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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

klebster2's vimrc

Ubuntu Setup

First clone repo to ~/.vim_runtime:

git clone "" ~/.vim_runtime && cd ~/.vim_runtime

Then run the installer


Usage notes and Useful commands

To exit insert mode, use jk by using them together quickly.

Completion menu (LSP / CMP)

To exit the complete menu use <CTRL+y>, also see the settings in ./nvim/lua/luasnip-config.lua

To jump to the next completion using Lsp / Cmp / Luasnip etc.. use

<CTRL+p> for prev and

<CTRL+n> for next (in insert mode)

Use gd for 'j' to jump to the definition.

Also see : help vim.lsp.* for documentation on any of the LSP functions



CTRL+k after selecting a luasnip option to jump to the next snippet (where you can enter code)

CTRL+j to jump to the previous snippet



<R> (refresh) to perform a reread of the files contained in the project.

<H> (hide) to hide/display hidden files and folders (beginning with a dot .)

<E> (expand_all) to expand the entire file tree starting from the root folder (workspace)

<W> (collapse_all) to close all open folders starting from the root folder

- (dir_up) allows you to go back up folders. This navigation also allows you to exit the root folder (workspace) to your home directory

<\s> (system) to open the file with the system application set by default for that file type

<f> (find) to open the interactive file search to which search filters can be applied

<SHIFT+f> to close the interactive search

<CTRL+k> to display information about the file such as size, creation date, etc.

g + ? to open the help with all the predefined shortcuts for quick reference

q to close the file explorer

Nvim Spell:

<z+w> to add a word to the dictionary.

<leader>ss to set spell (misspelled words will appear underlined)

LSP Doc Scrolling

When in insert mode with completions appearing (from {LSP, Snippets Engine, etc.} + cmp)

and the window to the right (showing the highlighted completion item) is available, you can also scroll the docs using

<CTRL+f> for forwards and <CTRL+d> for backward

These commands will work on this window if there is a scrollbar to the right-hand side.

│unknown                 │
│(field) cmp.ItemField: {│
│    Abbr: unknown,      │
│    Kind: unknown,      │

LSP Diagnostics

When in normal mode, the LSP will have already run and will be highlighting areas of code syntax.

To go to diagnostics use <SPACE>+e to open a floating window containing the LSP diagnostic (according to the LSP)

To go to diagnostics use <SPACE>+q to open a floating window of LSP diagnostics

While in normal mode use [d to go to the previous LSP diagnostic and ]d to go to the next LSP diagnostic

Also see : help vim.diagnostic.* for documentation on any of the functions.

Copilot scrolling

According to the docs you can use Alt+] / Alt+[ to cycle through suggestions.

More mappings

Go to ./nvim/lua/keymappings.lua for the basic set of mappings (with the current configuration, you can use <leader>m).