Simple repository to enjoy the week of the Python and Django with TreinaWeb. To know more details follow this link:
Creating the virtual environment for this project:
$ python -m venv python_treinaweb_venv
$ source python_treinaweb_venv/bin/activate # Linux or macOS
$ source python_treinaweb_venv/Scripts/activate # Windows
To disable the virtualenv just run:
$ deactivate
This will install Django on your virtualenv:
$ pip install Django==2.2.4
With Django installed, follow this commands:
$ mkdir python-treinaweb && cd python-treinaweb
$ django-admin startproject task_manager
$ python startapp app
$ cd task_manager
$ python runserver
to install mysqlclient sudo apt-get install python-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev