Application of Machine Learning, AI and Data Mining methods, such as YOLOv8 model and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for building a model capable of detecting tumours in brain CT scans.
We used a public dataset available in Kaggle to develop the project. It's publicly available at the following link: Medical Image DataSet: Brain Tumor Detection;
We built the project based on an existing Jupyter notebook, also publicly available at Kaggle: Brain Tumor Detection w/Keras YOLO V8;
Although the achieved results weren't satisfactory, we constructed a model which CIoU was almost 3x lower than the original model and a mAP almost 7x higher. The optimization tweaks also heavily reduced the training time (more than 6x faster);
If you want to see the deployed application, click down below and feel free to test the models with your own instances and visualize a static dashboard about the dataset:
Python3 and pip package manager:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip build-essential python3-dev
virtualenv tool:
pip install virtualenv
- Machine Learning and Data Mining: Keras, KerasTuner, TensorFlow, imbalanced-learn;
- Computer Vision: OpenCV, KerasCV;
- Data Analysis, Visualization and Manipulation: pandas, Streamlit, Plotly express, Kaleido, seaborn, Matplotlib, numpy;
- Others: PyCryptodome, Pillow, gdown and google-colab.
Environments: Jupyter.
In this section, you can see the the detector GUI made with Streamlit.
In this section, you can follow detailed instructions for executing the project.
Clone the repository
git clone
Enter the repository's directory
cd tumour_detection
Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
You first need to be in the src directory to run the command:
streamlit run 1_🏠
To visualize the notebooks online and run them (Google Colaboratory), click on the following links:
To run the notebooks locally, run the commands in the notebooks directory following the template:
jupyter notebook <file_name>.ipynb
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis):
jupyter notebook 1_eda.ipynb
Data Mining:
jupyter notebook brain_tumor_detection_w_keras_yolo_v8.ipynb
├── <- Project's documentation
├── requirements.txt <- File containing all the required dependencies to run the project
├── plots # Directory containing all the graph plots generated
├── assets # Directory containing images used in and in the deployed app
├── datasets # Directory containing all used or generated datasets in the project
| ├── image_statistics.csv <- Statistical data about the dataset (std, mean, channels, ...)
| ├── labels.csv <- Tumour types and quantities data
| └── coords.csv <- Detections data (coordinates and area)
├── docs # Directory containing all the presentation slides about the project
| ├── Transparencies - Partial I.pdf
| ├── Transparencies - Partial II.pdf
| └── Transparencies - Final.pdf
└── models # Directory containing all generated models in the project
| ├── base.keras <- Trained with vanilla dataset
| ├── reduced.keras <- Trained with reduced dataset
| └── balanced.keras <- Trained with balanced dataset
├── notebooks # Directory containing project's main jupyter notebook
| ├── 1_eda.ipynb
| └── brain_tumor_detection_w_keras_yolo_v8.ipynb
└── src # Directory containing the web application
├── 1_🏠 <- Main page with the tumour detector
└── pages # Child pages directory
└── 2_📊 <- Script responsible for generating the static dashboard
To uninstall all dependencies, run the following command:
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt -y
To deactivate the virtual environment, run the following command:
To delete the virtual environment, run the following command:
rm -rf .venv