NUCLEO-F429ZI with Mbed OS 5 - Adafruit MAX9814 Microphone -
- Install mbed-cli
- Install the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
- If the toolchain is installed to the default path, configure GCC_ARM_PATH as below:
mbed config -G GCC_ARM_PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\9 2019-q4-major/bin"
- Clone this repo
- To load the dependencies, run:
mbed config root .
mbed deploy
- To compile the program, make sure the board is plugged in to the computer and run:
mbed compile -m auto -t GCC_ARM
This should give you a .bin file in the BUILD folder which can be flashed to the board by dragging the file to the mounted volume.
- Download Putty
- Connect through serial port COM3