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Releases: ionic-team/ionic-framework


06 Jun 22:37
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2.0.0-beta.8 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.8 (2016-06-06)

Bug Fixes

  • build: correct link in output.wp.scss file to old ionic directory. (6113daf)
  • button: style disabled anchor/button elements (d0abbaf), closes #6108
  • config: pass custom providers in the bootstrap of the app (c74b3f7)
  • config: set the properties for each mode and add defaults (7def98c), closes #6132
  • datetime: clear out existing datetime data (c1ad804), closes #6614
  • datetime: fix ISO format when w/out timezone data (272daf2), closes #6608
  • infiniteScroll: ensure infinite doesn't fire when already loading (f7b1f37)
  • input: add form validation classes to the item (5498a36)
  • input: fix material design success/error highlighting on inputs (702a882)
  • input: fix the clear input placement on wp mode (4ba999e)
  • input: pass the control classes down to the native input (6180cb8)
  • ion-backdrop: new ion-backdrop can prevent background scrolling (a1a582b), closes #6656
  • item: remove border for the last item in an item-group (6b3e7ac), closes #6518
  • label: make all ion-labels stacked or floating stretch (b742e1f), closes #6134
  • menu: fix swipe to go back and left menu conflict (f18a624), closes #5575
  • menu: pass platform to menu type (7f597a0)
  • modal: fix onPageWillEnter (01110af), closes #6597
  • picker: safari fired pointerEnd() twice (#6708) (170cf8c), closes #6704
  • picker: use sanitizer on translate3d css prop (8598a2e)
  • platform: pass original event in EventEmitter (cc93366)
  • popover: allow popover to have an ion-content wrapping it (c801d18)
  • popover: position MD popover on top of element clicked (6bd91f0), closes #6683
  • popover: style the ion-content background in a popover to match popover bg (9ea89ea)
  • range: fix styling on range, add demo (d24b080)
  • range: prevent change detection exception (7e4b13d)
  • range: update range left/right margin on ios (27fa22f)
  • range: update the styling for all modes (061af93)
  • ripple: do not activate ripple if pointer moved (d57833c)
  • slides: Removing a slide via *ngIf now properly removes the slide and the bullet from th (dbe54b5), closes #6651
  • toast: remove backdrop, allow user interaction when up (d4d1f70), closes #6291
  • toast: remove the enableBackdropDismiss option on toast (aeeae3f)
  • toggle: do not fire change when initializing (cd2afb3), closes #6144
  • transition: reduce transition delay on MD (908fa03)


  • alert: add Sass variables for the radio/checkbox labels when checked (9cc0dc7), closes #6289
  • item: add item-content attr selector (839adf8), closes #6643
  • menu: add opened/closed events (51ee8b7)
  • popover: add height auto for safari and remove ability to scroll on backdrop (620b7c8)
  • popover: add MD animation (1d0d755)
  • popover: add popover component (53fd3c3)
  • popover: add styling for the md pin (a25a552)
  • popover: adjust popover to position in the center with no event (1e7b572)
  • popover: change MD animation and use for WP also (44a7da8)
  • popover: change popover item background color to match wrapper (b0d71da)
  • popover: change template in popover to a page similar to modal (a96e36a)
  • popover: fix long popovers that go off the page (4db72cf)
  • popover: fix MD animations and start from the right side (e419ec6)
  • popover: modify the animation for each mode (57a1274)
  • popover: position popover in the top middle if no event (438a389)
  • popover: position the popover on transition instead of create (2cd1b51)
  • range: add ability to add labels to the left/right of range (fc819dd)
  • range: add md and wp styling, tweak ios styling (af6d5e4)
  • range: add styling for range-left/range-right md and wp (21753a8)
  • range: add styling for the range when knob is minimum md (c59c656)
  • range: create ion-range input (2c6e11b)
  • range: fix the knob on md so the transform isn't blurry (cffa84c)
  • range: only increase knob size when pin doesn't exist (47174df)


19 May 15:34
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2.0.0-beta.7 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.7 (2016-05-19)

Bug Fixes

  • app: add status bar padding to navbar when a tab subpage (62b97ce), closes #6368
  • app: fix status bar padding for inset modals (4d27680)
  • build: fix e2e, demos, and karma tests to use new angular module setup. (4c19d15)
  • button: add the solid class to bar buttons (658b29b)
  • button: add transparent background for clear/outline windows buttons (da5c065)
  • button: exclude solid from getting added to the button in the class (4252448)
  • button: remove unnecessary ion-button-effect elements (369d78b)
  • checkbox: add ability to align checkboxes to the right (e075ccd), closes #5925
  • datetime: fix property dayNames (it was using dayShort) (0bd736d)
  • datetime: improve parseTemplate (55ec80a)
  • grid: add ion-grid element which wraps the rows/cols and adds padding (a0c0228)
  • input: clear text input (bde103d)
  • input: remove old clearInput code and clean up UI, added onChange calls (71cd297)
  • loading: include cssClass in the Loading options (4c8ee95), closes #6365
  • nav: transition toolbars on iOS (daa4ccc), closes #5692
  • picker: number of dom children != number of options (#6551) (28cf16a)
  • radio: add styling for radio when item-left/item-right is added (4c5dd0b)
  • raf: test for undefined raf (1c16008)
  • segment: add disabled property to segment and segment button (4fca31e)
  • select: add min height to select text for windows since it shows border (e9c1442)
  • show-hide-when: add !important to display as this should always take precedence (617b7ac), closes #6270
  • slides: make slide method parameters optional (f355087)
  • slides: set class using renderer instead of host (132d8e9), closes #6275
  • tabs: move border to top for windows positioned bottom tabs (af2085e), closes #6526
  • tabs: remove min-width from tab so 5 tabs will fit (b4647cd), closes #6056
  • toast: add toast back to the components export (d7d4742)
  • toggle: add styling for toggle when placed left (ab82d53)
  • toolbar: add the mode to the inverse function for a toolbar (3ca3027), closes #6364
  • toolbar: md mode use the color contrast for toolbar button/title (9f54f16)
  • toolbar: remove color change from outline buttons in toolbar (6759074)
  • toolbar: set the text color of the toolbar based on the contrast of the background (74afc18)
  • toolbar: wp get title/button color from the contrast of toolbar background (62bd13b)
  • virtualScroll: fixes from rc1 breaking changes (158f717)


  • datetime: add ion-datetime (1e331c9)
  • Input: added functionality for clear input option on ion-input (d8e2849)
  • modal: add inset modal feature (a658524), closes #5423
  • modal: start of inset modals (a1a594d)
  • picker: add ios/md/wp picker styles (aa9a667)
  • picker: init picker (d5068f8)
  • platform: add a readySource as ready resolved value (f68ac8a)
  • platform: cordova pause/resume events (532096b)


  • toolbar: S: ios mode $toolbar-ios-button-color now has a
    default value of color-contrast($colors-ios, $toolbar-ios-background, ios) which will evaluate to the primary color for light background
    toolbars and white for dark background toolbars.
  • toolbar: S:

$bar-button-ios-color has been renamed to $toolbar-ios-button-color
$bar-button-ios-border-radius has been renamed to

added variables for the toolbar ios title for easier styling:


references #6364

  • toolbar: S:

$bar-button-wp-color was renamed to $toolbar-wp-button-color
$bar-button-wp-border-radius was renamed to

Added $toolbar-wp-title-text-color for better control of the title

Removed $toolbar-wp-button-color from the default themes

references #6364

  • toolbar: S:

$toolbar-md-button-color no longer gets passed to the function that
sets the contrast color for toolbar buttons, but it can still be used
to set the default button color.

$bar-button-md-color was renamed to $toolbar-md-button-color
$bar-button-md-border-radius was renamed to

references #6364

  • toggle: S: renamed Sass variables in toggle, checkbox, and
    radio. Changed media in component-mode-media-padding (for example)
    to item-left.

references #5925

1.3.1 "el salvador"

12 May 19:02
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Bug Fixes

  • Status Bar: Moved status tap handler to after platform ready fires. (947d9296)
  • Loader: make the loader service return a promise instead of the deprecated object, updated docs (0e94f914, closes #3717)
  • Tabs: fixs as issue with tabs without icons (28e99594, closes #6292)
  • Navigation: revert previous navigation fix (efb9bd) and added a different fix for the infinite loop issue. Wrote additional tests to verify the test. (e31498c4)
  • Life Cycle: Life cycle events fire reliably on correct scope, closed many issues (d6373335)
  • Slides: changed the way looped/duplicates slides work, added documentation (44d5a0f8, closes #6305)
  • Header:
    • ion-nav-title will fill up available space (677d2d4c, closes #4661)
    • subheader visiblity fix, remove display as block (01ab8b03, closes #3055)
    • set correct title bar height (6a5e6bc4, closes #4965)
  • Footer: fix a typo in footer bar styles using balanced class (99f987fc, closes #6426)
  • Pull-to-refresh: Better performance via changing translateY to 3d (c7e61e4d, closes #6360)
  • Scss: made variables for button-default-border and button-default-active-bordermade variables (7da8739f, closes #5576)
  • Content: documentation update (#62fdd636, closes #5813)

Breaking Changes

  • Scss: changed variable being passed to buttons for styling borders. By default, the variable passed is $button-default-border instead of $button-primary-border (for example). The border property was previously ignoring the parameter and was hard-coded to transparent (7da8739f)


21 Apr 18:50
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2.0.0-beta.6 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.6 (2016-04-21)

Bug Fixes

  • nav: tabs should not dereg child navs (f3ddb0b), closes #6267
  • sass: fix sass errors (219059c)
  • toast: create unique toast id (e07f0ae)
  • toast: remove default duration, allow close button click when bd disabled (d6589e1)
  • toast: remove unused options (f9ea2d8)


  • add toast component (3fb79cf)
  • toast: display the toast even on page change unless dismissOnPageChange is passed (0264532), closes #5582

1.3.0 "delhi"

21 Apr 17:51
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<a name"1.3.0">

1.3.0 "delhi" (2016-04-21)


  • angular: Upgraded to Angular 1.5

Bug Fixes

  • button-bar: borders back. (24b5b860, closes #4917)
  • exposeWhenAside: resize handler is trigger when screen dimensions change (b5968ca8)
  • item: fix padding for items (56bb89e1, closes #5534)
  • karma:
    • adding checks to prevent null pointers in clean-up phase (964a7d5f)
    • updated tests for 1.5, removed unnecessary 'clean-up' tests since angular-mocks (e5d9d14b)
  • modal: Don't show click-block-div unnecessarily on remove() (b0c89ef7)
  • navigation:
    • preventing swipe-to-go-back when side-menu is open on the right (9c614d31)
    • swipe-to-go-back on a per-view basis in iOS issue #4574 (c375b6e9)
  • nullRef: nullify reference to the destroyed slider (prevent it from calling update()) (7e9d52c2)
  • scroll: remove overflow scroll hidden for iOS (aec6598d)
  • slides: resolves data-update issue on duplicate slides #5739 (db8304d2)
  • tabs:
    • tabs are now styled directly via dom manipulations (fbae1aba)
    • tabs-color-active works with tabs-striped (237d79b7)
    • prevent flicker when changing tabs on android (a7620d21)


20 Apr 20:24
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2.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.5 (2016-04-20)

Bug Fixes

  • alert: remove justify content from buttons in an alert (9412a7c)
  • app: add iOS status bar padding to each mode (5a1c441), closes #5924
  • build: update the gulpfile nightly to only update the distributed package.json file (c1d82f4)
  • button: add a category to buttons so they won't get the button styles (35dd0ed), closes #6237
  • button: buttons don't get activated when ion-label contains exotic elements (0521ce2)
  • button: remove classes from buttons with categories (5f8edc2)
  • checkbox: add 'type="button"' to tag (7583ebf)
  • content: fix padding/margin attributes so all work on scroll-content (9020d52)
  • cordova: add status bar padding for content for all modes (f45ddf9), closes #5934
  • cordova: only target navbar section when it has the statusbar-padding (422c983)
  • focus: improve input focus control (e27452b), closes #5536
  • input: add 'type="button"' to button tag (f17f517)
  • input: blur when tapping outside input on iOS (f9b46c2), closes #5020
  • input: move nested function outside of if statment so as to fix issue related to strict (c8e58e5)
  • keyboard: remove content padding after input blur (e21c4d5), closes #5800
  • label: remove flex-basis to fix floating/stacked labels on iOS/Safari (cd62a4c), closes #6109
  • loading: present loading from root nav controller (f972908), closes #6121
  • platform: fire cordova platform.ready using zone (ba5624b), closes #6186
  • platform: run zone after cordova deviceready (e082bd1), closes #6087
  • sass: move the @at-root font import to the components file (8f08de1), closes #5931
  • sass: remove global imports from components (dad2155), closes #5931
  • searchbar: only show clear icon when focused on the searchbar (ecf9302), closes #5922
  • showHideWhen: remove hidden attribute on directives and use classes (5692abe), closes #5836
  • slides: add id to the slide component to grab the correct pagination (7263728), closes #5745 #5508
  • tabs: do not init w/ tab that is hidden or disabled (8d8cc4c), closes #6226
  • tabs: remove tabbarIcons and fix windows styling to use tabbarLayout (81dd1cc), closes #6126
  • toolbar: add border-top when toolbar is positioned to the bottom (29e6242), closes #5967
  • virtualScroll: load async data (16a283e), closes #6124


  • app: getActiveNav() method (7777237)
  • backbutton: add hardware back button (68278b0), closes #5071
  • changeDetection: detach Tabs when not active (0c4171e)
  • changeDetection: detach ViewControllers when not active (b282e90)
  • confg: create a method to access the global app injector which contains references the (17a9e6d), closes #5973
  • content: add scrollToBottom (bef4a67)
  • directives: auto provide IONIC_DIRECTIVES to all components (0a83f2f), closes #6092
  • platform: add backbutton event (156fdc3)
  • platform: default desktop to use material design (51032d2), closes #6003
  • select: fallback to alert interface when more than 6 opts (1c67b02)
  • select: using action-sheet as ion-select interface (81096f1)
  • slides: add ability to slide to specific index (a6091bd)
  • slides: add method to get previous index (a54361c)
  • statusbarPadding: add statusbar-padding css to content (98c2aab)
  • statusbarPadding: add statusbar-padding css to toolbars (44403d1)
  • tabs: enabled and show inputs (1b085e3), closes #5768
  • toggle: add animation for windows mode toggle (f841bef), closes #5981

Performance Improvements


  • tabs: tabbarIcons is officially removed, please use
    tabbarLayout instead. View the Tabs API docs for more information.


07 Apr 18:31
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2.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.4 (2016-04-07)

Bug Fixes

  • action-sheet: action sheet button shortens when activated in Safari (6d55abc), closes #5828
  • alert: disable listeners until ready (5844703), closes #5821
  • alert: prevent both click and enter keyup from firing (2000b1e)
  • build: output.css needs to exist prior to doc gen (7dfbb9d)
  • button: normalize generated button class names (5f621ab)
  • card: maintain card width when absolute positioned (349c577)
  • config: improve getBoolean() and getNumber() (d44f8f6)
  • generators: add tabs Sass file (80109b8)
  • generators: add TS tabs generator (3ad15b1)
  • img: only load ion-img when visible (0701338)
  • infinitescroll: always check on scroll change (fe04c51)
  • input: add event emitters for blur and focus to the ion-input component (3e88fe9), closes #5487
  • input: align item right to the bottom for windows mode (b3bea83)
  • input: update width of inputs so they don't exceed the item (4d4f1d4), closes #5835
  • ion-infinite-scroll: Fix error leaving page (05823f9)
  • label: add color to label in a select (8fff76e)
  • loading: fix animation for loading the first time (6cd90ee)
  • nav: correctly set zIndex when there's a previous view (1dd73aa)
  • nav: portal nav should always animate (86fc741), closes #6059
  • Nav: fixes swipeBackEnabled as attribute (17c3886), closes #5653
  • platform: windows UA should not trigger iOS (6dae784)
  • router: fix nested ion-nav router (b063566)
  • router: update path recognizer (3df5989), closes #5997
  • sass: change map-get to use color function in default themes (30bb005)
  • scroll: correctly resolve when scrolling finishes (35a3357)
  • searchbar: add padding around the floating searchbar wp (5ca6bf4), closes #5921
  • searchbar: call the input changed event on input not keyup (94707bf), closes #5584
  • searchbar: fix the border color and toolbar padding (0e91a69)
  • select: change windows border colors for selects to match input (6063932)
  • select: fix select styling on windows mode (a4fc96d), closes #5787
  • select: make select full width when with a stacked/floating label (4e37524), closes #5715
  • toolbar: fix back button for md mode (7dc58ef), closes #5923
  • toolbar: fix wp back button in toolbar (9a23a92)
  • toolbar: reduce min width on back button for wp mode (96375b6), closes #5759
  • ViewController: call onDismiss after transition ends (24443c3), closes #5818


  • img: create ion-img (7a82727)
  • ion-content: adds for non-scrollable page content (442d135), closes #5987
  • loading: add ability to hide spinner in the config or options (dae37e7)
  • loading: add internal stack for the loading service (d3fa29f)
  • loading: add loading indicator component and styles (a485cd0)
  • router: allow multiple routers (3733ebc)
  • sass: add support for contrast color in MD mode colors map (9efa3ea)
  • sass: add support for contrast in color map for wp mode (5f2e737)
  • sass: add the ability to pass a contrast color in the colors map to iOS (ff1a8ac)
  • storage: clear() removes all entries in the storage engine (6e7cc97)
  • virtualScroll: init virtual scroll (7679ac0), closes #5418

Performance Improvements

  • infinitescroll: display none svg until needed (085088e), closes #5776


  • sass: Can now pass contrast to the colors map:
$colors-wp: (

  primary: (
    base: #327eff,
    contrast: yellow
  secondary: (
    base: #32db64,
    contrast: hotpink
  danger: #d91e18,
  light: #f4f4f4,
  dark: #222
) !default;

references #5445

  • sass: Can now pass contrast to the colors map:
$colors-md: (

  primary: (
    base: #327eff,
    contrast: yellow
  secondary: (
    base: #32db64,
    contrast: hotpink
  danger: #d91e18,
  light: #f4f4f4,
  dark: #222
) !default;

references #5445

  • sass: Can now pass contrast to the colors map:
$colors-ios: (

  primary: (
    base: #327eff,
    contrast: yellow
  secondary: (
    base: #32db64,
    contrast: hotpink
  danger: #d91e18,
  light: #f4f4f4,
  dark: #222
) !default;

references #5445


07 Mar 16:57
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2.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.3 (2016-03-07)

Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: fix md ripple on actionsheet (f51a3f5)
  • alert: increase padding on windows alert (c96af06), closes #5722
  • alert: update radio/checkbox items to buttons elements (b24dc27)
  • animations: get easing curve from parent animation (bc06994)
  • chip: cleaned up some of the UI and added some sass variables (eeac795)
  • config: fix config set function so that it has arguments defined (894824e), closes #5696
  • infinitescroll: only show spinner when loading (7ee0b52), closes #5690
  • input: add tappable attr to input-cover (b814314)
  • item: add a default size for items in buttons to use the content button sizes (7b14a29), closes #5580
  • label: change the flex for stacked and floating labels so buttons can be added (65ee86f), closes #5319
  • label: remove margin from item-right in a stacked or floating label (7416827)
  • nav: change init zIndex to 100 (5863e2c)
  • nav: create opts object when undefined/null (8975016), closes #5737
  • nav: do not hide pages if an overlay is in the stack (4922fc6), closes #5430
  • nav: reset zIndex when goes under 0 (ad50a11), closes #5718
  • nav: use setRoot when root property changes (d77e8d9), closes #5668
  • overlays: update keyboard focus management (e639457)
  • radio: do not use strict comparison for values (a2f858b), closes #5660
  • radio: improve group/button value comparisons (5d9b169)
  • radio: select only one radio when w/out ngModel (e92feef), closes #5659
  • select: do not open on form submit (b219de5), closes #5596
  • select: improve value comparisons (b967b1e)
  • tabs: don't add the has-icon class to a tab button if the layout is icon-hide (6b93bc1), closes #5658
  • tabs: improves tabs style for iOS (b9a4628)
  • textarea: width of textarea was exceeding page area (ec11ae3)
  • touchaction: apply to child touch elements (0129410)
  • util: array length check (9dc3840)
  • util: getQueryString tests (f8e38ef)
  • util: ignore empty query param in getQueryString (908ea8c)
  • windows: detect windows phone via user agent (703fe16)


  • buttons: dynamically add button attributes (154a69c), closes #5186
  • searchbar: debounce input events (f6af807), closes #5429
  • searchbar: disable autocorrect/autocapitalize/spellcheck (498dd54), closes #5749
  • touchaction: remove 300ms delay via touch-action (e1c77a3)
  • windows: add card components (dd7def6)
  • windows: add checkbox styling and update alert checkbox (1ecfa6f)
  • windows: add chip component (2699b44)
  • windows: add content padding/margin components for wp (fe11ecc)
  • windows: add detail-push icon (706e0d7)
  • windows: add input border color variable to theme (0d4971f)
  • windows: add input component sass (f8ef960)
  • windows: add label Sass file (8a1e450)
  • windows: add list and item components (1cf56ee)
  • windows: add menu Sass component (cd7d627)
  • windows: add modal file (a323aa1)
  • windows: add noto sans as a fallback font (85c1637)
  • windows: add radio component for wp mode (dd206ad)
  • windows: add searchbar component with styling (a9054ad)
  • windows: add segment component (922e1f1)
  • windows: add select component (781ea83)
  • windows: add tabs component and clean up windows UI (fa2e4b2)
  • windows: add toggles (b7bcd39)
  • windows: add windows support to snapshot (368c12a)
  • windows: change windowsphone platform to windows (8df8420)
  • windows: clean up action sheet UI (138e876)
  • windows: clean up button and alert UI (13f3e83)
  • windows: clean up button css, rename Sass variables and add more (bba3c5c)
  • windows: fix card and alert UI (69c0da2)
  • windows: fix config so it will disable hover (996f944)
  • windows: initial add for windows badges (1fc0a23)
  • windows: initial add of action sheet (370490e)
  • windows: initial add of alert with windows dialog styles (6af9b77)
  • windows: initial add of toolbar with some custom theming (6062bb6)
  • windows: initial add of windows mode (a9c995d)
  • windows: make wp buttons more windows-y (b91f8de)
  • windows: more UI cleanup (a594531)
  • windows: UI fixes (29ff7f1)
  • windows: windows UI cleanup (e05f147)


01 Mar 20:32
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2.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.2 (2016-03-01)

Bug Fixes

  • alert: add max height to alert body so it will overflow (9c0eebd), closes #5316
  • animation: ensure final inline styles applied when fallback runs (4524e5a), closes #5484
  • deploy: make sure production mode is set to true (af0d84c)
  • generate: output correct Sass import for pages (3784f47), closes #5641
  • menu: fix enabled check (8564d79)
  • nav: immediately stop if view removed before trans finished (4fabade)
  • overlay: do not dom cache views before overlays (4cae151), closes #5483
  • refresher: get scrollTop from the scroll element to prevent refreshing when dragging up (ea884de), closes #5207
  • sass: rename brightness/inverse sass functions (892b007), closes #5542
  • tabs: pop tab page to parent nav (b9eec24), closes #5196
  • toolbar: add a min-width to the toolbar content so that it won't overlap buttons (5fb1e08), closes #5657


  • checkbox: add change event (2596731)
  • infiniteScroll: add infinite scroll (0480fa3), closes #5415
  • input: default autocomplete/autocorrect=off, fix autofocus (b53d707)
  • menu: grab the menu by side only if it is enabled (a2b7a21)
  • NavController: prevent other lifecycle events from firing (6b9e59d), closes #5516
  • prodMode: set isProd() when prodMode set in @app config (3c8daa0)
  • spinner: SVG spinners (6c73446)
  • toggle: add change event (730cccd)


18 Feb 19:16
Choose a tag to compare
2.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

2.0.0-beta.1 (2016-02-18)

Bug Fixes

  • alert: add padding under the alert title for iOS when there is no message (c365c92), closes #5299
  • alert: fix alert button background color on activated (fd0b851)
  • animations: remove inline styles when finished (22c32f3), closes #5130
  • button: button goes transparent on hover on desktop (non-touch devices) (0e5d3d7)
  • button: fix colorized buttons on hover and outline buttons on hover (2df72cc)
  • checkbox: use value accessor provider (e468a21), closes #5353
  • colors: update sass inverse color function (55ef5a8)
  • input: fix stand-alone text-input item cover (e2554f0), closes #5387
  • input: make ion-label tappable to focus input (38595fa), closes #5378
  • item: add min-height to item-inner to remove gap between items (90f165f), closes #5350
  • menu: add/remove gesture listeners per enabled menu (ff24152)
  • NavController: fire onPageWillUnload/DidUnload (8f0b88b), closes #5507
  • radio: radio w/ falsy value not checkable (89861e0), closes #5348
  • radio: use value accessor provider (b85d7aa)
  • segment: add the active background color to the colorized segments and remove activated c (df9a4df), closes #5308
  • select: use value accessor provider (3444a3c)
  • toggle: use value accessor provider (5034c1d), closes #5425
  • toolbar: fix md toolbar so it doesn't flow off the screen (bd03760), closes #5414
  • toolbar: fixes segment/title aligment when cordova iOS style is applied (2766f7f), closes #5208
  • toolbar: toolbar padding when running in cordova iOS (db535dd)


  • generators: add Sass import reminder to page generator (b22b5ff)
  • menu: allow persistent menus (0d47a1b), closes #5204
  • menu: close any opened menu (c02fb51)
  • MenuController: create isOpen() and isEnabled() (3bb09ce), closes #5390
  • nav: iOS swipe to go back (da37029), closes #5185
  • select: cancel output event (6a7c97d), closes #5439
  • slides: add slideChangeStart event output (736140c), closes #5301
  • slides: Added move event onSlideMove (daceb98)
  • tabs: rootParams, pass params to tabs (e06cf71), closes #5172
  • Theme: md toolbar dark theme (7eb7952)
  • Themes: dark theme (3ee5bd3)
  • Themes: md cards dark theme (3dbd9a9)
  • Themes: md dark theme item-divider (eb8e778)
  • Themes: md outer content dark theme (bcaa484)
  • Themes: md toggle dark theme (569beab)

Performance Improvements

  • animation: only update progressStep once per 16ms (098371a)