SAM is a new reactive functional pattern which greatly simplifies the architecture of front-ends (native or Web).
This repo focuses on Vanilla JS and Node.js implementations. It contains the following samples:
- admin-template - an Angular2 admin template modified to implement the SAM pattern
- aws-alexa samples show how the SAM pattern can be used to implement Alexa skills
- Blog - a simple CRUD implementation showing how easy it is to create isomorphic implementations with SAM (vanilla.js +/- node.js)
- Hash-DOM - an unapologetic minimalist v-dom equivalent that works well with the SAM pattern
- Inferno - the rocket sample with an Inferno based view
- React - counter is a boilerplate SAM implementation in React, child-instance demonstrates how a Parent/Child implementation works, and the Spinner sample shows how a view component can initiate/control a spinner
- SB-Admin - a simple Web application based on the SB Admin template (node.js with no client-side code)
- TODOMVC - an implementation of the TODOMVC challenge (vanilla.js)
- Vanilla-ES6-boilerplate-project - This is a starter project for people who do not want to use a framwork
Some samples can be run here:
Now running with the sam-pattern library
todomvc-app-react samples
todomvc-app (vanillajs)