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iZend is a MVC engine in PHP for developing well structured web
applications with a content manager. It's aimed at programmers who want
full control on the code they use with maximum adaptability and
reusability. It's simple to understand, easy to extend, open to other
components in PHP or Javascript. The goal is to let it become your own
very quickly while still keeping all the benefits of using a software
program which is constantly enriched by an open source community.

    Why choose my engine? Because it's simple - Rudolf Diesel

iZend is built with a straightforward architecture designed for
organizing publications in several languages and for different media
with a responsive layout. It includes a content editor, a set of
presentation models, a search engine with an input corrector, editable
comments, file downloads, secure votes, RSS feeds, HTML newsletters, a
payment system (PayPal), trafic analysis (Google Analytics) and more.
It carefully interfaces social networks. It manages a community of
users with configurable privileges.

iZend is written in PHP for Apache on Linux or Windows. It can use a
database managed by MySQL or PostgreSQL or no database and take very
little space on disk.

Put online in just a few minutes a multimedia website in several
languages with an attractive home page and a contact form which can be
shared on all social networks in one click!

iZend has several variants. iZend Blog is a specialized version for
editing a full featured blog. iZend Bootstrap is entirely written with
the graphical environment of Bootstrap by Twitter.

Start with the installation guide on

Thank you for your interest in iZend!