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glottotopia edited this page Mar 23, 2021 · 1 revision

We have MS Word templates, LibreOffice templates and Overleaf Templates. Furthermore, we have Latex skeletons. All are linked from the page

MS Word and LibreOffice

The Word and LibreOffice templates have a development version at To update the templates available from, download them to the server and replace the files there.


The Overleaf templates are accessible via the links we provide on, but also via the Overleaf gallery

Note that there are old templates in the gallery. Make sure to always link the correct version, usually the most recent one!

Latex skeleton

There are three types of skeletons: one for monographs, one for edited volumes, and one for papers in edited volumes. The skeletons are available on via the gh-pages branch of latex-skeletons

For a new release of a skeleton type, zip it and push it to the gh-pages branch

The skeletons make use of the langsci files included on CTAN. Updated files can be placed in the working directory to override the CTAN versions.