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Here you can find upgrade changes in between releases and upgrade instructions.

Releases are named after famous Cricket players.

Breaking changes

New Features

0.7.0 - Alex Blackwell - 2018-09-03

This release contains JupyterHub version 0.9.2, additional configuration options and various bug fixes.

Upgrading from v0.6

If you are running v0.5 of the chart, you should upgrade to v0.6 first before upgrading to 0.7.0. You can find out what version you are using by running helm list.

Follow the steps below to upgrade from v0.6 to 0.7.0.

1. (Optional) Ensure the hub's and users' data isn't lost

This step is optional, but a recommended safeguard when the hub's and users' data is considered important. The changes makes the PersistentVolumes (PVs), which represent storage (user data and hub database) remain even if the PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) are deleted. The downside of this is that it requires you to perform manual cleanup of PVs when you want to stop spending money for the storage.

# The script is a saftey measure and patches your PersistentVolumes (PV) to
# not be garbage collected if the PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) are deleted.

# Ensure the hub's and users' data isn't lost
hub_and_user_pvs=($(kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim --no-headers --namespace $NAMESPACE | awk '{print $3}'))
for pv in ${hub_and_user_pvs[@]};
    kubectl patch persistentvolume $pv --patch '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'

2. Update Helm (v2.9.1+ required)

# Update helm
curl | bash

# Update tiller (on the cluster)
helm init --upgrade --service-account=tiller

# Verify the update
# NOTE: you may need to cancel and re-run the command, it should work within 30
#       seconds.
helm version
# VERIFY: Did it return both the client and server version?
# Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.10.0", GitCommit:"9ad53aac42165a5fadc6c87be0dea6b115f93090", GitTreeState:"clean"}
# Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.10.0", GitCommit:"9ad53aac42165a5fadc6c87be0dea6b115f93090", GitTreeState:"clean"}

3. (Optional) Clean up pre-puller resources

The pre-puller component of v0.6 could leave leftover resources after it finished, instead of cleaning up after itself. This script removes the pre-puller resources created by v0.6.

# This script will delete resources that were meant to be temporary
# The bug that caused this is fixed in version 0.7.0 of the Helm chart

for bad_resource in $(kubectl get $resource_types --namespace $NAMESPACE | grep '/pre-pull' | awk '{print $1}');
    kubectl delete $bad_resource --namespace $NAMESPACE --now

kubectl delete $resource_types --selector --namespace $NAMESPACE --now

4. (Recommended) Clean up problematic revisions in your Helm release

This step is recommended due to bugs in Helm that could cause your JupyterHub Helm chart installation (release) to get stuck in an invalid state. The symptoms are often that helm upgrade commands fail with the reason that some resource does or doesn't exist.

# Look up the name of your Helm release (installation of a Helm chart)
helm list

# Store the name of the Helm release

# Give yourself an overview of this release's revisions
helm history $RELEASE_NAME

# Check if you have multiple revisions in a DEPLOYED status (a bug), or if you
# have old PENDING_UPGRADES or FAILED revisions (may be problematic).
helm history $RELEASE_NAME | grep --extended-regexp "DEPLOYED|FAILED|PENDING_UPGRADE"

# If you have multiple revisions in DEPLOYED status, this script will clean up
# all configmaps except the latest with DEPLOYED status.
deployed_revisions=($(helm history $RELEASE_NAME | grep DEPLOYED | awk '{print $1}'))
for revision in ${deployed_revisions[@]::${#deployed_revisions[@]}-1};
    kubectl delete configmap $RELEASE_NAME.v$revision --namespace kube-system

# It seems plausible that upgrade failures could have to do with revisions
# having a PENDING_UPGRADE or FAILED status in the revision history. To delete
# them run the following command.
kubectl delete configmap --selector "NAME=$RELEASE_NAME,STATUS in (FAILED,PENDING_UPGRADE)" --namespace kube-system

5. Perform the upgrade

IMPORTANT: Do not miss out on the --force flag! --force is required due to changes in labelling of jupyterhub resources in 0.7. Helm cannot upgrade from the labelling scheme in 0.6 to that in 0.7 without --force, which deletes and recreates the deployments.


helm repo add jupyterhub
helm repo update

# NOTE: We need the --force flag to allow recreation of resources that can't be
#       upgraded to the new state by a patch.
helm upgrade $RELEASE_NAME jupyterhub/jupyterhub --install \
    --force \
    --version=0.7.0 \
    --namespace=$NAMESPACE \
    --values config.yaml \
    --timeout 1800

Troubleshooting - Cleanup of cluster

If things fail, you can try the following before installing the chart. If you decide to take these steps, we recommend step 1 is taken first in order to not loose data and that you ensure the old data is made available by the troubleshooting step below.


# WARNING: Deletes everything installed by the Helm chart!
# WARNING: If you have not changed the reclaim policy of the hub in step 1, the
#          hub never be able to remember anything about past users. Also note
#          that even if you have taken step 1, you must also make the PVs become
#          `Available` again before the hub starts up again.
# NOTE: This does not include user pods or user storage PVCs as they have been
#       indirectly created by KubeSpawner
helm delete $RELEASE_NAME --purge

# WARNING: Deletes everything within the namespace!
# WARNING: If you have not changed the reclaim policy of the hub and users in
#          step 1, the hub's stored information about the users and the user's
#          storage will be lost forever. Also note that even if you have taken
#          step 1, you must also make the hub and users PVs become `Available`
#          before the hub and users startup again.
kubectl delete namespace <YOUR-NAMESPACE>

If you took these steps and step 1, you should probably right now continue with the next troubleshooting section about making Released PVs Available for reuse.

Troubleshooting - Make Released PVs Available for reuse

If you followed step 1 and 2, you can after cleanup of a cluster reuse the old hub's and users' storage if you do this step before you installs the Helm chart again.

In more technical words: if you have deleted PVCs such as hub-db-dir or claim-anyusername, their PVs will end in a Released state assuming they had a reclaimPolicy set to Retain. To make use of these PVs again, we must make them Available for the to future PVCs that needs a PV to bind to.


# Ensure the hub's and users' PVs are made `Available` again
hub_and_user_pvs=($(kubectl get persistentvolume | grep -E "Released.+$NAMESPACE/(hub-db-dir|claim-)" | awk '{print $1}'))
for pv in ${hub_and_user_pvs[@]};
    kubectl patch persistentvolume $pv --patch '{"spec":{"claimRef":{"uid":null}}}}'

# Ensure you don't have any PVCs in the lost state
lost_pvcs=($(kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim --namespace $NAMESPACE | grep -E "(hub-db-dir|claim-).+Lost" | awk '{print $1}'))
for pvc in ${lost_pvcs[@]};
    echo kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim $pvc --namespace $NAMESPACE


A. Tan Aaron Culich abhismvit AC AcademicAdmin Adam Grant Adam Huffman Adam Thornton Adam Tilghman Adam-Origamiiris Afreen Rahman agustaf agustiin aisensiy Ajay Changulani Akhil Lawrence akkibatra Alan King Albert J. de Vera Alejandro del Castillo Alejandro Gastón Alvarez Aleksandr Blekh Alex Leith Alex Marandon Alex Mellnik Alex Moore Alex Morreale Alex Tasioulis Alexander Alexander Hendorf Alexander Kruzhkov Alexander Morley Alexander Schwartzberg Allen Downey AlphaSRE Alramzey amangarg96 Amirahmad Khordadi Amit Rathi Analect anasos Andre Celere Andrea Abelli Andrea Turrini Andrea Zonca Andreas Heider Andrew Berger Andrew Melo andrewcheny András Tóth André Luiz Diniz Andy Berner Andy Doddington angus evans Anirudh Vyas Ankit Ankit Sharma ankit2894 Anthony Suen Anton Akhmerov Antonino Ingargiola Antonio Serrano AranVinkItility Arda Aytekin Ariel Balter Ariel Rokem arkroop Arthur arthur Arthur Koziel ArvinSiChuan aseishas at-cchaloux atullo2 Bastian Greshake Tzovaras bbarney213 bbrauns Ben Chuanlong Du Benjamin Paz Benoit Rospars BerserkerTroll BhagyasriYella bhavybarca Birgetit bitnik Borislav Aymaliev Botty Dimanov Brad Skaggs Brandon Sharitt Brent Brian E. Granger Brian Ray Bruce Beauchamp Bruce Chiarelli Byă Camilla Camilo Núñez Fernández Cara carluri Carol Willing Caspian chack05 chang-zhijie chaomaer chaoyue729 Charles Forelle chenyg0911 Chester Li Chia-liang Kao Chico Venancio Chris Fournier Chris Holdgraf Chris Seal Chris Van Pelt Christiaan Swanepoel Christian Alis Christian Hotz-Behofsits Christian Mesh Christian Moscardi Christine Banek Christopher Hench ckbhatt Claudius Mbemba cloud-science Cody Scott Cord Cory Johns cqzlxl Craig Willis Curtis Maves cyberquasar cybertony cyberyor Daisuke Taniwaki daleshsd Dan Allan Dan Hoerst Dan Lidral-Porter Daniel Daniel Morrison danielmaitre danielrychel Dario Romero darky2004 DataVictorEngineer Dave Aitken Dave Hirschfeld David Bath David Doherty David Kügler David Maxson David Napier David Pérez Comendador David Pérez-Suárez David Sanftenberg Davide deep-42-thought Deleted user DerekHeldtWerle Dhawal Patel disimone DmitrII Gerasimenko Dmitry Mishin Dominic Suciu Don Kelly Doug Holt Dragos Cojocari dturaev Dwight Townsend Dylan Lentini Eamon Keane Eddy Elbrink Emmanuel Gomez Enol Fernández epoch1970 Eric Charles Erik Sundell Ermakov Petr ernestmartinez EtienneDesticourt Evan Evan Van Dam Evert Rol eylenth Ezequiel Gioia fahadabbas91 Faras Sadek forbxy Francisco Zamora-Martinez FU Zhipeng Fyodor Félix-Antoine Fortin G YASHASVI Gaetan Semet Gaëtan Lehmann gbrahmi George Jose Gerben Welter Gerhard Burger GladysNalvarte Glen A Knight Graham Dumpleton grant-guo GRC Guillaume EB guimou Guo Zhang gweis Hagen Hoferichter hanbeibei hani1814 Hans Petter Bieker happytest143 Hassan Mudassir Helder Rodrigues hemantasingh Henddher Pedroza hjclub123 huhuhang Hunter Jackson Ian Indrajeet Singh ironv IssacPan Ivan Grbavac J Forde J Gerard Jacob Tomlinson James Curtin James Davidheiser James Londal James Veitch Jan Kalo Jason Kuruzovich Jason Williams jason4zhu javin-gn Jeremie Vallee Jeremy Lewi Jeremy Tuloup Jerry Schuman Jesse Cai Jesse Kinkead Jesse Zhang Jessica Wong Jim Basney Jim Hendricks Jiri Kuncar jlsimms jm2004 Joakim JocelynDelalande Joe Hamman Joel Pfaff John Kaltenbach John Readey johnbotsis johnkpark johnpaulantony Jonas Adler Jonathan Jonathan Brant Jonathan Wheeler jonny86 Joost W. 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0.6 - Ellyse Perry - 2017-01-29

This release is primarily focused on better support for Autoscaling, Microsoft Azure support & better default security. There are also a number of bug fixes and configurability improvements!

Breaking changes

Pre-puller configuration

In prior versions (v0.5), if you wanted to disable the pre-puller, you would use:

  enabled: false

Now, to disable the pre-puller, you need to use:

    enabled: false

See the pre-puller docs for more info!

Upgrading from 0.5

This release does not require any special steps to upgrade from v0.5. See the upgrade documentation for general upgrading steps.

If you are running v0.4 of the chart, you should upgrade to v0.5 first before upgrading to v0.6. You can find out what version you are using by running helm list.


If your helm upgrade fails due to the error no Ingress with the name "jupyterhub-internal" found, you may be experiencing a helm bug. To work around this, run kubectl --namespace=<YOUR-NAMESPACE> delete ingress jupyterhub-internal and re-run the helm upgrade command. Note that this will cause a short unavailability of your hub over HTTPS, which will resume normal availability once the deployment upgrade completes.

New Features

More secure by default

z2jh is more secure by default with 0.6. We now block access to cloud security metadata endpoints by default.

See the security documentation for more details. It has seen a number of improvements, and we recommend you read through it!

Autoscaling improvements

Some cloud providers support the kubernetes node autoscaler, which can add / remove nodes depending on how much your cluster is being used. In this release, we made a few changes to let z2jh interact better with the autoscaler!

  • Configure z2jh to 'pack' your users onto nodes, rather than 'spread' them across nodes.
  • A 'continuous' pre-puller that allows user images to be pulled on new nodes easily, leading to faster startup times for users on new nodes. ([link])
  • Hub and Proxy pod will not be disrupted by autoscaler, by using PodDisruptionBudgets. The Hub & Proxy will also stick together if possible, thus minimizing the number of nodes that can not be downsized by the autoscaler.

There is more work to be done for good autoscaling support, but this is a good start!

Better Azure support

Azure's new managed Kubernetes service (AKS) is much better supported by this version!

  • We have much better documentation on using z2jh with Azure!
  • We rewrote our pre-puller so it works on Azure (previously it did not)

Azure AKS is still in preview mode, so be aware of that before using it in any production workloads!

See the setting up Kubernetes on Microsoft AKS section for more information.

Better configurability

We now have better documentation and bug fixes for configurability!

  • extraConfig can be a dictionary instead of just a string. This helps when you have to split your config.yaml into multiple files for complex deployments
  • How user storage works by default is better documented
  • Reading config in extraConfig from extraConfigMap now actually works!
  • You can configure the URL that users are directed to after they log in. This allows defaulting users to JupyterLab
  • You can pre-pull multiple images now, for custom configuration that needs multiple images
  • Better instructions on pre-populating your user's filesystem using nbgitpuller

(excerpt from

Arguably the best athlete in Australia, Ellyse Perry’s profile continues to rise with the dual cricket and soccer international having played World Cups for both sports.

Perry became the youngest Australian ever to play senior international cricket when she made her debut in the second ODI of the Rose Bowl Series in Darwin in July 2007 before her 17th birthday.

She went on to make her domestic debut in the 2007-08 Women’s National Cricket League season, taking 2-29 from 10 overs in her first match.

Since her national debut, Perry has become a regular fixture for the Southern Stars, playing in the 2009 ICC Women’s World Cup and the ICC Women’s World Twenty20 in the same year.

Leading Australia’s bowling attack, Perry played a crucial role in the ICC Women’s World Twenty20 Final in the West Indies in 2010.

The match came down to the wire, with New Zealand requiring five runs off the last ball to claim the title. Under immense pressure, Perry bowled the final ball of the tournament, which New Zealand’s Sophie Devine struck straight off the bat.

The talented footballer stuck out her boot to deflect the ball to Lisa Sthalekar at mid-on, securing the trophy for Australia. Perry’s figures of 3-18 in the final saw her take home the Player of the Match award.

Perry featured prominently in Australia's three-peat of World T20 victories, selected for the Team of the Tournament in 2012 and 2014.

She was named ICC Female Cricketer of the Year in 2017.


This release wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful contributors to the zero-to-jupyterhub, and KubeSpawner repos. We'd like to thank everyone who contributed in any form - Issues, commenting on issues, PRs and reviews since the last Zero to JupyterHub release.

In alphabetical order,

0.5 - Hamid Hassan - 2017-12-05

JupyterHub 0.8, HTTPS & scalability.

Upgrading from 0.4

See the upgrade documentation for upgrade steps.

New Features

JupyterHub 0.8

JupyterHub 0.8 is full of new features - see CHANGELOG for more details. Specific features made to benefit this chart are:

  1. No more 'too many redirects' errors at scale.
  2. Lots of performance improvements, we now know we can handle up to 4k active users
  3. Concurrent spawn limits (set via hub.concurrentSpawnLimit) can be used to limit the concurrent number of users who can try to launch on the hub at any given time. This can be tuned to avoid crashes when hundreds of users try to launch at the same time. It gives them a friendly error message + asks them to try later, rather than spinning forever.
  4. Active Server limit (set via hub.activeServerLimit) can be used to limit the total number of active users that can be using the hub at any given time. This allows admins to control the size of their clusters.
  5. Memory limits & guarantees (set via singleuser.memory) can now contain fractional units. So you can say 0.5G instead of having to use 512M.

And lots more!

Much easier HTTPS

It is our responsibility as software authors to make it very easy for admins to set up HTTPS for their users. v0.5 makes this much easier than v0.4. You can find the new instructions here and they are much simpler!

You can also now use your own HTTPS certificates & keys rather than using Let's Encrypt.

More authenticators supported

The following new authentication providers have been added:

  1. GitLab
  2. CILogon
  3. Globus

You can also set up a whitelist of users by adding to the list in auth.whitelist.users.

Easier customization of

You can always put extra snippets of configuration in hub.extraConfig. Now you can also add extra environment variables to the hub in hub.extraEnv and extra configmap items via hub.extraConfigMap. ConfigMap items can be arbitrary YAML, and you can read them via the get_config function in your hub.extraConfig. This makes it cleaner to customize the hub's config in ways that's not yet possible with config.yaml.

Hub Services support

You can also add external JupyterHub Services by adding them to Note that you are still responsible for actually running the service somewhere (perhaps as a deployment object).

More customization options for user server environments

More options have been added under singleuser to help you customize the environment that the user is spawned in. You can change the uid / gid of the user with singleuser.uid and singleuser.fsGid, mount extra volumes with & and provide extra environment variables with singleuser.extraEnv.

Hamid Hassan

Hamid Hassan is a fast bowler who currently plays for the Afghanistan National Cricket Team. With nicknames ranging from "Afghanistan's David Beckham" to "Rambo", he is considered by many to be Afghanistan's first Cricket Superhero. Currently known for fast (145km/h+) deliveries, cartwheeling celebrations, war painted face and having had to flee Afghanistan as a child to escape from war. He says he plays because "We are ambassadors for our country and we want to show the world that Afghanistan is not like people recognise it by terrorists and these things. We want them to know that we have a lot of talent as well"


This release wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful contributors to the zero-to-jupyterhub, JupyterHub, KubeSpawner and OAuthenticator repos. We'd like to thank everyone who contributed in any form - Issues, commenting on issues, PRs and reviews since the last Zero to JupyterHub release.

In alphabetical order,

0.4 - Akram - 2017-06-23

Stability, HTTPS & breaking changes.

Installation and upgrades

We recommend that you delete prior versions of the package and install the latest version. If you are very familiar with Kubernetes, you can upgrade from an older version, but we still suggest deleting and recreating your installation.

Breaking changes

  • The name of a user pod and a dynamically created home directory PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) no longer include the userid in them by default. If you are using dynamic PVCs for home directories (which is the default), you will need to manually rename these directories before upgrading. Otherwise, new PVCs will be created, and users might freak out when viewing the newly created directory and think that their home directory appears empty.

    See PR #56 on what needs to change.

  • A StorageClass is no longer created by default. This shouldn't affect most new installs, since most cloud provider installations have a default (as of Kubernetes 1.6). If you are using an older version of Kubernetes, the easiest thing to do is to upgrade to a newer version. If not, you can create a StorageClass manually and everything should continue to work.

  • token.proxy is removed. Use proxy.secretToken instead. If your config.yaml contains something that looks like the following:

        proxy: <some-secret>

    you should change that to:

        secretToken: <some-secret>


  • Added GitHub Authentication support, thanks to Jason Kuruzovich.
  • Added Ingress support! If your cluster already has Ingress support (with automatic Let's Encrypt support, perhaps), you can easily use that now.
  • We now add a label to user pods / PVCs with their usernames.
  • Support using a static PVC for user home directories or for the hub database. This makes this release usable with clusters where you only have one NFS share that must be used for the whole hub.
  • PostgreSQL is now a supported hub database backend provider.
  • You can set annotations & labels on the proxy-public service now.


  • We now use the official configurable http proxy (CHP) as the proxy, rather than the unofficial nchp. This should be a no-op (or require no changes) for the most part. JupyterHub errors might display a nicer error page.
  • The version of KubeSpawner uses the official Kubernetes python client rather than pycurl. This helps with scalability a little.


  • The deprecated createNamespace parameter no longer works, alongside the deprecated name parameter. You probably weren't using these anyway - they were kept only for backwards compatibility with very early versions.


This release made possible by the awesome work of the following contributors (in alphabetical order):



Wasim Akram (وسیم اکرم) is considered by many to be the greatest pace bowler of all time and a founder of the fine art of reverse swing bowling.


0.3.1 - 2017-05-19

KubeSpawner updates. Release note

0.3 - 2017-05-15

Deployer UX fixes. Release note

0.2 - 2017-05-01

Minor cleanups and features. Release note

0.1 - 2017-04-10

Initial Public Release. Release note


If you need support, reach out to us on gitter or open an issue.