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Support for scripting GRASS with Ruby.

Table of Contents


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'grassgis'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install grassgis


This library can prepare environments to execute GRASS commands from Ruby scripts.

First we require the library:

require 'grassgis'


A GRASS session operates on a given location and mapset.

Before starting a GRASS session we need some configuration parameters to specify the location of the GRASS Installation to be used and the location/mapset. We do this by using a Ruby Hash containing configuration parameters:

configuration = {
  gisbase: '/usr/local/grass-7.0.0',
  gisdbase: File.join(ENV['HOME'], 'grassdata'),
  location: 'nc_spm',
  mapset: 'user1'

So, you first need to know where is GRASS installed on your system to define the :gisbase option to point to the base directory of the GRASS installation.

For Ubuntu it will typically be /usr/lib/grass70 for version 7 of GRASS.

In Windows, if installed with OSGeo4W it is typically of the form C:\OGeo4W\app\grass\grass-7.0.0 (the last directory will vary depending on the GRASS version).

Under Mac OS X, if using Homebrew (with the osgeo/osgeo4mac tap) it should bd something like /usr/local/Cellar/grass-70/7.0.0/grass-7.0.0.

You can find the :gisbase directory by executing the grass command of your system (which may be grass70, grass64, etc.) with the --config path option:

grass --config path

You must also specify the GISDBASE, LOCATION and MAPSET, to work with, just like when starting GRASS, through the :gisdbase, :location and :mapset configuration options. You can omit :gisdbase which will default to a directory named grassdata in the user's home directory and :mapset which defaults to PERMANENT.

Running a GRASS Session

With the proper configuration in place, we can use it to create a GRASS Session and execute GRASS command from it:

GrassGis.session configuration do
  g.list 'vect'
  puts output # will print list of vector maps

Inside a GrassGis session we can execute GRASS commands just by using the command name as a Ruby method.

Command flags and options must be passed first as regular method arguments, then named parameters must be passed as a Ruby Hash:

g.region '-p', rast: 'elevation'
d.rast 'elevation'
d.vect 'streams', col: 'blue'

If you try to execute an invalid module name an ENOENT error will be raised:

g.this.module.does.not.exist '???'

If the command to be executed has no arguments you need to invoke .run on it to execute it:

Creating new locations and mapsets

To create a new location and/or mapset, open a session to it and use a :create parameter like this:

options = configuration.merge(
  location: 'new_location',
  mapset: 'new_mapset',
  create: {
    epsg: 4326               # coordinate system for the new location
    limits: [-5, 30, 5, 50], # optional E, S, W, N limits
    res: 2                   # optional resolution
GrassGis.session options do
  g.region '-p'
  puts output

Use nil or PERMANENT for the mapset to avoid creating a new mapset.

Existing locations or mapsets are not changed.


The return value of a GRASS command invocation inside a session is a SysCmd::Command (see the sys_cmd gem).

GrassGis.session configuration do+
  cmd = g.region '-p'
  puts cmd.output # command output is kept in the Command object
  puts cmd.status_value # 0 for success

You don't need to assign commands to variables as in the example to access them, because they're all kept in an array accesible through the history method of the session:

GrassGis.session configuration do+ 'slope'
  g.region '-p'
  puts history.size       # 2
  puts history[-1].output # output of g.region
  puts history[-2].output # output of

The last executed command (history[-1]) is also accessible through the last method and its output through output:

GrassGis.session configuration do+ 'slope'
  g.region '-p'
  puts output # output of g.region (same as last.output)
  puts last.status_value # result status of g.region


By default the commands executed in a session are echoed to standard output (just the command, not its output) and error return status causes an exception to be raised.

This behaviour can be changed with some options:


Pass false as the :echo option it you don't want to output command names and :output if you want to output both the command name and its output.

GrassGis.session configuration.merge(echo: false) do
  # Command names not echoed now ...

GrassGis.session configuration.merge(echo: :output) do
  # Command names and its output echoed ...


To avoid raising exceptions when commands return an error status you can pass :quiet to the :errors option. In that case the error? method of the session can be used to check if the previous messatge returned an error status; error_info to get its error message and the status of the command of the command can be obtained through the last command method.

GrassGis.session configuration.merge(errors: :quiet) do 'randpts', elev: 'rstdef', zcol: 'value'
  if error?
    puts "Last command didn't go well..."
    puts "It returned the code: #{last.status_value}"
    puts "Here's what it said about the problem:"
    puts error_info

With the :quiet option errors during command execution are not raised, but if a problem prevents the command from being executed (e.g. the module does not exist) an exception is still generated. This exception can be avoided too, with the :silent option, intended for tests and debugging.

Passing the :console value to the :errors option is like :quiet, with the additional effect of relaying the command standard error output to the error output of the script.


With the :log option you can specify the name of a file where to record the commands executed and its output.


The GrassCookbook interface can be used to define geoprocessing "recipes", each one specifying which data is required and produced by the process.

A recipe is defined by calling GrassCookbook.recipe with a block that provides the recipe definition in a declarative way, using methods such as description, required_parameters, required_files, required_raster_maps, generated_rater_maps, etc.

The process method defines, by using a block, the recipes's procedure. The arguments to this block will be taken auto-magically from parameters of the same name (parameters are provided to a recipe-executing environment through a Hash).

The available GrassCookbook methods can be used to determine which recipes need to be executed, in which order, and which products will be generated based on available data.

For example, given this three recipes:

GrassCookbook.recipe :dem_base_from_mdt05 do
  description %{
    Generate a DEM for the location region at fixed 5m resolution
    from CNIG's MDT05 data.

  required_files 'data/MDT05'
  generated_raster_maps 'dem_base'

  process do |mdt05_sheets|
    # Import MDT05 sheets and generate dem_base
    mdt05_sheets = { |n| "MDT05-#{n}-H30-LIDAR.asc"}
    sheet_maps = Hash[ { |s| [s, File.basename(s, '.asc')]}]
    mdt05_sheets.each do |sheet|
      map = sheet_maps[sheet] '-o', '--overwrite',
        input: File.join('data', 'MDT05', sheet),
        output: map
      r.colors map: map, color: 'elevation'
    # Keep previous resolution
    ewres, nsres = region_res
    # Patch sheets and crop
    g.region res: 5
    r.patch input: sheet_maps.values, output: 'dem_base'
    r.colors map: 'dem_base', color: 'elevation'
    # Restore previous resolution
    g.region nsres: nsres, ewres: ewres
    g.remove '-f', type: 'raster', name: sheet_maps.values

GrassCookbook.recipe :dem_base_derived do
  description %{
    Generate DEM-derived maps from the 5m dem base:
    slope, aspect and relief shading

  required_raster_maps 'dem_base'
  generated_raster_maps 'shade_base', 'slope_base', 'aspect_base'

  process do
    r.relief input: 'dem_base', output: 'shade_base'
    r.slope.aspect elevation: 'dem_base',
                   slope:     'slope_base',
                   aspect:    'aspect_base'

GrassCookbook.recipe :working_dem do
  description %{
    Generate DEM data at working resolution

  required_raster_maps 'dem_base', 'slope_base', 'aspect_base'
  generated_raster_maps 'dem', 'slope', 'aspect'

  process do |resolution|
    # Keep previous resolution
    ewres, nsres = region_res

    resamp_average input: 'dem_base', output: 'dem', output_res: resolution
    resamp_average input: 'slope_base', output: 'slope', output_res: resolution
    resamp_average input: 'aspect_base', output: 'aspect', output_res: resolution, direction: true

    # Restore previous resolution
    g.region nsres: nsres, ewres: ewres

We could now use those recipes to compute some permanent base maps and then maps for alternative scenarios by varying some parameter.

In this example the fixed parameter defines the available data we have to create a base DEM at a resolution of 5 meters, which will be kept in the PERMANENT mapset.

Then we vary the resolution parameter to compute derived information (topography information at the given resolution) for two values of the parameter (10m and 25m) which will produce two mapsets with the name assigned to the variant scenario ('10m' and '25m') and all the maps that depend on the varying parameter in each of them.

GrassGis.session grass_config do
  # First generate maps using fixed parameters and move them to PERMANENT
  fixed_parameters = { mdt05_sheets: %w(0244 0282) }
  fixed_data = primary = GrassCookbook::Data[
    parameters: fixed_parameters.keys,
    files: GrassCookbook.existing_external_input_files
  plan = GrassCookbook.plan(fixed_data)
  permanent = plan.last
  GrassCookbook.replace_existing_products self, plan
  GrassCookbook.execute self, fixed_parameters, plan
  permanent.maps.each do |map, type|
    move_map(map, type: type, to: 'PERMANENT')

  # Then define some variations of other parameters and create a mapset
  # for each variation, where maps dependent on the varying parameters
  # will be put
  variants = {
    '10m' => { resolution: 10 },
    '25m' => { resolution: 25 }
  for variant_name, variant_parameters in variants
    data = GrassCookbook::Data[parameters: variant_parameters.keys] + permanent
    plan = GrassCookbook.plan(data)
    GrassCookbook.replace_existing_products self, plan
    GrassCookbook.execute self, fixed_parameters.merge(variant_parameters), plan
    variant_maps = (plan.last - data).maps
    create_mapset variant_name
    variant_maps.each do |map, type|
      move_map(map, type: type, to: variant_name)


Session scopes

In a session block, the Ruby self object is altered to refer to a GrassGis::Context object. That means that in addition to the enclosing self, any instance variables of the enclosing scope are not directly available. This may cause some surprises but is easy to overcome.

@value = 10
GrassGis.session configuration do
  puts @value # nil!

A possible workaround is to assign instance variables that we need in the session to local variables:

@value = 10
value = @value
GrassGis.session configuration do
  puts value # 10

To avoid defining these variables you can pass a :locals Hash in the configuration to define values that you need to access in the session (but you won't be able to assign to them, because they're not local variables!)

@value = 10

GrassGis.session configuration.merge(locals: { value: @value }) do
  puts value # 10
  value = 11 # don't do this: you're creating a local in the session

A different approach is prevent the session block from using a special self by defining a parameter to the block. This parameter will have the value of a GrassGis::Context which you'll need to explicitly use to execute any commands:

@value = 10
GrassGis.session configuration do |grass|
  puts @value # 10
  grass.g.region res: 10 # now you need to use the object to issue commands

The GRASS command g.mapset should not be used to change the current mapset, use the change_mapset method in a GrassGis session instead:

GrassGis.session configuration do
  # Get the name of the current mapset
  g.mapsets '-p'
  mapset = output.lines.last.split.first.inspect
  # Copy 'some_map' raster map to PERMANENT
  change_mapset 'PERMANENT'
  g.copy rast: "some_map@#{original_mapset},some_map"
  # Get back to our mapset
  change_mapset mapset

Invalid commands

Currently the generation of GRASS commands inside a session is implemented in a very simple way which allows to generate any command name even if it is invalid or does not exist. This has the advantage of supporting any version of GRASS, but doesn't allow for early detection of invalid commands (e.g. due to typos) or invalid command parameters.

GrassGis.session configuration do |grass|
  g.region res: 10     # Oops (runtime error)  # another runtime error

If the command generated does not exist a runtime ENOENT exception will occur.

If the command exists, then if parameters are not valid, the command will execute but will return an error status. This will be handled as explained above.

Helper methods

When writing a non-trivial program you'll probably find you want to define methods to avoid unnecessary repetition.

Let's see how you can call methods from your session and be able to execute GRASS commands from the method in the context of the session.

Inside a session, self refers to an object of class GrassGis::Context which represents the current GRASS session.

You can invoke grass commands directly on this object, so, if you pass this object around you can use it to execute GRASS commands:

def helper_method(grass)
  # ...

GrassGis.session configuration do
  helper_method self

In the helper method you can use the grass object like this;

def helper_method(grass)
  # change the current region resolution
  grass.g.region res: 10

To avoid having to prepend each command with grass. you can use the session method like this:

def helper_method(grass)
  grass.session do
    g.region res: 10
    g.region '-p'
    puts output

An alternative is to use a Ruby module and extend the session with it:

module Helpers
  def helper_method
    g.region res: 10
    g.region '-p'
    puts output

GrassGis.session configuration do
  extend Helpers


Note: the functionality of these examples is now provided by a Tools module which is included by default in GrassGis sessions.

1. Map existence

Helper methods to check for the existence of maps.

Often we may want to know if a map exists. Next methods can be used to check for it.

def map_exists?(grass, type, map)
  grass.g.list type
  maps = grass.output.split

def raster_exists?(grass, map)
  map_exists? grass, 'rast', map

def vector_exists?(grass, map)
  map_exists? grass, 'vect', map

We can use these methods like this:

GrassGis.session configuration do
  unless raster_exists?(self, 'product')
    r.mapcalc "product = factor1*factor2"

2. Information as Hashes

Following methods show how to obtain information about a raster map and the current region as a Hash:

def raster_info(grass, map) '-g', map
  shell_to_hash grass

def region_info(grass)
  grass.g.region '-m'
  shell_to_hash grass

def shell_to_hash(grass)
  Hash[{|l| l.strip.split('=')}]

# Now, for example, we can easily obtain the resolution of a raster:

def raster_res(grass, map)
  info = raster_info(grass, map)
  info.values_at('ewres', 'nsres').map(&:to_i)

def region_res(grass)
  info = region_info(grass)
  info.values_at('ewres', 'nsres').map(&:to_i)

3. Average angle

Let's assume we have a raster map aspect which is a direction angle (i.e. a cyclic value from 0 to 360).

Now imagine that we need to compute a coarser raster grid with average values per cell. We can't just resample the angle (we want the average of 359 and 1 be 0, not 180); we would need an unitary vector or complex number to take averages.

The next method will perform the average correctly using auxiliary raster maps for two cartesian components (that represent the angle as a vector).

def resample_average_angle(grass, options = {})
  input_raster = options[:input]
  raise "Raster #{input_raster} not found" unless raster_exists?(grass, input_raster)
  input_res = raster_res(grass, input_raster)

  if options[:output_res]
    output_res = options[:output_res]
    unless output_res.is_a?(Array)
      output_res = [output_res, output_res]
    output_res = region_res(grass)

  output_raster = options[:output]

  grass.session do
    unless raster_exists?(self, "#{input_raster}_sin")
      g.region ewres: input_res[0], nsres: input_res[1]
      r.mapcalc "#{input_raster}_sin = sin(#{input_raster})"
    unless raster_exists?(self, "#{input_raster}_cos")
      g.region ewres: input_res[0], nsres: input_res[1]
      r.mapcalc "#{input_raster}_cos = cos(#{input_raster})"
    g.region ewres: output_res[0], nsres: output_res[1]
    r.resamp.stats input: "#{input_raster}_cos", output: "#{output_raster}_cos"
    r.resamp.stats input: "#{input_raster}_sin", output: "#{output_raster}_sin"
    r.mapcalc "#{output_raster} = atan(#{output_raster}_cos,#{output_raster}_sin)"
    r.colors map: ouput_raster, raster: input_raster
    g.remove '-f', type: 'raster', name: ["#{output_raster}_cos", "#{output_raster}_sin"]
    g.remove -f type=raster name=aspect_sin@landscape,aspect_cos@landscape

Now, to resample a (cyclic angular) map aspect_hires to a lower resolution 10:

GrassGis.session configuration do
  resamp_average self,
    input: 'aspect_hires',
    output: 'aspect_lowres', output_res: 10


  • Change Module to define explicitly available GRASS commands instead of accepting anything with method_missing. Declare commands with permitted arguments and options, etc.
  • Add some session helpers:
    • Method to clean GRASS temporaries ($GISBASE/etc/clean_temp), or do it automatically when disposing the session.
    • Methods that execute operations in a GRASS-version independent manner (higher level, version independent interface to modules).


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/grassgis/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


GRASS scripting in Ruby







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