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Unofficial Node.js ADS library for connecting to Beckhoff TwinCAT automation systems using ADS protocol.


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Beckhoff TwinCAT ADS client library for Node.js (unofficial). Connects to Beckhoff TwinCAT automation systems using ADS protocol.

Coded from scratch using TwinCAT ADS specification and Beckhoff.TwinCAT.Ads nuget package. Inspiration from similar projects like node-ads, beckhoff-js and iecstruct.

There is automatically created documentation available at

Version 2 will be released soon

The 1.4.4 is the the last version for v1, unless some bugs need fixing.

It might be a good idea to use the version 2 beta for new projects. It will no longer have breaking changes and it's basically ready!

See v2-dev branch for more info. It's a full rewrite in in TypeScript and it can be installed from npm (npm i ads-client@beta).


If you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!

Buy Me A Coffee


If you need help with integrating the ads-client, I'm available for coding work with invoicing. Please send me email!

Using Node-RED?

Check out the node-red-contrib-ads-client package. It's an ads-client wrapper for Node-RED to get the same functionality.

Table of contents


Install the npm package using npm command:

npm i ads-client

If you are using TypeScript, consider using the v2 beta version. You can also install unofficial types using npm command (thanks Christian Rishøj):

npm install --save @types/ads-client

Note: Version 2 under development will be written in 100% TypeScript

Include the module in your code

const ads = require('ads-client')


  • TwinCAT 2 and TwinCAT 3 support
  • Promise and async/await support
  • Supports connecting to the local TwinCAT 3 runtime (see enabling localhost support)
  • Supports multiple connections from the same host
  • Reading and writing all any PLC variable
  • Subscribing to PLC variables (ADS notifications)
  • Automatic conversion between PLC<->Javascript objects
  • PLC symbol and data type handling and caching
  • Reading PLC runtime and system manager states
  • Automatic 32/64 bit variable support (PVOID, XINT, etc.)
  • Automatic cache and subscription refreshing when PLC program changes or system starts
  • Automatic byte alignment support (all pack-modes automatically supported)
    • From version 1.6.0 upwards
    • Older versions: {attribute 'pack_mode' := '1'} is required above STRUCT definition
  • Possibility to call function block methods (RPC - remote procedure call)
    • From version 1.8.0 upwards

Supported and tested platforms

The ads-client package is tested so far with the following setups:

  • TwinCAT 2.11 running on VirtualBox Windows XP 32bit (from version 1.9.0 upwards)
    • TwinCAT 2 support not tested with hardware PLC yet but should work
  • TwinCAT 3 4020 running on 64bit Windows 10 (TC3 builds <= 4020 are working from version 1.9.0 upwards)
  • TwinCAT 3 4022.27 running on 64bit Windows 10
  • TwinCAT 3 4024.4 running on 64bit Windows 10
  • TwinCAT 3 4022.27 running on 32bit and 64bit Windows 7 Embedded on Beckhoff PLC
  • TwinCAT 3 4024.12 running on 64bit Windows 7 Embedded on Beckhoff PLC
  • Node.js v10.16.3 and newer
    • NOTE: 64 bit integer values are supported only with Node.js v.12+

Tested on the following operating systems / platforms

  • Windows 7 and 10
  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • OSX Catalina

Connection setups and possibilities

The ads-client can be used in different system configurations. The following figure has different possible setups:


Setup 1 - Connect from Windows PC to the PLC

Suggested use cases:

  • When using Windows operating system and TwinCAT runtime can be installed
  • When opening a TCP port from PLC is a no-go


  • Client has TwinCAT runtime or XAE installed
  • ADS route is created between the client and the PLC

Example connection to PLC with AmsNetId of

const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '',
  targetAdsPort: 851,

Setup 2 - Connecting from Unix/Windows/etc. system to the PLC

Suggested use cases:

  • On Windows when TwinCAT installation is not possible, but .NET Core is available
  • Unix based system and .NET Core available


  • Client has AdsRouterConsole running
  • ADS route is created between the client and the PLC (as in the nuget package instructions)

Example connection when PLC has AmsNetId of

const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '',
  targetAdsPort: 851,

Setup 3 - Connecting from any Node.js supported system to the PLC

Suggested use cases:

  • When opening TCP port from PLC is possible
  • When fast connection is required (1 router less -> faster response)


  • NOTE: Only one connection / client is possible!
  • PLC has TCP port 48898 open (default router port)
    • NOTE: Windows Firewall might block, make sure Ethernet connection is handled as "private"
  • Local AmsNetId and ADS port are given manually
    • Given localAmsNetId is not already in use
    • Given localAdsPort is not already in use
  • PLC has ADS route manually created to client IP address and client localAmsNetId
    • See example after code sample

Example connection when PLC has AmsNetId of and IP of

const client = new ads.Client({
  localAmsNetId: '',  //Can be anything but needs to be in PLC StaticRoutes.xml file
  localAdsPort: 32750,                //Can be anything that is not used
  targetAmsNetId: '',
  targetAdsPort: 851,
  routerAddress: '',     //PLC ip address
  routerTcpPort: 48898                //PLC needs to have this port opened. Test disabling all firewalls if problems

Adding a route to the PLC can be done editing TwinCAT\3.1\Target\StaticRoutes.xml file from PLC. Add the following inside <RemoteConnections> tag. In this example, client should use meanual AmsNetId and client has IP address


See also this issue comment by hansipete for one possible way how to do adding the route.

Setup 4 - Connect to the localhost (PLC and client on the same machine)

Suggested use cases:

  • When testing PLC systems on the local computer
  • When using panel PC/PLC combination
  • When PLC has monitor and it's used as user interface


Example connection to local PLC runtime

const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '', //or 'localhost'
  targetAdsPort: 851,

Enabling localhost support on TwinCAT 3

NOTE: Only required for TwinCAT 3 versions older than 4024.5. Newer versions should have this already enabled.

Note: Probably not working for TwinCAT 2

If you want to connect to the local TwinCAT runtime (Node.js and the TwinCAT on the same computer - as example setup 4), the ADS router TCP loopback feature has to be enabled. Tested with TwinCAT 4022.27 and 4024.4.

The following method is from Beckhoff.TwinCAT.Ads nuget package installation guide.

  1. Stop TwinCAT System Service

  2. Open registery editor (regedit)

  3. Depending on the operating system, navigate to

32 bit operating system:

64 bit it operating system:
  1. Create new DWORD registery named EnableAmsTcpLoopback and set value to 1 (example figure below from 64 bit system)


  1. Restart TwinCAT system

Now you can connect to the localhost using targetAmsNetId address of or localhost.

IMPORTANT: Writing STRUCT variables

When writing a struct using writeSymbol, the given Javascript object keys are handled as case-insensitive because the TwinCAT 3 system is case-insensitive.

In practise this means that the following Javascript objects are used as-equals if passing to the writeSymbol method:

  sometext: 'hello',
  somereal: 3.14
  SOmeTEXT: 'hello',
  SOMEreal: 3.14

NOTE If the object has multiple keys with same name, writeSymbol tries to find the same case as in PLC. If it's not found, it depends on the Object.find() method which one is selected.

//In this case, probably the first one (sometext) is selected and the SOMEtext is skipped.
  sometext: 'hello',
  SOMEtext: 'good day'

IMPORTANT: Things to know when using with TwinCAT 2

Almost everything should work with TwinCAT 2 but please understand the following

TwinCAT 2 first PLC runtime ADS port is 801 instead of 851

const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '...', 
  targetAdsPort: 801, //NOTE

Variable names are returned in UPPERCASE on TC2 systems

This might cause problems if your app is used with both TC2 & TC3 systems.


Global variable paths are given different on TC2

The GVL name is not given, dot (.) is used instead.

await client.readSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT') //TwinCAT 3
await client.readSymbol('.ExampleSTRUCT') //TwinCAT 2

InvokeRpcMethod is not possible on TC2

This is the only one non-working feature as there are no methods in TC2.

Connecting to systems without PLC runtime

Since version 1.13.0 it's possible to connect to systems without PLC runtime and/or system manager using ads-client.

In previous versions, the client always checked the system state (RUN, CONFIG). However when connecting to different systems (non-PLC systems), there might be no system manager service. With default configuration this causes an error:

ClientException: Connection failed: Device system manager state read failed

By providing bareClient setting, the client connects to the router or target and nothing else. After that, the client can be used to read/write data. However, connection losses etc. need to be handled by the user.

const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '', 
  targetAdsPort: 1002,
  bareClient: true //NOTE

Getting started

This chapter includes some short getting started examples. See the JSDoc documentation for detailed description of library classes and methods.

Data types used in getting started

These examples assume that the PLC has the following Global Variable List (GVL):

  TestINT           : INT := 1234;
  TestSTRING        : STRING := 'Hello this is a test string';
  ExampleSTRUCT     : ST_Example;
  TestARRAY         : ARRAY[0..4] OF INT := [0, 10, 200, 3000, 4000];
  TestARRAY2        : ARRAY[0..4] OF ST_Example := [(SomeText := 'Just for demo purposes')];
  TestENUM          : E_TestEnum := E_TestEnum.Running;
  IncrementingValue : INT; //This should change every 500 ms or so
  TestTimer         : TON := (PT := T#2S500MS);

The ST_Example should be defined as below:

TYPE ST_Example :
	SomeText : STRING(50) := 'Hello ads-client';
	SomeReal : REAL := 3.14159265359;
	SomeDate : DT := DT#2020-4-13-12:25:33;

The E_TestEnum should be defined as below:

TYPE E_TestEnum :
	Disabled 	:= 0,
	Starting 	:= 50,
	Running 	:= 100,
	Stopping	:= 200	

Creating a new Client instance

The constructor takes settings as its parameter. Two settings are mandatory: targetAmsNetId and targetAdsPort. The first is the target PLC system AmsNetId (like or and the latter is target system ADS port (like 851 for TwinCAT 3 runtime 1).

const ads = require('ads-client')

//Creates a new Client instance and sets the local system and TC3 runtime 1 as target
const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '', //Loopback address, same as 'localhost' since version 1.1.0
  targetAdsPort: 851,

Available settings


  • targetAmsNetId
    • Target system AmsNetId
    • Use or localhost if connecting to a local system
  • targetAdsPort
    • Target system ADS port.
    • TwinCAT 3: 851 (1st runtime), 852 (2nd runtime) and so on
    • TwinCAT 2: 801 (1st runtime)


  • objectifyEnumerations
    • Default value: true
    • If true, read ENUM data types are converted to objects instead of numbers, e.g. {name: 'enumValue', value: 5} instead of 5
  • convertDatesToJavascript
    • Default value: true
    • If true, PLC DT (DATE_AND_TIME) and DATE types are converted to Javascript dates
  • readAndCacheSymbols
    • Default value: false
    • If true, all PLC symbols are cached during connecting. Otherwise they are read and cached only when needed
  • readAndCacheDataTypes
    • Default value: false
    • If true, all PLC data types are cached during connecting. Otherwise they are read and cached only when needed
  • disableSymbolVersionMonitoring
    • Default value: false
    • If true, PLC symbol version changes aren't monitored and cached symbols and datatypes won't be updated after PLC program download
  • routerTcpPort
    • Default value: 48898
    • Target ADS router TCP port
  • routerAddress
    • Default value: localhost
    • Target ADS router IP address/hostname
  • localAddress
    • Default value: system default
    • Local IP address to use, use this to change used network interface if required
  • localTcpPort
    • Default value: system default
    • Local TCP port to use for outgoing connections
  • localAmsNetId
  • localAdsPort
  • timeoutDelay
    • Default value: 2000
    • Time (milliseconds) after connecting to the router or waiting for command response is canceled to a timeout
  • hideConsoleWarnings
    • Default value: false
    • If true, no warnings are written to console (=nothing is ever written to console)
  • autoReconnect
    • Default value: true
    • If true and connection is lost, the client tries to reconnect automatically
  • reconnectInterval
    • Default value: 2000
    • Time (milliseconds) how often the lost connection is tried to re-establish
  • checkStateInterval
    • Default value: 1000
    • Time (milliseconds) how often the system manager state is read to see if connection is OK
  • connectionDownDelay
    • Default value: 5000
    • Time (milliseconds) after no successful reading of the system manager state the connection is determined to be lost
  • allowHalfOpen
    • Default value: false
    • If true, connect() is successful even if no PLC runtime is found (but target and system manager are available) - Can be useful if it's ok that after connecting the PLC runtime is not immediately available (example: connecting before uploading PLC code and reading data later) -
    • WARNING: If true, reinitializing subscriptions might fail after connection loss.
  • disableBigInt
    • Default value: false
    • If true, 64-bit integer PLC variables are kept as Buffer objects instead of converting to Javascript BigInt variables (JSON.strigify and libraries that use it have no BigInt support)
  • bareClient

Connecting and disconnecting

Connecting to the local TwinCAT 3 runtime 1 (port is 851) using local ADS router (= you have TwinCAT ADS router installed).

const ads = require('ads-client')

const client = new ads.Client({
  targetAmsNetId: '',
  targetAdsPort: 851

  .then(res => {   
    console.log(`Connected to the ${res.targetAmsNetId}`)
    console.log(`Router assigned us AmsNetId ${res.localAmsNetId} and port ${res.localAdsPort}`)

    return client.disconnect()
  .then(() => {
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output:

Connected to the
Router assigned us AmsNetId and port 36837

Reading any type PLC variable

Using readSymbol method it is possible to read variables of any type from the PLC (except references and pointers). These include base scalar type variables, structs, function blocks, arrays and so on. These examples cover just a few cases.

See full readSymbol documentation from the docs.

For references and pointers see chapter Reading and writing POINTER TO and REFERENCE TO variables.

Example: Reading INT type variable

//Using Promises
  .then(res => {
    console.log(`Value read: ${res.value}`)
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output:

Value read: 1234

Example: Reading STRING type variable

  .then(res => {
    console.log(`Value read: ${res.value}`)
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Something failed:', err)
Example console output:

Value read: Hello this is a test string

Example: Reading ENUM type variable

If setting objectifyEnumerations is set to false, only ENUM value (number) is returned. As default, both string representation and integer value are returned.

//objectifyEnumerations: true
  .then(res => {
    console.log(`Value read: ${res.value}`)
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output:

Value read: { name: 'Running', value: 100 }

Example: Reading STRUCT type variable

//Using await for example purposes
try {
  const res = await client.readSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT')

  console.log('Value read:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Reading failed:', err)

Example console output:

Value read: { SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
  SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
  SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z }   

Example: Reading ARRAY OF INT type variable

try {
  const res = await client.readSymbol('GVL_Test.TestARRAY')

  console.log('Value read:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Reading failed:', err)

Example console output:

Value read: [ 0, 10, 200, 3000, 4000 ] 

Example: Reading ARRAY OF STRUCT type variable

try {
  const res = await client.readSymbol('GVL_Test.TestARRAY2')

  console.log('Value read:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Reading failed:', err)

Example console output:

Value read: [ { SomeText: 'Just for demo purposes',
    SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
    SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z },
  { SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
    SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
    SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z },
  { SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
    SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
    SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z },
  { SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
    SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
    SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z },
  { SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
    SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
    SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z } ]

Example: Reading FUNCTION BLOCK type variable

Example of reading TON timer function block.

try {
  const res = await client.readSymbol('GVL_Test.TestTimer')

  console.log('Value read:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Reading failed:', err)

Example console output:

Value read: { IN: false, PT: 2500, Q: false, ET: 0, M: false, StartTime: 0 }

Writing any type PLC variable

Using writeSymbol method it is possible to write variables of any type to the PLC (except references and pointers). These include base scalar type variables, structs, function blocks, arrays and so on. These examples cover just a few cases.

See full writeSymbol documentation from the docs.

For references and pointers see chapter Reading and writing POINTER TO and REFERENCE TO variables.

Example: Writing INT type variable

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestINT', 5)

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example: Writing STRING type variable

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestSTRING', 'Changing the string value to this')

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example: Writing ENUM type variable

When writing ENUM value, it can always be given as number or string.

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestENUM', 'Starting')
  //The following does the same:
  //const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestENUM', 50)

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example: Writing STRUCT type variable

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT', {
    SomeText: 'Hello to you too, Mr. PLC!',
    SomeReal: 5456.06854,
    SomeDate: new Date()

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example: Writing STRUCT type variable (with autoFill parameter)

The following code will not work. The PLC struct has three members but we provide only two, which causes an exception.

//NOTE: This won't work
try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT', {
    SomeReal: 123.45,
    SomeText: 'This will not work...'

} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output

Something failed: { ClientException: Writing symbol GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT failed: Given Javascript object is missing key/value for at least ".SomeDate" (DATE_AND_TIME) - Set writeSymbol() 3rd parameter (autoFill) to true to allow uncomplete objects
    at Promise ...

We need to tell the WriteSymbol that we indeed want to write just some members and the rest will stay the same. This happens by setting the 3rd parameter autoFill to true.

If autoFill is true, the method first reads the latest value and then writes it with only the new given changes.

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT', {
    SomeReal: 123.45,
    SomeText: 'But this works!'
  }, true) //Note this!

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)

} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Of course, it would be possible to do with two separate commands too:

res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT.SomeReal', 123.45)
res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.ExampleSTRUCT.SomeText', 'This is also possible')

Example: Writing ARRAY OF INT type variable

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestArray', [9999, 8888, 6666, 5555, 4444])

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)

} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example: Writing ARRAY of STRUCT type variable

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestArray', 
    [ { SomeText: 'First value',
        SomeReal: 1.0,
        SomeDate: new Date()},
      { SomeText: 'Second',
        SomeReal: 10.10,
        SomeDate: new Date()},
      { SomeText: 'Third',
        SomeReal: 20.20,
        SomeDate: new Date()},
      { SomeText: 'Fourth',
        SomeReal: 30.30,
        SomeDate: new Date()},
      { SomeText: 'Fifth',
        SomeReal: 40.40,
        SomeDate: new Date()}]

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example: Writing FUNCTION BLOCK type variable

Starting a timer from Node.js and setting time to 60 seconds.

NOTE: Using autoFill parameter to keep the rest as-is.

try {
  const res = await client.writeSymbol('GVL_Test.TestTimer', {
    IN: true, 
    PT: 60000,
  }, true)

  console.log('Value written:', res.value)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output

Value written: { IN: true, PT: 60000, Q: false, ET: 0, M: false, StartTime: 0 }

Subscribing to PLC variables (device notifications)

By using subscribe method, we can receive variable values automatically from the PLC if they change or periodically.

See full subscribe documentation from the docs.

Subcribe to variable value (on-change)

The following wants the PLC to check if the value has changed every 1000 milliseconds. If it has changed, callback is called with the latest value in data parameter.

After 10 seconds the subscription is unsubscribed.

try {
  let subscription = await client.subscribe('GVL_Test.IncrementingValue', (data, sub) => {
    //Note: The sub parameter is the same as returned by client.subcribe()
    console.log(`${data.timeStamp}: Value changed to ${data.value}`)

  }, 1000)

  console.log(`Subscribed to ${}`)

  //Unsubscribe and disconnect after 10 seconds
  setTimeout((async () => {
    //The subscribe() returns object that contains unsubscribe() method
    await subscription.unsubscribe()

  }), 10000)

} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output

Subscribed to GVL_Test.IncrementingValue
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:02:26 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): Value changed to 1586
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:02:27 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): Value changed to 1588
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:02:28 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): Value changed to 1590
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:02:34 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): Value changed to 1602

Subcribe to variable value (cyclic)

The following wants the PLC to send the variable value every 1000 milliseconds. The callback is called with the latest value in data parameter (it might have changed or not).

//Our callback function
const onChange = (data, sub) => {
  console.log(`${data.timeStamp}: ${} changed to ${data.value}`)

  //We can call sub.unsubscribe() here if we want

try {
  let subscription = await client.subscribe('GVL_Test.IncrementingValue', onChange, 1000, false)

  console.log(`Subscribed to ${}`)

} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something failed:', err)

Example console output

Subscribed to GVL_Test.IncrementingValue
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:09:04 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): GVL_Test.IncrementingValue changed to 273
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:09:05 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): GVL_Test.IncrementingValue changed to 275
Mon Apr 13 2020 13:09:06 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00): GVL_Test.IncrementingValue changed to 277

Reading and writing raw data

It's possible to read and write raw data using ads-client. Reading will result in a Buffer object, that contains the read data as bytes. Writing accepts a Buffer object that is then written to the PLC.

Handling raw data is usually the most fastest and efficient way, as there is usually much less network traffic required. The methods require known indexGroup and indexOffset values.

Getting symbol index group, offset and size

Variable symbol information can be acquired with method getSymbolInfo. The symbol infoc contains required indexGroup, indexOffset and size.

const info = await client.getSymbolInfo('GVL_Test.TestINT')
{ indexGroup: 16448,
  indexOffset: 414816,
  size: 2,
  dataType: 2,
  dataTypeStr: 'ADST_INT16',
  flags: 8,
  flagsStr: [ 'TypeGuid' ],
  arrayDimension: 0,
  nameLength: 16,
  typeLength: 3,
  commentLength: 0,
  name: 'GVL_Test.TestINT',
  type: 'INT',
  comment: '' }

Reading a single raw value

//Reading DINT from indexGroup 16448 and indexOffset 411836 (4 bytes)
const result = await client.readRaw(16448, 411836, 4)
console.log(result) //<Buffer 37 61 00 00>

Writing a single raw value

//Writing value 123 to DINT from indexGroup 16448 and indexOffset 411836 (4 bytes)
const data = Buffer.alloc(4)

await client.writeRaw(16448, 411836, data)

Reading multiple raw values

Starting from version 1.3.0 you can use ADS sum commands to read multiple values in a single request. This is faster than reading one by one.

Method returns an array of results, one result object for each read operation. If result has success of true, the read was succesful and data is located in data. Otherwise error information can be read from errorInfo.

const result = await client.readRawMulti([
    indexGroup: 16448,
    indexOffset: 411836,
    size: 4
    indexGroup: 123, //Note: Incorrect on purpose
    indexOffset: 436040,
    size: 255
[ { success: true,
    errorInfo: { error: false, errorCode: 0, errorStr: 'No error' },
    target: { indexGroup: 16448, indexOffset: 411836 },
    data: <Buffer 00 43 3a d4> },
  { success: false,
     { error: true, errorCode: 1794, errorStr: 'Invalid index group' },
    target: { indexGroup: 123, indexOffset: 436040 },
     <Buffer 00 00 00 00 ... > } ]

Writing multiple raw values

Starting from version 1.3.0 you can use ADS sum commands to write multiple values in a single request. This is faster than writing one by one.

Method returns an array of results, one result object for each write operation. If result has success of true, the write was succesful. Otherwise error information can be read from errorInfo.

//Create raw data for DINT with value 555
const data = Buffer.alloc(4)

const result = await client.writeRawMulti([
    indexGroup: 16448,
    indexOffset: 411836,
    data: data
    indexGroup: 123, //Note: Incorrect on purpose
    indexOffset: 436040,
    data: Buffer.alloc(255)
[ { success: true,
    errorInfo: { error: false, errorCode: 0, errorStr: 'No error' },
    target: { indexGroup: 16448, indexOffset: 411836 } },
  { success: false,
     { error: true,
       errorCode: 1793,
       errorStr: 'Service is not supported by server' },
    target: { indexGroup: 123, indexOffset: 436040 } } ]

Creating a variable handle and reading a raw value

Using handles is another alternative for reading and writing raw data. A handle is first made using variable name and then using the returned handle, read and write operations can be made. No need to know indexGroup and indexOffset.

NOTE: Handles should always be deleted if no more used. This doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a good habit to use the same handle all the time (for example in application backend until app is terminated). The reason is that there are limited number of handles available.

const handle = await client.createVariableHandle('GVL_Test.TestINT')
//{ handle: 905969897, size: 2, type: 'INT' }

const result = await client.readRawByHandle(handle)
//<Buffer d2 04>

await client.deleteVariableHandle(handle)

Creating a variable handle and writing a raw value

See Creating a variable handle and reading a raw value for more info about handles.

const handle = await client.createVariableHandle('GVL_Test.TestINT')
//{ handle: 905969897, size: 2, type: 'INT' }

//Create raw data for INT with value 12345
const data = Buffer.alloc(2)

await client.writeRawByHandle(handle, data)
await client.deleteVariableHandle(handle)

Creating and deleting multiple variable handles

Since version 1.10.0 it is possible to create and delete multiple handles at once. This is faster than one by one as everything is sent in one packet.

NOTE: It createVariableHandleMulti() returns only the handle as number. No size and data type are returned as in createVariableHandle().

//Create three handles at once
const handles = (await client.createVariableHandleMulti([

    success: true,
    errorInfo: { error: false, errorCode: 0, errorStr: 'No error' },
    target: 'GVL_Test.TestINT',
    handle: 570425600
    success: true,
    errorInfo: { error: false, errorCode: 0, errorStr: 'No error' },
    target: 'GVL_Test.TestENUM',
    handle: 570425601
    success: false,
    errorInfo: { error: true, errorCode: 1808, errorStr: 'Symbol not found' },
    target: 'GVL_Test.THIS_IS_NOT_FOUND',
    handle: null

//Read data from first handle, note that raw methods understand object as input
console.log(await client.readRawByHandle(handles[0])) //Output: <Buffer d2 04>

//Read data from second handle, note that only handle number is given
console.log(await client.readRawByHandle(handles[1].handle)) //Output: <Buffer 64 00>

//Delete handles
await client.deleteVariableHandleMulti(handles)

Converting a raw value to Javascript object

Using convertFromRaw method, raw data can be converted to Javascript object. The conversion works internally like in readSymbol.

//result = <Buffer 37 61 00 00>
const value = await client.convertFromRaw(result, 'DINT')
console.log(value) //24887

Example with readRawMulti and custom struct:

const result = await client.readRawMulti([
    indexGroup: 16448,
    indexOffset: 449659,
    size: 59
    indexGroup: 16448,
    indexOffset: 436040,
    size: 255

const value = await client.convertFromRaw(result[0].data, 'ST_Example')
{ SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
  SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
  SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z }

Converting a Javascript object to raw value

Using convertToRaw method, Javascript object can be converted to raw data. The conversion works internally like in writeSymbol.

const data = await client.convertToRaw(12345, 'INT')
console.log(data) //<Buffer 39 30>

The 3rd parameter autoFill works as in writeSymbol.

const data = await client.convertToRaw(
    SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
    SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
  }, 'ST_Example', true //NOTE: autoFill=true (as there is no SomeDate given)
//<Buffer 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 ... >

Reading and writing POINTER TO and REFERENCE TO variables

It's also possible to work with both POINTER TO xxx and REFERENCE TO xxx variables with ads-client.

  • Note that using ReadSymbol() and WriteSymbol() is not possible
  • Easiest way to read is readRawByName()
  • Writing is can be done with createVariableHandle(), which is suitable for reading too
  • Pointers require dereference operator ^ in order to work

Reading a REFERENCE TO value

The value needs to be read as a raw Buffer first and then it can be converted to correct data type. createVariableHandle() works too but this is slightly faster and easier.

//GVL_Test has variable TestREFERENCE : REFERENCE TO ST_Example;

const value = await client.convertFromRaw(
  await client.readRawByName('GVL_Test.TestREFERENCE'),
  SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
  SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
  SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z

Writing a REFERENCE TO value

In order to write a reference, a variable handle needs to be created. Also the data neeeds to be converted to a raw Buffer before writing.

//GVL_Test has variable TestREFERENCE : REFERENCE TO ST_Example;

const value = {
  SomeText: 'Hello reference variable',
  SomeReal: 12345,
  SomeDate: new Date()

//Creating handle to the varialbe
const handle = await client.createVariableHandle('GVL_Test.TestREFERENCE')

//Writing raw Buffer data that is first created from object
await client.writeRawByHandle(
  await client.convertToRaw(value, 'ST_Example')

//Always delete the handle if not reusing it later
await client.deleteVariableHandle(handle)

Reading a POINTER TO value

Similar as with reference except that a dereference operator ^ is required.

//GVL_Test has variable TestPOINTER : POINTER TO ST_Example;

const value = await client.convertFromRaw(
  await client.readRawByName('GVL_Test.TestPOINTER^'), //note ^
  SomeText: 'Hello ads-client',
  SomeReal: 3.1415927410125732,
  SomeDate: 2020-04-13T12:25:33.000Z

Writing a POINTER TO value

Similar as with reference except that a dereference operator ^ is required.

//GVL_Test has variable TestPOINTER : POINTER TO ST_Example;

const value = {
  SomeText: 'Hello pointer variable',
  SomeReal: 12345,
  SomeDate: new Date()

//Creating handle to the varialbe
const handle = await client.createVariableHandle('GVL_Test.TestPOINTER^') //note ^

//Writing raw Buffer data that is first created from object
await client.writeRawByHandle(
  await client.convertToRaw(value, 'ST_Example')

//Always delete the handle if not reusing it later
await client.deleteVariableHandle(handle)

Calling a function block method with parameters using RPC (remote procedure call)

Starting from version 1.8.0, it is possible to call function block methods directly from Node.js. Input and output parameters are available as well as method return value. Only supported on TwinCAT 3.


  • Do not use online change if you change RPC method parameters or return data types
  • Make sure that parameters and return value have no pack-mode pragmas defined, otherwise data might be corrupted
  • Do not use ARRAY values directly in parameters or return value, encapsulate arrays inside struct and use the struct instead
  • The feature is new and there might some bugs as it's not well documented by Beckhoff

In the following example we have a function block named FB_RpcTest. There is an instance of it at global variable list with a path of GVL_Test.RpcTest.


Calling a simple RPC method

The code of Calculator method is the following. It has also VAR_OUTPUT parameters. Idea is that calculation is returned as outputs and return value tells if it was succesful.

{attribute 'TcRpcEnable'}
METHOD Calculator : BOOL
  Value1	: REAL;
  Value2	: REAL;
  Sum       : REAL;
  Product   : REAL;
  Division  : REAL;

//--- Code begins ---

//Return TRUE if all success
Calculator := TRUE;

Sum := Value1 + Value2;
Product := Value1 * Value2;

IF Value2 <> 0 THEN
	Division := Value1 / Value2;
	Division := 0;
	Calculator := FALSE;

The method can be called from Node.js:

const result = await client.invokeRpcMethod("GVL_Test.RpcTest","Calculator", {
    Value1: 100.50,
    Value2: 2.2


Example console output:

  returnValue: true,
  outputs: {
    Sum: 102.69999694824219,
    Product: 221.10000610351562,
    Division: 45.68181610107422

Using structs with RPC methods

The code of the StructTest method is following. It has only one input and a return value (both are structs).

{attribute 'TcRpcEnable'}
METHOD StructTest : ST_Example
	Input	: ST_Example;

//--- Code begins ---

StructTest.SomeText := CONCAT('Response: ', Input.SomeText);
StructTest.SomeReal := Input.SomeReal * 10.0;
StructTest.SomeDate := Input.SomeDate + T#24H;

The method can be called from Node.js:

const result = await client.invokeRpcMethod("GVL_Test.RpcTest","StructTest", {
  Input: {
    SomeText: 'Hello RPC method',
    SomeReal: 1200.50,
    SomeDate: new Date() //2020-07-03T14:57:22.000Z

Example console output:

  returnValue: {
    SomeText: 'Response: Hello RPC method',
    SomeReal: 12005,
    SomeDate: 2020-07-03T15:57:22.000Z
  outputs: {}

Starting and stopping the PLC

The PLC runtime(s) can be started and stopped using following methods. Internally WriteControl() is used.

Note that all following methods will fail, if the PLC is already in the target state.

Starting the PLC

await client.startPlc() //Start the PLC from settings.targetAdsPort
await client.startPlc(852) //Start the PLC from ADS port 852

Stopping the PLC

await client.stopPlc() //Stop the PLC from settings.targetAdsPort
await client.stopPlc(852) //Stop the PLC from ADS port 852

Restarting the PLC

await client.restartPlc() //Restart the PLC from settings.targetAdsPort
await client.restartPlc(852) //Restart the PLC from ADS port 852

Reading the PLC state

The PLC runtime state can always be read using readPlcRuntimeState() and the latest known state of PLC runtime at settings.targetAdsPort is located in metaData.plcRuntimeState.

await client.readPlcRuntimeState() //Read PLC runtime status from settings.targetAdsPort 
//Example result: { adsState: 5, adsStateStr: 'Run', deviceState: 0 }
await client.readPlcRuntimeState(852) //Read PLC runtime status from ADS port 852

Starting and stopping the TwinCAT system

The TwinCAT system can be started and set to config mode using following methods. This can be useful for example when updating the PLC software. Internally WriteControl() is used.

Note that all following methods will fail, if the system is already in the target state/mode.

Setting the TwinCAT system to run mode

await client.setSystemManagerToRun()

Setting the TwinCAT system to config mode

await client.setSystemManagerToConfig()

Restart TwinCAT system

//Same as calling setSystemManagerToRun()
await client.restartSystemManager()

Reading the TwinCAT system state

The TwinCAT system state can always be read using readSystemManagerState() and the latest known state is located in metaData.systemManagerState.

await client.readSystemManagerState() //{ adsState: 5, adsStateStr: 'Run', deviceState: 1 }

Sending custom ADS commands

Since version 1.11.0 it's possible to send any custom ADS commands using sendAdsCommand()

Example: Read device info from system manager

//Read device info from system manager (port 10000)
const result = await client.sendAdsCommand(
  amsTcp: { command: 0, commandStr: 'Ads command', dataLength: 56 },
  ams: {
    targetAmsNetId: '',
    targetAdsPort: 37538,
    sourceAmsNetId: '',
    sourceAdsPort: 10000,
    adsCommand: 1,
    adsCommandStr: 'ReadDeviceInfo',
    stateFlags: 5,
    stateFlagsStr: 'Response, AdsCommand, Tcp',
    dataLength: 24,
    errorCode: 0,
    invokeId: 7,
    error: false,
    errorStr: ''
  ads: {
    rawData: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 03 01 b8 0f 54 77 69 6e 43 41 54 20 53 79 73 74 65 6d 00 00>,
    errorCode: 0,
    data: {
      majorVersion: 3,
      minorVersion: 1,
      versionBuild: 4024,
      deviceName: 'TwinCAT System'
    error: false

Example: Read all ADS routes from target system

See this gist for a simple example how to read all TwinCAT routes from target system:

Available ads-client events

Since version 1.10.0 there are different events available from Client class instance.

  • on('connectionLost')
    • Emitted when connection to target is lost
  • on('symbolVersionChange', symbolVersion)
    • Emitted when target symbol version changes
  • on('systemManagerStateChange', state)
    • Emitted when system manager state changes
    • Note: Not available in all connection setups
  • on('routerStateChange', state)
    • Emitted when ADS router state changes
    • Note: Not available in all connection setups
  • on('plcRuntimeStateChange', state)
    • Emitted when target PLC runtime state changes
  • on('ads-client-error', err)
    • Emitted when errors during communication
      • Only those that aren't catched otherwise: Like if unknown command or unknown notification is received.
      • No errors that are thrown in method calls!
  • on('connect', connectionInfo)
    • Emitted when connection is established to the target
  • on('disconnect')
    • Emitted when disconnected from the target
  • on('reconnect)
    • Emitted when connection is re-established (like after connectionLost event)

Example: Printing to console when PLC runtime state changes:

client.on('plcRuntimeStateChange', state => {
  console.log('State is now:', state)

//When PLC is stopped:
//State is now: { adsState: 6, adsStateStr: 'Stop', deviceState: 0 }

Example: Catching an error that is not directly from a method call

client.on('ads-client-error', err => {
  console.log('Error:', err.message)
//When unknown notification data is received:
//Error: Ads notification received but it has unknown notificationHandle (30). Use unsubscribe() to save resources.


If you have problems or you are interested, you can enabled debug output to console. The ads-client uses debug package for debugging.

Debugging can be enabled from terminal or from Javascript code.

Enabling debug from code

You can change the debug level with method setDebugging(level):


Different debug levels explained:

  • 0: No debugging (default)
  • 1: Errors have full stack traces, no debug printing
  • 2: Basic debug printing (same as DEBUG='ads-client')
  • 3: Detailed debug printing (same as DEBUG='ads-client,ads-client:details')
  • 4: Detailed debug printing and raw I/O data (same as DEBUG='ads-client*')

Enabling debugging from terminal

See the debug package for instructions.

Example for Visual Studio Code (PowerShell):


Different debug levels explained:

  • Basic debug printing DEBUG='ads-client'
  • Basic and detailed debug printing DEBUG='ads-client,ads-client:details'
  • Basic, detailed and raw I/O data: DEBUG='ads-client*'


Connection is working very badly and lot's of timeouts

Possible fixes:

  • Remove all routes and create them again
  • Increase timeout delay setting (timeoutDelay)
  • If you have very fast subscriptions, try to cache all data types before subscribing using readAndCacheDataTypes()

When using JSON.stringify or similar I'm getting a TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt

  • JSON.stringify doesn't understand BigInt (64 bit integer) values as default
  • Use setting disableBigInt: true to receive Buffer objects instead of BigInts
  • Another solution is to use something like this

Can I connect from Raspberry Pi to TwinCAT?

Absolutely. See chapter "Supported platforms and setups", but basically:

  1. Open a TCP port 48898 from your PLC
  2. Edit StaticRoutes.xml file from your PLC
  3. Connect from Raspberry using the PLC IP address as router address and the local AMS Net Id you wrote to StaticRoutes.xml

Receiving ADS error 1808 Symbol not found even when it should be found

Having timeouts and/or 'mailbox is full' errors when sending lot's of ADS commands

  • The AMS router is capable of handling only limited number of requests in a certain time.
  • Other possible reason is that operating system TCP window is full because of large number of requests.


  • Use structs or arrays to send data in larger packets
  • Try raw/multi commands to decrease data usage

Having problems to connect from OSX or Raspberry Pi to target PLC

  • You need to connect to the PLC AMS router instead


A data type is not found even when it should be

If you use methods like convertFromRaw() and getDataType() but receive an error similar to ClientException: Finding data type *data type* failed, make sure you have really written the data type correctly.

For example, when copying a variable name from TwinCAT online view using CTRL+C, it might not work:

  • Displayed name: ARRAY [0..1, 0..1] OF ST_Example
  • The value copied to clipboard ARRAY [0..1, 0..1] OF ST_Example
  • --> This causes error!
  • The real data type name that needs to be used is ARRAY [0..1,0..1] OF ST_Example (note no whitespace between array dimensions)

If you have problems, try to read the variable information using readSymbolInfo(). The final solution is to read all data types using readAndCacheDataTypes() and manually finding the correct type.

ClientException: Connection failed: Device system manager state read failed

This error indicates that the given AmsnetId didn't contain system manager service (port 10000). If you connect to the PLC system, there is always system manager and PLC runtime(s). However, when connecting to other systems than PLC, it might be that there is no system manager service.


Connection failed (error EADDRNOTAVAIL)

This could happen if you have manually provided localAddress or localTcpPort that don't exist. For example, setting localAddress to when the computer has only ethernet interface with IP

See #82

Problems running ads-client with docker

  • EADDRNOTAVAIL: See above and #82

How to connect to PLC that is in CONFIG mode?

As default, the ads-client checks if the target has PLC runtime at given port. However, when target system manager is at config mode, there is none. The client will throw an error during connecting.

Target and system manager found but couldn't connect to the PLC runtime (see settings allowHalfOpen and bareClient)

You can disable the check by providing setting allowHalfOpen: true. After that, it's possible to start the PLC by setSystemManagerToRun(). However, when using this setting internal subscription like symbol version etc. might not work properly.

Another option is to use setting bareClient: true (since v.1.13.0). However, when using this option, the ads-client does not handle anything automatically - it's just a bare client (duh).

I would suggest to use ads-client normally without any special settings. If the target is at config mode, use separate client instance to start it, and the again the normal instance to connect to a running system. This way the client works the best.

Getting a message Ads notification received but it has unknown notificationHandle (**). Use unsubscribe() to save resources.

Possible reasons:

  • You have created notifications (subscriptions) using subscribe() and then closed the Node.js application without unsubscribing them first (TwinCAT still sends the data)
  • You are connecting without router (providing directly the target IP as router address) and you have other connections too like TwinCAT XAE running. See issue: #85


  • When closing application, first unsubscribe from all notifications using unsubscribeAll()
  • Use router instead of direct connection, see #85 (comment)

Issues with TwinCAT 2 low-end devices (BK9050, BC9050 etc.)

  • You can only use raw commands (such as readRaw(), writeRaw(), subscribeRaw()) as these devices provide no symbols
  • See issue 114 and issue 116 for starters

Automatic testing

Since version 1.14.0 the library has automatic testing using Jest. Idea is to run the tests before updates to make sure everything works OK (this should have been done much earlier...)

Separate PLC project is required for testing, see for more project and more info.

Tests are run with command npm test or npm run test-um (usermode runtime) (not in npm version, please clone this repository).


You can find the full html documentation from the project GitHub home page as well as from ./docs/ folder in the repository.


Licensed under MIT License so commercial use is possible. Please respect the license, linking to this page is also much appreciated.

Copyright (c) 2020 Jussi Isotalo <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.