Simple temporary file hosting solution, powered by Django.
Page design based on Uguu.
Please install Python 3.x and pip if you don't have them already.
First install the dependencies:
sudo pip3 install django django-qr-code python-magic
Start the server:
git clone
unzip kanji.git
cd kanji
python3 migrate --run-syncdb
python3 runserver
And setup a cron job (crontab -e) to delete uploaded files older than 24 hours :
*/5 * * * * root /home/izq/kanji/
Most of the variables you may want to customize are located in /kanji/
BANNED_MIMETYPES = ["text/html", "application/x-msdownload", "application/x-ms-installer", "application/x-elf"]
MAX_SIZE = 104857600
MAX_SIZE is the maximum file size, i.e 100MB.
WEBSITE_ROOT is the domain name used to generate the URL that is returned to the user.