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DDEV stack for WordPress

Version WordPress Installation

The purpose of this repo is to share my WordPress DDEV stack.

Table of Contents

Quick start

We will suppose that you want to test on a WordPress 5.6.5 instance. Change the version number if you prefer another release.

DDEV installation

This project is fully compatible with DDEV 1.21.4, and it is recommended to use this specific version. For the DDEV installation, please follow the official instructions.

Prepare DDEV WordPress environment

The final structure of the project will look like below.

│ (WordPress sources)    
│   │   
│   │ (Cloned sources of this repo)
       └───your-plugin-name (only if you want to test some of your plugin(s))
  • Create an empty folder that will contain all necessary sources:
mkdir wp-sources
  • Create an empty .ddev folder for DDEV and clone our pre-configured DDEV repo:
mkdir wp-sources/.ddev && cd wp-sources/.ddev && git clone ./
  • Copy some configurations file:
cp .ddev/config_overrides/config.wp565.yaml .ddev/config.wp565.yaml
  • Launch DDEV
cd .ddev && ddev start

This should take some times on the first launch as this will download all necessary docker images.

WordPress installation

cd wp-sources
tar -xf wordpress-5.6.5.tar.gz wordpress
cp -r wordpress/. ./
rm -rf wordpress
rm wordpress-5.6.5.tar.gz
ddev start
ddev exec wp core install --url='' --title='WordPress' --admin_user='admin' 
--admin_password='admin123' --admin_email=''


Test your own plugin

cd wp-sources
mkdir -p wp-content/plugins/your-plugin-name && cd wp-content/plugins/your-plugin-name
git clone ./
