👋 Hi there, thanks for stopping by
- 🔭 I’m currently working towards my Bachelor's of Engineering in Electrical Engineering.
- 👯 I’m looking for Electrical and Computer Engineering related internships.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I like to play basketball and read in my spare time.
- 💬 Ask me about my projects or click here to learn more!
- 📫 You can reach me here -> kekae@mcmaster.ca
- 🚀 Send me a connection request on LinkedIn by clicking here!
My Projects:
Spatial Mapping Using Time-of-Flight:
- Developed an efficient and cost-effective 3D scanning solution that performs distance measurements at every 11.25° of a full 360° rotation.
- Utilized a microcontroller to manage operations, a stepper motor for rotational movement, and a time-of-flight sensor to record distance data.
- Implemented the time-of-flight sensor to measure distances by emitting and receiving an infrared beam, calculating the distance based on the time of flight.
- Transmitted data to the microcontroller via I2C protocol and then sent to a PC using UART protocol.
- Converted data into Cartesian coordinates on the PC and visualized it as a mesh-like point cloud using Python’s Open3D library.
DC Power Supply:
- Designed and engineered a precision DC power supply system aimed at delivering a consistent 10 mA at 3V ± 0.1V output, sourced from a 120 V (rms) input at 1 kHz frequency.
- Innovatively used a function generator to simulate the necessary sinusoidal waveform for laboratory testing, eliminating the necessity for direct connection with the high-voltage source.
- Demonstrated exceptional proficiency in circuit design and implementation, ensuring the power supply system consistently met stringent output requirements.
- Drafted an extensive report outlining the reasoning behind the choice of input level, the specs of the transformer, and the nuances of the circuit design, demonstrating a thorough comprehension of the design procedure and testing techniques.
Snake Game:
- Crafted a dynamic Snake Game using fundamental programming principles and data structures in C and C++ to deliver an engaging gaming experience.
- Implemented core gameplay mechanics, including snake movement, food generation, and collision detection, using C and C++.
- Utilized fundamental programming principles to ensure efficient game logic and smooth user experience.
Stack 'N' Slice:
- Designed a safe, convenient, and accessible solution to help a visually impaired client easily complete the steps of making a sandwich utilizing AutoCAD.
- Secured 2nd place among 1000 Engineering I students at McMaster University in the 1P13 Course and was endorsed by the Dyson Company serving as a testament to the innovative solution.