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JUSP Statistics Integration

Owen Stephens edited this page Sep 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

JUSP Statistics Integration (Introduced 3.1)

Integrating with JUSP statistics is complex as many datasets need to be harmonised. Specifically:

  • JUSP Title identifiers need to be added to all the titles in KB+. Wiley titles are identifed differently to other entries in the database. JUSP Identifiers against titles have the form jusp:nnn where nnn is the JID
  • JUSP institutional logins need to be added to KB+ institutional organisations. This is done via the KB+ admin menu. Having searched for an institution, add identifer using the form jusplogin:login. For example, Sheffield Hallam University - jusplogin:shu, Cranfield - jusplogin:cra, University Of Westminster - jusplogin:uow
  • JUSP supplier IDs need to be added against Supplier organisations. This is done using the same mechanism as institutional logins, but using the juspsid namespace. For example: juspsid:2 for Oxford University Press, juspsid:1 for Elsevier, juspsid:18 for Wiley.

A new setting needs to be added to the app config file (Usually ~/.grails/demo-config.groovy


Loading Titles Data

KB+ v5.0 and above

From KB+ v5.0 and above new title identifiers can be added using the Bulk Load/Update Titles option. To add JUSP identifiers use a column heading "" in the upload file to add identifiers in the 'jusp' namespace.

KB+ v4.x and below

In versions before v5.0 there was no mechanism for loading new title identifiers into KB+ exposed via the UI. Instead the following method was supported:

  1. Create a new MySQL database called JUSP. Grant access to a k-int user

    mysql> create database JUSP default charset UTF8 default collate UTF8_bin; mysql> grant all on JUSP.* to 'k-int'@'localhost' identified by 'k-int'; mysql> grant all on JUSP.* to 'k-int'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by 'k-int'; mysql> grant all on JUSP.* to 'k-int'@'%' identified by 'k-int';

  2. Load the JUSP MySQL dump into that database

  3. Run the script using a command like

    login$ groovy ./JuspToBibJson.groovy "http://localhost:8080/kbplus/"

Where the first parameter is the base URL of the local KB+ installation. The script creates a BIB-JSON representation of JUSP titles and then uploads those records to a web service endpoint. This endpoint only responds to requests from localhost, so the script must be run on the same host.

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