This is the work-in-progress rewrite of the Konfetti App backend. Find the App (frontend) at and the earlier prototype version at
To run the app, make sure docker is installed on your system on a version that includes docker-compose. Then bring it up with:
$ docker-compose up
If that fails because of dependencies not being available, do a:
$ docker-compose down && docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose up
To run the server outside of a docker-container (for connecting a debugger), you still have to run a mongodb and expose the database-port to :27017 (e.g. via docker-compose override) and have nodejs (>v10) installed, then do:
$ docker-compose up -d mongo && node --inspect bin/www
An example docker-compose.override.yml file for development is provided as _docker-compose.override.yml. Just rename that one to docker-compose.override.yml
$ npm install
$ docker-compose up -d mongo
$ node bin/www
Please note that nodejs >=10 is required to run this code.
- The server exposes an rest-api and on port 3000
- Authentication is based on http-basic-auth and JWT for both rest and If you receive an http 403, you have to require a new token first. There is a JWT in /stuff/ which does not expire.
- Examples are provided in /stuff/ (i.e. a Postman-collection containing example requests for adding the first user and for acquireing tokens and sample requests against the rest-api; an example for connections and authentication is located exposed at http://localhost:3000/chattest.html)
- content is triggerd via mongodb pubish/subscribe
- This is work in progress and is not ready for production yet.
You can find a detailed description of available api-routes here: API-docs
The find out more about the project and our motivation, visit
The program is released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.