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… `Algebra.adjoin` (#5602)

If `S` is non-unital subalgebra of a unital `R`-algebra `A`, there is a natural surjective map `Unitization R S →ₐ[R] Algebra.adjoin R (S : Set A)`. When `1 ∉ S` and `R` is a field, this becomes and `AlgEquiv`.

We specialize this to the `ℕ`-unitization of a non-unital subsemiring and its `Subsemiring.closure`, as well as the `ℤ`-unitization of a non-unital subring and its `Subring.closure`. We also extend the above map to a `StarAlgHom` in the case of `NonUnitalStarSubalgebra`s.

This continues the non-unital-ization of mathlib.

- [x] depends on: #5151
- [x] depends on: #5512 
- [x] depends on: #5537
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j-loreaux authored and kim-em committed Aug 14, 2023
1 parent d21fb93 commit caa9fe6
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Spectrum
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Subalgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Subalgebra.Pointwise
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Subalgebra.Tower
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Subalgebra.Unitization
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Tower
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Unitization
import Mathlib.Algebra.AlgebraicCard
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290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Algebra/Subalgebra/Unitization.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Jireh Loreaux. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jireh Loreaux

import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.NonUnitalSubalgebra
import Mathlib.Algebra.Star.Subalgebra
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Unitization
import Mathlib.Algebra.Star.NonUnitalSubalgebra

# Relating unital and non-unital substructures
This file takes unital and non-unital structures and relates them.
## Main declarations
* `NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s : Unitization R s →ₐ[R] Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A)`:
where `s` is a non-unital subalgebra of a unital `R`-algebra `A`, this is the natural algebra
homomorphism sending `(r, a)` to `r • 1 + a`. This is always surjective.
* `NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitizationAlgEquiv s : Unitization R s ≃ₐ[R] Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A)`:
when `R` is a field and `1 ∉ s`, the above homomorphism is injective is upgraded to
an `AlgEquiv`.
* `NonUnitalSubsemiring.unitization : Unitization ℕ S →ₐ[ℕ] Subsemiring.closure (S : Set R)`:
the natural `ℕ`-algebra homomorphism between the unitization of a non-unital subsemiring `S` and
its `Subsemiring.closure`. This is just `NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization S` where we replace the
codomain using `NonUnitalSubsemiring.closureEquivAdjoinNat`
* `NonUnitalSubring.unitization : Unitization ℤ S →ₐ[ℤ] Subring.closure (S : Set R)`:
the natural `ℤ`-algebra homomorphism between the unitization of a non-unital subring `S` and
its `Subring.closure`. This is just `NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization S` where we replace the
codomain using `NonUnitalSubring.closureEquivAdjoinInt`

section Generic

variable {R S A : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A] [SetLike S A]
[hSA : NonUnitalSubsemiringClass S A] [hSRA : SMulMemClass S R A] (s : S)

/-- The natural `R`-algebra homomorphism from the unitization of a non-unital subalgebra to
its `Algebra.adjoin`. -/
def NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization : Unitization R s →ₐ[R] Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A) :=
{ toFun := fun x : s => (⟨x, Algebra.subset_adjoin x.prop⟩ : Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A))
map_smul' := fun (_ : R) _ => rfl
map_zero' := rfl
map_add' := fun _ _ => rfl
map_mul' := fun _ _ => rfl }

theorem NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_apply_coe (x : Unitization R s) :
(NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s x : A) =
algebraMap R (Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A)) x.fst + x.snd :=

theorem NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_surjective :
Function.Surjective (NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s) :=
have : Algebra.adjoin R s ≤ ((Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A)).val.comp (unitization s)).range :=
Algebra.adjoin_le fun a ha ↦ ⟨(⟨a, ha⟩ : s), by simp⟩
fun x ↦ match this with | ⟨y, hy⟩ => ⟨y, Subtype.ext hy⟩

variable {R S A : Type _} [Field R] [Ring A] [Algebra R A]
[SetLike S A] [hSA : NonUnitalSubringClass S A] [hSRA : SMulMemClass S R A] (s : S)

theorem NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_injective {R S A : Type _} [Field R] [Ring A] [Algebra R A]
[SetLike S A] [hSA : NonUnitalSubringClass S A] [hSRA : SMulMemClass S R A] (s : S)
(h1 : (1 : A) ∉ s) : Function.Injective (NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s) := by
refine' (injective_iff_map_eq_zero _).mpr fun x hx => _
induction' x using Unitization.ind with r a
rw [map_add] at hx
have hx' := congr_arg (Subtype.val : _ → A) hx
simp only [NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_apply_coe, Unitization.fst_inl,
Subalgebra.coe_algebraMap, Unitization.snd_inl, ZeroMemClass.coe_zero, add_zero, map_neg,
AddSubgroupClass.coe_neg, Unitization.fst_inr, map_zero, Unitization.snd_inr,
Subalgebra.coe_add, zero_add] at hx'
by_cases hr : r = 0
· simp only [hr, map_zero, Unitization.inl_zero, zero_add] at hx' ⊢
rw [← ZeroMemClass.coe_zero s] at hx'
exact congr_arg _ (Subtype.coe_injective hx')
· refine' False.elim (h1 _)
rw [← eq_sub_iff_add_eq, zero_sub] at hx'
replace hx' := congr_arg (fun y => r⁻¹ • y) hx'
simp only [Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one, ← smul_assoc, smul_eq_mul, inv_mul_cancel hr,
one_smul] at hx'
exact hx'.symm ▸ SMulMemClass.smul_mem r⁻¹ (neg_mem a.prop)

/-- If a `NonUnitalSubalgebra` over a field does not contain `1`, then its unitization is
isomorphic to its `Algebra.adjoin`. -/
noncomputable def NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitizationAlgEquiv {R S A : Type _} [Field R] [Ring A]
[Algebra R A] [SetLike S A] [NonUnitalSubringClass S A] [SMulMemClass S R A]
(s : S) (h1 : (1 : A) ∉ s) : Unitization R s ≃ₐ[R] Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A) :=
AlgEquiv.ofBijective (NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s)
⟨NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_injective s h1, NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_surjective s⟩

end Generic

section Subsemiring

variable {R : Type _} [NonAssocSemiring R]

/-! ## Subsemirings -/

/-- Turn a `Subsemiring` into a `NonUnitalSubsemiring` by forgetting that it contains `1`. -/
def Subsemiring.toNonUnitalSubsemiring (S : Subsemiring R) : NonUnitalSubsemiring R :=
{ S with carrier := S.carrier }

theorem Subsemiring.one_mem_toNonUnitalSubsemiring (S : Subsemiring R) :
(1 : R) ∈ S.toNonUnitalSubsemiring :=

/-- Turn a non-unital subsemiring containing `1` into a subsemiring. -/
def NonUnitalSubsemiring.toSubsemiring (S : NonUnitalSubsemiring R) (h1 : (1 : R) ∈ S) :
Subsemiring R :=
{ S with
carrier := S.carrier
one_mem' := h1 }

theorem Subsemiring.toNonUnitalSubsemiring_toSubsemiring (S : Subsemiring R) :
S.toNonUnitalSubsemiring.toSubsemiring S.one_mem = S := by cases S; rfl

theorem NonUnitalSubsemiring.toSubsemiring_toNonUnitalSubsemiring (S : NonUnitalSubsemiring R)
(h1 : (1 : R) ∈ S) : (NonUnitalSubsemiring.toSubsemiring S h1).toNonUnitalSubsemiring = S := by
cases S; rfl

/-- The natural `ℕ`-algebra homomorphism from the unitization of a non-unital subsemiring to
its `Subsemiring.closure`. -/
def NonUnitalSubsemiring.unitization {R : Type _} [Semiring R] (S : NonUnitalSubsemiring R) :
Unitization ℕ S →ₐ[ℕ] Subsemiring.closure (S : Set R) :=
AlgEquiv.refl.arrowCongr (Subsemiring.closureEquivAdjoinNat (S : Set R)).symm <|
NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization (hSRA := AddSubmonoidClass.nsmulMemClass) S

theorem NonUnitalSubsemiring.unitization_apply_coe {R : Type _} [Semiring R]
(S : NonUnitalSubsemiring R) (x : Unitization ℕ S) :
(S.unitization x : R) = algebraMap ℕ (Subsemiring.closure (S : Set R)) x.fst + x.snd :=

theorem NonUnitalSubsemiring.unitization_surjective {R : Type _} [Semiring R]
(S : NonUnitalSubsemiring R) : Function.Surjective S.unitization := by
simpa [unitization, AlgEquiv.arrowCongr] using
NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_surjective (hSRA := AddSubmonoidClass.nsmulMemClass) S

end Subsemiring

section Subring

variable {R : Type _} [Ring R]

/-! ## Subrings -/

/-- Turn a `Subring` into a `NonUnitalSubring` by forgetting that it contains `1`. -/
def Subring.toNonUnitalSubring (S : Subring R) : NonUnitalSubring R :=
{ S with carrier := S.carrier }

theorem Subring.one_mem_toNonUnitalSubring (S : Subring R) : (1 : R) ∈ S.toNonUnitalSubring :=

/-- Turn a non-unital subring containing `1` into a subring. -/
def NonUnitalSubring.toSubring (S : NonUnitalSubring R) (h1 : (1 : R) ∈ S) : Subring R :=
{ S with
carrier := S.carrier
one_mem' := h1 }

theorem Subring.toNonUnitalSubring_toSubring (S : Subring R) :
S.toNonUnitalSubring.toSubring S.one_mem = S := by cases S; rfl

theorem NonUnitalSubring.toSubring_toNonUnitalSubring (S : NonUnitalSubring R) (h1 : (1 : R) ∈ S) :
(NonUnitalSubring.toSubring S h1).toNonUnitalSubring = S := by cases S; rfl

/-- The natural `ℤ`-algebra homomorphism from the unitization of a non-unital subring to
its `Subring.closure`. -/
def NonUnitalSubring.unitization (S : NonUnitalSubring R) :
Unitization ℤ S →ₐ[ℤ] Subring.closure (S : Set R) :=
AlgEquiv.refl.arrowCongr (Subring.closureEquivAdjoinInt (S : Set R)).symm <|
NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization (hSRA := AddSubgroupClass.zsmulMemClass) S

theorem NonUnitalSubring.unitization_apply_coe (S : NonUnitalSubring R) (x : Unitization ℤ S) :
(S.unitization x : R) = algebraMap ℤ (Subring.closure (S : Set R)) x.fst + x.snd :=

theorem NonUnitalSubring.unitization_surjective (S : NonUnitalSubring R) :
Function.Surjective S.unitization := by
simpa [unitization, AlgEquiv.arrowCongr] using
NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_surjective (hSRA := AddSubgroupClass.zsmulMemClass) S

end Subring

section Subalgebra

variable {R A : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A]

/-! ## Subalgebras -/

/-- Turn a `Subalgebra` into a `NonUnitalSubalgebra` by forgetting that it contains `1`. -/
def Subalgebra.toNonUnitalSubalgebra (S : Subalgebra R A) : NonUnitalSubalgebra R A :=
{ S with
carrier := S.carrier
smul_mem' := fun r _x hx => S.smul_mem hx r }

theorem Subalgebra.one_mem_toNonUnitalSubalgebra (S : Subalgebra R A) :
(1 : A) ∈ S.toNonUnitalSubalgebra :=

/-- Turn a non-unital subalgebra containing `1` into a subalgebra. -/
def NonUnitalSubalgebra.toSubalgebra (S : NonUnitalSubalgebra R A) (h1 : (1 : A) ∈ S) :
Subalgebra R A :=
{ S with
carrier := S.carrier
one_mem' := h1
algebraMap_mem' := fun r =>
(Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one (R := R) (A := A) r).symm ▸ SMulMemClass.smul_mem r h1 }

theorem Subalgebra.toNonUnitalSubalgebra_toSubalgebra (S : Subalgebra R A) :
S.toNonUnitalSubalgebra.toSubalgebra S.one_mem = S := by cases S; rfl

theorem NonUnitalSubalgebra.toSubalgebra_toNonUnitalSubalgebra (S : NonUnitalSubalgebra R A)
(h1 : (1 : A) ∈ S) : (NonUnitalSubalgebra.toSubalgebra S h1).toNonUnitalSubalgebra = S := by
cases S; rfl

end Subalgebra

section StarSubalgebra

variable {R A : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [Semiring A] [StarRing A]

variable [Algebra R A] [StarModule R A]

/-! ## star_subalgebras -/

Turn a `StarSubalgebra` into a `NonUnitalStarSubalgebra` by forgetting that it contains `1`. -/
def StarSubalgebra.toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra (S : StarSubalgebra R A) :
NonUnitalStarSubalgebra R A :=
{ S with
carrier := S.carrier
smul_mem' := fun r _x hx => S.smul_mem hx r }

theorem StarSubalgebra.one_mem_toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra (S : StarSubalgebra R A) :
(1 : A) ∈ S.toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra :=

/-- Turn a non-unital star subalgebra containing `1` into a `StarSubalgebra`. -/
def NonUnitalStarSubalgebra.toStarSubalgebra (S : NonUnitalStarSubalgebra R A) (h1 : (1 : A) ∈ S) :
StarSubalgebra R A :=
{ S with
carrier := S.carrier
one_mem' := h1
algebraMap_mem' := fun r =>
(Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one (R := R) (A := A) r).symm ▸ SMulMemClass.smul_mem r h1 }

theorem StarSubalgebra.toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra_toStarSubalgebra (S : StarSubalgebra R A) :
S.toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra.toStarSubalgebra S.one_mem' = S := by cases S; rfl

theorem NonUnitalStarSubalgebra.toStarSubalgebra_toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra
(S : NonUnitalStarSubalgebra R A) (h1 : (1 : A) ∈ S) :
(NonUnitalStarSubalgebra.toStarSubalgebra S h1).toNonUnitalStarSubalgebra = S := by
cases S; rfl

/-- The natural star `R`-algebra homomorphism from the unitization of a non-unital star subalgebra
to its `StarSubalgebra.adjoin`. -/
def NonUnitalStarSubalgebra.unitization (S : NonUnitalStarSubalgebra R A) :
Unitization R S →⋆ₐ[R] StarSubalgebra.adjoin R (S : Set A) :=
{ toFun := (p := (· ∈ S)) (q := (· ∈ StarSubalgebra.adjoin R (S : Set A))) id <|
fun _x hx => StarSubalgebra.subset_adjoin R _ hx
map_smul' := fun (_ : R) _ => rfl
map_zero' := rfl
map_add' := fun _ _ => rfl
map_mul' := fun _ _ => rfl
map_star' := fun _ => rfl }

theorem NonUnitalStarSubalgebra.unitization_apply_coe (S : NonUnitalStarSubalgebra R A)
(x : Unitization R S) :
(S.unitization x : A) = algebraMap R (StarSubalgebra.adjoin R (S : Set A)) x.fst + x.snd :=

theorem NonUnitalStarSubalgebra.unitization_surjective (S : NonUnitalStarSubalgebra R A) :
Function.Surjective S.unitization :=
have : StarSubalgebra.adjoin R S ≤
((StarSubalgebra.adjoin R (S : Set A)).subtype.comp S.unitization).range :=
StarSubalgebra.adjoin_le fun a ha ↦ ⟨(⟨a, ha⟩ : S), by simp⟩
fun x ↦ match this with | ⟨y, hy⟩ => ⟨y, Subtype.ext hy⟩

end StarSubalgebra
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/GroupAction/SubMulAction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,16 @@ class VAddMemClass (S : Type _) (R : outParam <| Type _) (M : Type _) [VAdd R M]

attribute [to_additive] SMulMemClass

/-- Not registered as an instance because `R` is an `outParam` in `SMulMemClass S R M`. -/
lemma AddSubmonoidClass.nsmulMemClass {S M : Type _} [AddMonoid M] [SetLike S M]
[AddSubmonoidClass S M] : SMulMemClass S ℕ M where
smul_mem n _x hx := nsmul_mem hx n

/-- Not registered as an instance because `R` is an `outParam` in `SMulMemClass S R M`. -/
lemma AddSubgroupClass.zsmulMemClass {S M : Type _} [SubNegMonoid M] [SetLike S M]
[AddSubgroupClass S M] : SMulMemClass S ℤ M where
smul_mem n _x hx := zsmul_mem hx n

namespace SetLike

variable [SMul R M] [SetLike S M] [hS : SMulMemClass S R M] (s : S)
Expand All @@ -84,6 +94,14 @@ theorem _root_.SMulMemClass.ofIsScalarTower (S M N α : Type _) [SetLike S α] [
SMulMemClass S M α :=
{ smul_mem := fun m a ha => smul_one_smul N m a ▸ SMulMemClass.smul_mem _ ha }

instance instIsScalarTower [Mul M] [MulMemClass S M] [IsScalarTower R M M]
(s : S) : IsScalarTower R s s where
smul_assoc r x y := Subtype.ext <| smul_assoc r (x : M) (y : M)

instance instSMulCommClass [Mul M] [MulMemClass S M] [SMulCommClass R M M]
(s : S) : SMulCommClass R s s where
smul_comm r x y := Subtype.ext <| smul_comm r (x : M) (y : M)

-- Porting note: TODO lower priority not actually there
-- lower priority so later simp lemmas are used first; to appease simp_nf
@[to_additive (attr := simp, norm_cast)]
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Adjoin/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -428,3 +428,23 @@ theorem ext_of_adjoin_eq_top {s : Set A} (h : adjoin R s = ⊤) ⦃φ₁ φ₂ :
#align alg_hom.ext_of_adjoin_eq_top AlgHom.ext_of_adjoin_eq_top

end AlgHom

section ClosureEquivAdjoin

/-- The `ℕ`-algebra equivalence between `Subsemiring.closure s` and `Algebra.adjoin ℕ s` given
by the identity map. -/
def Subsemiring.closureEquivAdjoinNat {R : Type _} [Semiring R] (s : Set R) :
Subsemiring.closure s ≃ₐ[ℕ] Algebra.adjoin ℕ s :=
Subalgebra.equivOfEq (subalgebraOfSubsemiring <| Subsemiring.closure s) _ <|
le_antisymm (closure_le.mpr subset_adjoin) (adjoin_le subset_closure)

/-- The `ℤ`-algebra equivalence between `Subring.closure s` and `Algebra.adjoin ℤ s` given by
the identity map. -/
def Subring.closureEquivAdjoinInt {R : Type _} [Ring R] (s : Set R) :
Subring.closure s ≃ₐ[ℤ] Algebra.adjoin ℤ s :=
Subalgebra.equivOfEq (subalgebraOfSubring <| Subring.closure s) _ <|
-- Lean is less smart here, probably because of the `with` definition of `subalgebraOfSubring`
le_antisymm (closure_le.mpr subset_adjoin : _ ≤ (adjoin ℤ s).toSubring)
(adjoin_le subset_closure)

end ClosureEquivAdjoin
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Subring/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -931,6 +931,22 @@ theorem closure_induction {s : Set R} {p : R → Prop} {x} (h : x ∈ closure s)
(@closure_le _ _ _ ⟨⟨⟨⟨p, @Hmul⟩, H1⟩, @Hadd, H0⟩, @Hneg⟩).2 Hs h
#align subring.closure_induction Subring.closure_induction

theorem closure_induction' {s : Set R} {p : ∀ x, x ∈ closure s → Prop}
(Hs : ∀ (x) (h : x ∈ s), p x (subset_closure h)) (H0 : p 0 (zero_mem _)) (H1 : p 1 (one_mem _))
(Hadd : ∀ x hx y hy, p x hx → p y hy → p (x + y) (add_mem hx hy))
(Hneg : ∀ x hx, p x hx → p (-x) (neg_mem hx))
(Hmul : ∀ x hx y hy, p x hx → p y hy → p (x * y) (mul_mem hx hy))
{a : R} (ha : a ∈ closure s) : p a ha := by
refine Exists.elim ?_ fun (ha : a ∈ closure s) (hc : p a ha) => hc
closure_induction ha (fun m hm => ⟨subset_closure hm, Hs m hm⟩) ⟨zero_mem _, H0⟩
⟨one_mem _, H1⟩ ?_ (fun x hx => hx.elim fun hx' hx => ⟨neg_mem hx', Hneg _ _ hx⟩) ?_
· exact (fun x y hx hy => hx.elim fun hx' hx => hy.elim fun hy' hy =>
⟨add_mem hx' hy', Hadd _ _ _ _ hx hy⟩)
· exact (fun x y hx hy => hx.elim fun hx' hx => hy.elim fun hy' hy =>
⟨mul_mem hx' hy', Hmul _ _ _ _ hx hy⟩)

/-- An induction principle for closure membership, for predicates with two arguments. -/
theorem closure_induction₂ {s : Set R} {p : R → R → Prop} {a b : R} (ha : a ∈ closure s)
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Subsemiring/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -920,6 +920,21 @@ theorem closure_induction {s : Set R} {p : R → Prop} {x} (h : x ∈ closure s)
(@closure_le _ _ _ ⟨⟨⟨p, @Hmul⟩, H1⟩, @Hadd, H0⟩).2 Hs h
#align subsemiring.closure_induction Subsemiring.closure_induction

theorem closure_induction' {s : Set R} {p : ∀ x, x ∈ closure s → Prop}
(Hs : ∀ (x) (h : x ∈ s), p x (subset_closure h)) (H0 : p 0 (zero_mem _)) (H1 : p 1 (one_mem _))
(Hadd : ∀ x hx y hy, p x hx → p y hy → p (x + y) (add_mem hx hy))
(Hmul : ∀ x hx y hy, p x hx → p y hy → p (x * y) (mul_mem hx hy))
{a : R} (ha : a ∈ closure s) : p a ha := by
refine' Exists.elim _ fun (ha : a ∈ closure s) (hc : p a ha) => hc
closure_induction ha (fun m hm => ⟨subset_closure hm, Hs m hm⟩) ⟨zero_mem _, H0⟩
⟨one_mem _, H1⟩ ?_ ?_
· exact (fun x y hx hy => hx.elim fun hx' hx => hy.elim fun hy' hy =>
⟨add_mem hx' hy', Hadd _ _ _ _ hx hy⟩)
· exact (fun x y hx hy => hx.elim fun hx' hx => hy.elim fun hy' hy =>
⟨mul_mem hx' hy', Hmul _ _ _ _ hx hy⟩)

/-- An induction principle for closure membership for predicates with two arguments. -/
theorem closure_induction₂ {s : Set R} {p : R → R → Prop} {x} {y : R} (hx : x ∈ closure s)
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