a lot of it! We have tested the things that we use regularly, but you luck might vary for a feature we haven't used yet. If you find an issue, either feel free to fix it and send a pull-request, or raise a GitHub issue and we'll probably fix it in the next week. See Functionality for a list of features and testing status.
Grab it on NuGet:
PM> Install-Package InvertedTomato.TikLink
- TikLink is a significant fork of the inspirational Tik4Net library. Thank you Danikf and the guys for all your fantastic work!
- Thanks to the MikroTik guys for making such a fantastic product!
- Thanks to anyone who has, or is considering contributing.