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totokbot - a discord/twitch bot

totokbot uses:


  1. install npm & node.js (dl/tutorial)
  2. clone (requires git) or download the repository and extract it to a folder
  3. open a command prompt or git bash in the repository's location and type npm install
  4. duplicate config.js.example and name the new file config.js
  5. edit config.js to match your preferences
  6. go back to the command prompt and type node index.js

adding modules

  1. for this, MODULENAME is the name of your module, so replace it when actually adding it

    • if you are low on time/don't want to read this, you can duplicate ExampleModule.js.example and adjust that file. just remove .example from the name & make it a javascript file.
  2. create the file ./modules/MODULENAME.js

  3. create a constructor with one parameter, g

    • ex: function MODULENAME(g){ }
  4. put module.exports = MODULENAME; at the end of the file

  5. in the constructor, add a public json object called cmd

  6. add your commands into cmd with the following format (remove comments):

    "commandname": {    // what must be typed in right next to the prefix (!commandname)
        "src":"*",      // where this command can be used
                        // // twitch - twitch chat
                        // // discord - a discord text channel
                        // // dm - discord dm
                        // // * - anywhere
                        // // put these strings in any order to say two places
                        // // // ex "twitchdiscord" - everywhere except discord dms
        "attr":[0,-1],  // arguments that the command takes
                        // // first number - minimum number of arguments
                        // // second number - the max number of arguments (-1 is no cap)
                        // // if there r 4 arguments, the 1st 2 become discord's cap and the last 2 r twitch's
                        // // // ex [1,-1,0,-1] = 1 arg required for discord, 0 required for twitch
        "correct":"[prefix]commandname",    // what to display when someone enters the wrong # of args
                                            // [#prefix#] gets changed to the prefix that is being used
                                            // [#cmdname#] get changes to the command name
        "check":[["dm","This command does not work in DMs!"]] // OPTIONAL
                                                              // what message to send if source === [n[0]]
        "f":functionname    // what function to use when the command is ran
  7. create a variable that is equal to a function with two arguments

    • argument one is a string that says the source ("discord", "twitch",or "dm")

    • argument two is an array, [discord_variables, twitch_variables]

    1. discord_variables

    2. twitch_variables

      • 0 - string channel - the channel name
      • 1 - object userstate - the userstate object
      • 2 - string message - the message that was received
      • 3 - bool self - is this message from the bot (should always be false, if true is handled in TwitchBot.js) 7. your file should now look something like this:
    function MODULENAME(g){
        const functionname = function(src,reqs){
            // function
        this.cmd = {
            "commandname": {
    module.exports = MODULENAME;
8. run the bot and test out your new command!

using global

global is meant to allow you to interact with discord and twitch without having to adjust code for each source. modules are always sent a global parameter when being created, allowing them to access these global functions.

outer functions

these are the functions that you'll probably use. even though these are the only global functions, you can still use discord.js and tmi.js by getting the twitch/discord objects from your global object.

Function Parameters Returns What it does
gSay src string, msg string, reqs array[discord_variables,twitch_variables] Sends a messge to either Discord or Twitch depending on src
at src string, reqs array[discord_variables,twitch_variables] string Returns the string needed to @ the sender of the message
getMessage src string, reqs array[discord_variables,twitch_variables] string Returns the message sent as a string
ynMatch msg string string ("y","n", or "") Checks if string matches yes or no (vars g.y,g.n)

inner functions

These are functions your probably won't use and are more for internal workings.

Function Paramters What it does
addDiscord d DiscordBot Adds the DiscordBot object to the global object
addTwitch t TwitchBot Adds the TwitchBot object to the global object
cmdRec msg string, src string, discord discord_variables, twitch twitch_variables Checks whether or not to do a command
convertCorrectUsage src string, correct string, com command Formats a command's "correct"
checkIfCMD subbed string, src string Checks if a command exists and if it fits the source
checkAttr com array[arguments], mod string, src string Checks if submitted command fits the number of attributes
doCMD mod string, com string, src string, reqs array[discord_variables,twitch_variables] Does a command
modulesInit Gets all modules & adds them to active modules


sqlite was added to allow some things to be saved between bot sessions. upon the bot running for the first time, ./sqlite/ is created, and that's where sqlite databases should be stored. (documentation for sqlite3)


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