Repo for HttpRepl tool. Formerly part of the AspLabs repo.
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To build this repo, run the build.cmd
in the root of this repo. This repo uses the .NET Arcade toolset.
From the in-product help:
HTTP Commands:
Use these commands to execute requests against your application.
GET Issues a GET request.
POST Issues a POST request.
PUT Issues a PUT request.
DELETE Issues a DELETE request.
PATCH Issues a PATCH request.
HEAD Issues a HEAD request.
OPTIONS Issues an OPTIONS request.
set header Sets or clears a header for all requests. e.g. `set header content-type application/json`
Navigation Commands:
The REPL allows you to navigate your URL space and focus on specific APIs that you are working on.
set base Set the base URI. e.g. `set base http://locahost:5000`
set swagger Set the URI, relative to your base if set, of the Swagger document for this API. e.g. `set swagger /swagger/v1/swagger.json`
ls Show all endpoints for the current path.
cd Append the given directory to the currently selected path, or move up a path when using `cd ..`.
Shell Commands:
Use these commands to interact with the REPL shell.
clear Removes all text from the shell.
echo [on/off] Turns request echoing on or off, show the request that was made when using request commands.
exit Exit the shell.
REPL Customization Commands:
Use these commands to customize the REPL behavior.
pref [get/set] Allows viewing or changing preferences, e.g. 'pref set editor.command.default 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe'`
run Runs the script at the given path. A script is a set of commands that can be typed with one command per line.
ui Displays the Swagger UI page, if available, in the default browser.
Use help <COMMAND> to learn more details about individual commands. e.g. `help get`
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