- See the video list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2t9VWDusOo-0jF18YvEVhwpxTXlXPunG
- Make a bootable USB
- Boot from USB
- First steps
- Customizing the installation process
To create a bootable archlinux usb Download a Archlinux bootable iso image and write to a bootable USB device with this commands:
# dd bs=4M if=/tmp/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdh && sync
dd bs=4M if=/path/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync
Plug the created usb in the usb port of the new computer to be installed.
You must boot the new computer using UEFI mode. You must choose the F2/Del key to enter BIOS and configure UEFI boot or F11 key to choose UEFI partition of the USB device.
Now you have booted from USB your new computer and you have a prompt:
root@archiso ~ #
The first command must be loadkeys. You can choose your correct layout for the keyboard:
loadkeys es
loadkeys fr
loadkeys uk
Theese are for spanish, french and british english. More info here: Loadkeys
Now you can check that UEFI is OK:
ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
If your new computer have the network interface configured you can skip this section.
If you d'ont have network connection in the computer booted from USB, you can copy the requiered files to a second USB and plug it to the new computer. This script can help you to config the network:
This method only works for wired networks, for wireless networks you need to run wifi-menu. This is a sript from arclinux installation that will config your wireless device. You must know the accesspoint name and the credentials.
Now you must download at your desktop computer the initial scripts and copy it to a second USB and plug it to the new computer.
If your network is working, you must get the init.sh
script. It can:
- Get the rest of the installation scripts.
- Store caché packages to speed-up the installation process.
- Start sshd and set a default password, to access from a remote computer.
The init.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/josem-amatriain/archlinux.install/master/init.sh -O /tmp/init.sh
chmod a+x /tmp/init.sh
This script creates a structure of folders at
Change basic settings, and partition layout at /tmp/install/config/*
The file config.sh sets the bash variables used for install proccess.
We are using systemd-boot: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-boot
The disks are partitioned using GPT. All disks set at variable "DISKS" (of file config.sh) are initialized and erased. The file config.parts sets the partitions layout to be created: theirs filetype, disks, positions, purpouse (boot, root, other), mount points, label, beginning and end. The beginning and end of the partitions is set as a size or a percent:
- A partition begining at the first sector is set as 0%.
- If the partition fills the entire disk: 0% 100%.
- A partition from 100M to end of disk: 100M 100%.
- A disk of two partitions, the first one 1GB at the begining, the second one the rest of the disk sda:
- fat /dev/sda 1 boot /boot LABEL1 0% 1GB
- btrfs /dev/sda 2 root / LABEL2 1GB 100%
When you are done, you can run the install process:
Be sure you set up de DEBUG variable to empty: DEBUG="", If DEBUG is set at DEBUG=debug all standard output is sent to debug files at /tmp/debug.* It can be usefull to debug scripts.
Now you can use ansible to finish the installation. There are a lot of projects at github:
- https://github.com/dharmab/ansible-archlinux
- https://github.com/AlexandreCarlton/ansible-archlinux
- https://github.com/id101010/ansible-archlinux
- Módulo aur: https://github.com/kewlfft/ansible-aur
- https://github.com/finchd/archlinux-install
- https://github.com/tyjak/ansible-archlinux
- https://github.com/DasFranck/Archsible
- https://github.com/sudoforge/archer
- https://github.com/burakkose/dotfiles
- Instalación y chroot: https://github.com/clux/provision/tree/ansible/archboot
- IPTABLES: https://github.com/novln/ansible-playbook/blob/master/ovh.yml
- En portatiles DELL XPS13 https://github.com/novln/Kiss-my-Arch
- https://github.com/novln/Kiss-my-Arch/tree/master/bootstrap/xps13-9360-install
- Hihg resolution screens: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI
- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NetworkManager
- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_13_(9343)
- Text dialog-UI https://github.com/jorgeluiscarrillo/arch-setup
- Text dialog-UI https://github.com/gorkawien/Aturux-OS
- Spanish (old) guide https://www.softzone.es/programas/linux/instalar-arch-linux/
- Spanish (official) guide https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide_(Espa%C3%B1ol)