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💨 A cloud-based IoT and Web Application for indoor air quality monitoring using Arduino

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A cloud-based IoT and Web Application for indoor air quality monitoring using Arduino



Did you know the air quality indoors matters as much as the quality of air outdoors? Bad indoor air quality has been linked to debilitating effects, most commonly, lung diseases, stroke, heart disease, and even lung cancer. Not only that, but bad indoor air quality may affect your ability to focus and work. The worst part is, most of these bad things floating around in your room are odorless and invisible to the naked eye.

Introducing aerate

Aerate is a user-friendly cloud-based web application and hardware device that visualizes and informs you of the air quality in your room caused by exposure to dust particles, gasses, chemicals, and more! The application allows monitoring of your room while visualizing it in colorful, user-friendly graphics and even provides tips on increasing air quality! The app also acts as an alarm if a pollutant in your room passes a dangerous threshold. Working using cloud technology, the app works on all your devices and can be used even when you are not at home, keeping your family safe from dangerous air.

Here is the big picture of aerate:



🏡 Understand Your Indoor Air Quality

Using simple overview icons, US AQI, and air quality scores, aerate allows you to monitor the pollutants in your room and provide improvement tips to increase the air quality in your room.

🧖 Get Your Room's Discomfort Levels & Humidex

Did you know that the temperature and humidity inside your room affects your overall comfort level? Aerate can calculate the humidex (what the temperature "feels like" on your skin) and calculate the comfort score to help you shape your room to the upmost optimal conditions.

📊 Colorful and Helpful Graphics

Aerate provides easy to understand graphics for everything! You can view how much your air has improved using the historical data graphs, use gauges just like your car's speed gauge to understand if pollutant levels are currently dangerous or not, view real-time pollutant data color-coded on graphs, and much more!

😍 Optimizing air quality made easy!

Designed to be user-friendly, aerate provides two viewing options. The first is "Simple Dashboard" view, where you can view a summary of the vital information about your air quality and get tips on improving it. The second is "Dashboard for Experts," designed for people who want to know in-depth information about the current air quality.

🧹 Monitors Dust & Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

Aerate detects small particles invisible to the naked eye small enough to be breathed into your lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream. Long term research has proven that PM2.5 increases risk of stroke, cancers, heart attack, and birth-defects.

🏭 Monitors Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Aerate detects CO2 which is an odourless, colourless gas produced naturally and artificially through human activities. High levels of CO2 is responsible for making crowded rooms feel uncomfortable and even impair the ability to think clearly since CO2 from people's breath can be 2.5 times more than the air outside.

☠️ Monitors Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Aerate detects Carbon Monoxide, a poisonous gas that is colorless and odorless that is usually formed from cooking fuels, vehicles, cigarette smoke, and water heaters. Breathing carbon monoxide will cause dizziness, tiredness and confusion, memory loss, and can even be fatal if the dosage is high enough.

🔥 Monitors Flammable Gasses

Colorless and odorless, flammable gases can quickly spread and fill a room. Inhaling these gases intoxicates you and causes increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, impaired coordination, disorientation, and hallucinations. Aerate detects these gasses and sets an alarm and sends notifications when the gasses are detected.

🚬 Monitors Smoke

Constant exposure to smoke is correlated to heart and lung disease. Aerate can detect the compilation of small solids, chemicals, gas particles, and liquids that make up smoke.

🧪 Monitors Common Hazardous Substances Produced/Involved in Labs

Chemicals in experimentations involved may displace oxygen in a room and cause difficulty breathing and gas poisoning. Aerate comes with an alcohol and hydrogen (H2) sensor to detect dangerous levels of these used experimentation materials/byproducts.

Hardware: Arduino

The hardware consists of an Arduino and its IoT modules, essentially small electronic devices such as the sensors, LCD, Wi-Fi chip, and more components. It is responsible for monitoring all sensor data, displaying it on the LCD, and sending the monitored data through a Wi-Fi internet connection towards a firebase cloud database.

ID Hardware Features Status
REQH1 Sensors specific to pollutant being monitored (to increase accuracy) Pass
REQH2 Plug & play automatic configuration and Wi-Fi connectivity Pass
REQH3 LCD display to view real-time sensor readings Pass
REQH4 Real time clock to keep track of date and time (timestamp) Pass
REQH5 Hardware sends sensor readings on a set interval (ex: 30 seconds) to the cloud database through Wi-Fi internet connectivity. Pass
REQH6 Buzzer beeps (alarm sound) when a pollutant is detected over a safety threshold. Pass
REQH7 LED flashes when a pollutant is detected over a safety threshold. Pass
REQH8 Push button to change settings. Pass


Software: aerate Web App Dashboard

On the other hand, the software component is a web app. It is responsible for receiving data on the database, processing it with multiple calculations, and then visualizing it to inform the user of the US Air Quality Index, air quality score, pollutant concentration, humidex, and other relevant information.

ID Software Features Category Status
REQS1 Software created is a dashboard progressive web application with a main dashboard page containing an overview of all sensors and air quality of the room. Software Design Pass
REQS2 Software contains individual pollutant pages that shows each specific pollutant concentration in detail and why the pollutant is dangerous Software Design Pass
REQS3 Software is designed with User Friendliness in mind. Software Design Pass
REQS4 Supports asynchronous communication (allows for resynchronization of data when internet connection is slow) Software Design Pass
REQS5 Real-time US Air Quality Index Calculation Calculation, Interactive Feature Pass
REQS6 Real-time air quality score from 0-100% (unsafe: 0%, optimized: 100%) calculation Calculation, Interactive Feature Pass
REQS7 Real-time humidex calculation Calculation, Interactive Feature Pass
REQS8 Real-time Pollutant concentration viewer Interactive Feature Pass
REQS9 Real-time data overview graphs Interactive Feature Pass
REQS10 Real-time perceived temperature (Humidex) gauge Interactive Feature Pass
REQS11 Historical data graph to view and compare average historical data using the respective truncated means. Interactive Feature Pass
REQS12 Dynamically generated data table that shows raw sensor data (raw CSV data sent from the Arduino) Interactive Feature Pass
REQS13 Datepicker that allows picking and viewing data specific to the chosen date Interactive Feature Pass
REQS14 User Friendly UI with overview icons that changes colors according to the safety levels. Interactive Feature Pass
REQS15 Optimization tips are generated and displayed according to the pollutant monitored. Interactive Feature Pass
REQS16 Push notifications and alerts for pollutants going over a dangerous threshold Interactive Feature Pass
REQS17 Alerts Centre to collect all previous notifications Interactive Feature Pass
REQS18 User Login/Logout/Register Interactive Feature Pass



Here is a recorded demo of the aerate in action:

Click to view aerate's demo

Getting Started

Interactive Web App Dashboard:

User Manual:



  • On esp.ino, define your own FIREBASE_HOST and FIREBASE_AUTH using your own Firebase credentials (if you don't have one, you need to create one first on
  • On login.html, register.html, unified.js, and index.html, change the Firebase API Keys to your own.
  • aerate was built for my university thesis/dissertation and therefore we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.
  • Contact me (James) if you have questions or would like to work with me on developing aerate further.

Built With


Web App


  • James Adhitthana - jamesadhitthana
  • Hareva, David Habsara (Thesis advisor)
  • Murwantara, I Made (Thesis advisor)
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