Because Wisdom is built on top of Wisdom, building has to be done in two steps. First,
the main API and the Wisdom Maven Plugin are built. Then, service implementations and technical feature are processed
and aggregated inside a base runtime
. Finally, a third step is building advanced technical services and support
and compose the Wisdom Runtime
mvn clean install -Pbase
mvn clean install
Why having two runtime projects? Because Wisdom services are tested against Wisdom itself. So to avoid loops, we test them on the base runtime.
1- Install JDK 7
2- Install Maven 3.1.1, if you need help to upgrade it ''
3- and configure it to use JDK7 ''
4- Clone wisdom repo
5- Clone to ./chameleon/runtime/
6- 'mvn clean install' in chameleon/runtime
(Step 7-8 can be skipped if you don't want to run wisdom-test. However, you'll have to comment wisdom-test module in the root pom)
7- Clone to ./chameleon/test/
8- 'mvn clean install' in chameleon/test
9- 'mvn clean install' at project root (samples module should be commented for the first 'mvn clean install')
10- go to ./samples and run 'mvn clean wisdom:wisdom-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:run'
11- that's all folks go to 'http://localhost:9000/samples'