This project is based on "Advanced C++" course at my univeristy. Assignment was to make "Conway's Game of Life" cellular automata in c++ using past c++11 features both boost and stl.
Choice of OpenGl as backend for visualisation is based on my plans for further development in graphic, task didn't specify what backend should be use. For the Gui use ImGui
I used Cmake as it is easy to setup and crossplatform (I developed code both on Linux and Windows). I used repo for setting up Cmake.
Prerequsition you need to have Cmake and some build tool e.g. Ninja, GNU Make.
- Clone Project to your local machine
git clone
- Run cmake in folder where you want to build it and as argument provide path to the folder containing CMakeList.txt e.g.:
.../GameOfLife/build$ cmake ..
- Now build generated files using make, ninja or other tool
.../GameOfLife/build$ make
- That will build project to GameOfLife.exe on Windows or GameOfLife on Linux
- Then you need to move executable into the directory with RlePatterns and shaders folders as there are needed for the runtime.
- In RlePatterns you can paste your rle file containing Conway's Game of Life pattern.
GameOfLifeLogic contains rules of "Conway's Game of Life"
GameOfLifeRenderer contains some abstraction over OpenGL API.
RleReader is used to read .rle files and parsing into data.
Shader is basic class to compile shaders used in program. I had used tutorial.
Cell is a enum class with two states dead or alive.
ConfigData is the data structure used as a comunication buffer between main, Logic and Rendering part of program.
- Polish building process to remove necessity of moving executable into main directory.
- Optimize Algorithm