Most are auto-converted from these handy VSCode snippets:
- database and template files (.db and .template)
- substitutions files (.substitutions, .sub, and .subs)
- startup files (.cmd and .iocsh)
- C source code
- streamdevice prototype files (.proto)
- SNL files (over charge of your .c extension)
- we-test (scenario and suite)
- caproto PVGroup-related snippets
By way of vim-plug:
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" Highlighting + filetype setting
Plug 'NickeZ/epics.vim'
" Ultisnips + EPICS ultisnips
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'klauer/epics-ultisnips'
" Optionally grab useful snippets for other file types:
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
call plug#end()
" Configure your expand trigger:
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<c-s>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-j>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-k>"
$ vim test.db<c-s>
Expands to this, where you can use the forward/backward mappings
above) to change the individual fields:
record(ai, "record_name") {
field(DESC, "description")
field(DTYP, "Soft Channel stream")
field(SCAN, ".1 second 1 second I/O Intr Event Passive")
field(INP, "input link")
- Syntax highlighting: