AWS Aurora Serverless interactive terminal.
The aurora-term app allows you to run SQL statements against Aurora Serverless databases without establishing a persistent connection, this is easily achieved thanks to the Data-API.
Besides the non-persistent connection it works just as any other interactive terminal like mysql-cli and psql.
- Python 3 and Pip.
- An AWS IAM user authorized to access the Data API (with the AmazonRDSDataFullAccess policy for example).
- Access key and secret access key properly configured for the same user (it can be done using the aws-cli).
The easiest and recommended way to install it is using Pip.
pip install aurora-term
Just specify the database cluster ARN, the secret manager ARN and the database name.
aurora-term --cluster="arn:aws:rds:..." --secret="arn:aws:secretsmanager:..." mydb
There are a few environment variables that might come in handy, you can set them to avoid the need to pass all the credentials when starting aurora-term.
- AWS_PROFILE Profile to be used.
- RDS_CLUSTER_ARN Aurora cluster ARN.
- RDS_SECRET_ARN Secret manager ARN.
- RDS_DB_NAME Database name.
export RDS_CLUSTER_ARN="arn:aws:rds:..." export RDS_SECRET_ARN="arn:aws:secretsmanager:..." aurora-term mydb
The interactive terminal looks like as follow.
aurora-term (0.1.0) Type "help" or "?" for help. mydb=#
For more usage details.
aurora-term -h