Show a custom splash screen in a floating window.
First install using your favorite package manager:
- packer.nvim:
use 'jovanlanik/fsplash'
- paq-nvim:
- lazy.nvim:
- vim-plug:
Plug 'jovanlanik'
Then setup fsplash in your config:
The setup function accepts the following options:
-- lines of text containing the splash
lines = {
' _ ___ _____ __ __ ';
'| \\| \\ \\ / /_ _| \\/ |';
'| .` |\\ V / | || |\\/| |';
'|_|\\_| \\_/ |___|_| |_|';
-- autocmds that close the splash
autocmds = {
-- highlights in this table will be set using vim.api.nvim_set_hl()
highlights = {
-- this resets NormalFloat
['NormalFloat'] = {};
-- the following line would set it to gray
-- ['NormalFloat'] = { ctermfg = 'darkgray' };
-- floting window border
border = 'solid';
-- winblend option
winblend = 0;
fsplash has built-in support for playing nicely with resession.nvim session manager which simply makes sure the fsplash window is closed before saving/loading a session. You can enable the extension when you set up resession.nvim:
extensions = {
fsplash = {}