cocos2d for iPhone is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications for iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad and Mac OS X. It is based on the cocos2d design, but instead of using Python it uses Objective-C.
cocos2d for iPhone is:
- Fast
- Free
- Easy to use
- Community Supported
Download the code from Github
Run the install script by executing
in Terminal
(for more help and usage execute./ -h
)Example: $ cd cocos2d-iphone # change directory to cocos2d-iphone $ ./ # execute the template installer script
And then open
Xcode → New → New Project → cocos2d v3.x
- Scene management (workflow)
- Transitions between scenes
- Sprites and Sprite Sheets
- Effects: Lens, Ripple, Waves, Liquid, etc.
- Actions (behaviours):
- Trasformation Actions: Move, Rotate, Scale, Fade, Tint, etc.
- Composable actions: Sequence, Spawn, Repeat, Reverse
- Ease Actions: Exp, Sin, Cubic, Elastic, etc.
- Misc actions: CallFunc, OrbitCamera, Follow, Tween
- Basic menus and buttons
- Integrated with Chipmunk physics engine
- Particle system
- Fonts:
- Fast font rendering using Fixed and Variable width fonts
- Support for .ttf fonts
- Tile Map support: Orthogonal, Isometric and Hexagonal
- Parallax scrolling
- Motion Streak
- Render To Texture
- Touch/Accelerometer on iOS
- Touch/Mouse/Keyboard on Mac
- Sound Engine support (CocosDenshion library) based on OpenAL
- Integrated Slow motion/Fast forward
- Fast textures: PVR compressed and uncompressed textures
- Point based: RetinaDisplay mode compatible
- Language: Objective-C
- Open Source Commercial Friendly: Compatible with open and closed source projects
- OpenGL ES 2.0 (iOS) / OpenGL 2.1 (Mac) based
Mac OS X 10.6 (or newer), Xcode 4.2 (or newer)
- iOS 5.0 or newer for iOS games
- Snow Leopard (v10.6) or newer for Mac games
Select the test you want from Xcode Scheme chooser
Then click on
Xcode → Product → Run
Did you find a bug? Do you have feature request? Do you want to merge a feature?
$ git clone git://
$ cd cocos2d-iphone
$ git checkout develop-v3
$ git submodule update --init