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Newsletter January 2021

glottotopia edited this page Mar 23, 2021 · 1 revision

Dear LangSci supporter, A happy new year to you. This is the latest update on our activities since the last newsletter. Welcome to all new subscribers.

== 91/90 books published for the funding period 2018-2020 ==

In 2017, we started our pledging with the goal to reach 105 institutions giving us 1000 EUR a year from 2018-2020 so that we can produce 30 books/year. We are happy to report that we have met this goal and have published not 90, but 91, books in the funding period. We would like to thank all supporting institutions and all volunteers who contributed their time and ideas to make this possible!

== New books ==

The last books published in this funding period are:

"Third language acquisition: Age, proficiency and multilingualism" Camilla Bardel & Laura Sánchez (eds.) (EuroSLA Studies 3)

"Syntactic architecture and its consequences" volume II
András Bárány, Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas & Sten Vikner (eds.) (Open Generative Syntax 10)

"Information structure in spoken Japanese: Particles, word order, and intonation" Natsuko Nakagawa (Topics at the Grammar-Discourse Interface 8)

"Historical journey in a linguistic archipelago: Descriptive concepts and case studies" Émilie Aussant & Jean-Michel Fortis (eds.) (History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 3)

The bonus book #91 is:

"The Verb in Nyakyusa: A focus on tense, aspect, and modality. Second revised edition" Bastian Persohn (Contemporary African Linguistics 2)

== Upcoming books ==

  • "Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends" edited by Jorge Pinto & Nélia Alexandre
  • "Language change for the worse" edited by Dankmar W. Enke, Larry M. Hyman, Johanna Nichols, Guido Seiler & Thilo Weber
  • "Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook" edited by Stefan Müller, Anne Abeillé, Robert D. Borsley & Jean-Pierre Koenig
  • "One-to-many-relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics" edited by Berthold Crysmann & Manfred Sailer
  • "Dagaare-English dictionary" by Mark Ali, Scott Grimm & Adams Bodomo
  • "Syntactic architecture and its consequences" volume III edited by András Bárány, Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas & Sten Vikner
  • "Cognitive Translatology: Empirical and interdisciplinary paradigms" by the Tra&Co Group
  • "Categoriality and continuity in prosodic prominence" by Simon Roessig
  • "Language contact: Bridging the gap between individual interactions and areal patterns" edited by Rik van Gijn, Hanna Ruch, Max Wahlström & Anja Hasse
  • "Russian verbal prefixation: A frame semantic analysis" by Yulia Zinova
  • "A Grammar of Yuwan" by Yuto Niinaga
  • "Celebrating 50 years of ACAL: Selected Papers from the 50th Annual Conference for African Linguistics" edited by Lee Bickmore, Michael Cahill, Michael Diercks, Laura J Downing, James Essegbey, Katie Franich, Laura McPherson & Sharon Rose
  • "A grammar of Japhug" by Guillaume Jacques
  • "Constituency and convergence in the Americas" edited by Adam J. R. Tallman, Sandra Auderset & Hiroto Uchihara
  • "Social and structural aspects of language contact and change" edited by Bettina Migge & Shelome Gooden
  • "A grammar of Gyeli" by Nadine Grimm
  • "OV and VO variation in code-switching" by Ji Young Shim
  • "Empirical studies in translation and discourse" edited by Mario Bisiada
  • "Reflexive constructions in the world's languages" edited by Katarzyna Janic, Nicoletta Puddu & Martin Haspelmath

== Submission stats ==

There are currently

  • 148 published books
  • 17 forthcoming books
  • 606 expressions of interest

== Downloads == Top downloads in December 2020 were

  1. A aquisição de língua materna e não materna: 1.777 downloads
  2. The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology: 1.315 downloads
  3. Analyzing meaning: 1.232 downloads

Top total downloads are:

  1. A aquisição da língua materna e não materna: 61.262 downloads
  2. Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen: 60.659 downloads
  3. Grammatical theory: 49.497 downloads

Total downloads of all titles over all years: 1.149.905 downloads.