Common ROS packages for the Unmanned Solution ERP42, useable for both simulation and real robot operation.
detail package
- erp42_bringup
- erp42_communications
- erp42_driver
- erp42_msgs
- erp42_navigation
- erp42_sensors
- erp42_slam
- erp42_teleop
- erp42_vehicle
- erp42_detectors
- erp42_slams
ERP42 stands for Education Robot Platform and it is the educational platform of vehicle type that the students and researchers can easily test vehicle control, fusion of sensors and self-driving algorithm by replacing real vehicle platform as it have the similar driving, steering and break system to the real one.
These packages will guide you on setting up a ERP42 robot PC with ROS melodic.
1. erp42_detector
These packages are cloned here.
The obstacle_detector package provides utilities to detect and track obstacles from data provided by 2D laser scanners. Detected obstacles come in a form of line segments or circles.
2. erp42_3d_slam
These packages are cloned here.
The hdl_graph_slam package is an open source ROS package for real-time 6DOF SLAM using a 3D LIDAR.