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docker image with nginx

Legacy Support

PHP7.0 was removed from this image because maintaining different versions in ipunktbs/php and a single nginx version is easier than creating different versions of this image.

The following Feautures have been removed because of this:

  • artisan migrate & artisan db:seed: Required PHP
  • initscript & startscript: Used to prepare for php
  • Reown Storage: Used to prepare for php
  • wait for database: only done to prepare for artisan migrate & artisan db:seed

Replacing those functions

To use these functions in the future create a start-once / restart:never container running the given command. Waiting for the database is not required. A healthcheck should be used instead where the application can decide itself what conditions to check.



Defaults to: backend Set the fastcgi_pass for php files


Defaults to: phpfpm:9000 This host is added as upstream backend. Can be used, for example, for PHP_PASS


Defaults to: 0 Set the maximum fails before the backend host is marked as failed


Defaults to: cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{ print $2; }' - first nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf Set the dns server which is used to resolve the hostname


Defaults to: 10s Sets the amount of time a dns resolution for a host is cached.


Defaults to FALSE If set to TRUE it removes the php configuration from the laravel.conf nginx config. Allows to start the server without a php-fpm to connect to


Defaults to FALSE If set to TRUE it adds /ping as endpoint to the php-fpm ping function


The CACHE_DIRECTORY parameter will create the given directory and set it's permissions to 770 for www-data. This is ment to be used as cache path in your nginx configuration file.


Makes the nginx and php-fpm run under these ids. Useful when using the image for local development

Available includes


Prevent the httpoxy vulnerability


Set up answering an option request with a 204 CORS Header


Add CORS Header for php scripts


Notify fastcgi of https usage despite ssl/tls termination at a loadbalancer. Uses the X-FORWARDED-PROTO http header for detection.


Sets up nginx to extract the real client ip from the X-Forwarded-For header. The configured internal network address is which is used by the rancher managed network