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glottotopia edited this page Mar 23, 2021 · 1 revision

we have a package langsci on CTAN. New TexLive distributions are released in April each year. We should upload a current version in February.

CTAN has no internal structure. All files have to be globally unique and are to be delivered in a zipped folder with no subfolder.

Dates and versions of the files should be given in the header.

We have a repo which contains the files currently hosted on CTAN. When preparing a new CTAN release:

  • clone this repo
  • clone this repo again as read-only
  • copy all files from the root directory. The files in unchanged/ can be omitted.
  • check whether the sample files in the r/w repo compile with the new files. Amend if necessary. When done, commit and push.
  • check whether documentation is current
  • commit and push
  • adapt the README files and the metadata in file headers
  • commit and push
  • leave the r/w repo
  • pull the read-only repo.
  • zip the read-only repo, excluding hidden files like .git/
  • upload to CTAN
  • move all files in to unchanged/