Here is where we will keep our code for the CIS 22C final group project. Project summary: Topic: Tablet convertible Laptops.
Alex: File I/O
Andrew: Priority Queue
Jasper: GUI
Mohamed: Team Coordinator & Main
Tin: Hash Tables
Vu: BST Algorithms
first install home-brew from if you don't have it already. then install two packages:
brew install pkg-config
brew install gtk
pkg-config manages the includes and libraries for the project
gtk is the graphics library the project uses
make sure install gtk2 and NOT gtk3
then use this command to compile the program (make sure you cd into the correct directory first)
g++ *.cpp -o program `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
and then run it
For Mac users we will soon have a .app ready to download, no package installation required!
Make sure you have GTK installed. Tested with GTK3. Use a makefile, or copy the following into a .bat file:
@echo off
set gtk_ver=gtk+-3.0
pkg-config %gtk_ver% --cflags --libs >tmp.txt
set /p pkg-info= <tmp.txt
del tmp.txt
rem echo %pkg-info%
g++ *.cpp -o program.exe -Wall %pkg-info%
and put it in the directory with your code.