This library is built off of processing and creates some added functionality. While the functionality presented is mostly suited for a game, there is a large number of different things in processing this would be used for. Some notable features include:
- Supports a wider range of file types (Everything supported by Java Advanced Imaging)
- Images with basic physics and transformation capabilities
- Adds precision collision detection between images
As stated previously a much wider range of image types are supported by using Java Advanced Imaging). Most notably, are gifs. While processing already technically supports gifs, they aren't animated and just appear like this:
But this library animates the gif to look like this (with the help of Open-Imaging):
This library uses Scalr to resize images, as opposed to processing's regular resize methods. This gives more control for how images should be scaled, as well as better quality and speed. Most questions about how resizes are done can probably be answered with a quick look at the documentation of Scalr.
The MovableKImage class provides several way of
performing basic transformation on images, including translation, rotations, and reflection
Collision detection between Images is done through the KCollider class. Collision accuracy can be modified, with up to pixel perfect precision, though this can be very slow.
This project can be downloaded from the releases section of it's github page, or downloaded directly from the dist folder
Javadocs for this project are available in the docs folder are online on the GitHub pages for this repo