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What is jank?

Most simply, jank is a Clojure dialect on LLVM with C++ interop. Less simply, jank is a general-purpose programming language which embraces the interactive, functional, value-oriented nature of Clojure and the desire for the native runtime and performance of C++. jank aims to be strongly compatible with Clojure. While Clojure's default host is the JVM and its interop is with Java, jank's host is LLVM and its interop is with C++.

For the current progress of jank and its usability, see the tables here:

The current tl;dr for jank's usability is: still getting there, but not ready for use yet.

Latest binaries

There are pre-compiled binaries for Ubuntu 22.04, which are built to follow the main branch. You can download a tarball with everything you need here:


; Comments begin with a ;
(println "meow") ; => nil

; All built-in data structures are persistent and immutable.
(def george {:name "George Clooney"}) ; => #'user/george

; Though all data is immutable by default, side effects are adhoc.
(defn say-hi [who]
  (println (str "Hi " (:name who) "!"))
  (assoc who :greeted? true))

; Doesn't change george.
(say-hi george) ; => {:name "George Clooney"
                ;     :greeted? true}

; Many core functions for working with immutable data.
(apply + (distinct [12 8 12 16 8 6])) ; => 42

; Interop with C++ can happen through inline C++.
(defn sleep [ms]
  (let [ms (int ms)]
    ; A special ~{ } syntax can be used from inline C++ to interpolate
    ; back into jank code.
    (native/raw "auto const duration(std::chrono::milliseconds(~{ ms }->data));



If you'd like your name, company, or logo here, you can sponsor this project for at least $25/m.

Misha Karpenko

Bert Muthalaly

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