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refactor(Data/Finsupp): Make Finsupp.filter computable (#8979)
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This doesn't have any significant downstream fallout, and removes some subsingleton elimination from one or two proofs.

This enables some trivial computations on factorizations, eg finding the odd prime factors:
/-- info: fun₀ | 3 => 2 | 5 => 1 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval (Nat.factorization 720).filter Odd

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eric-wieser authored and thorimur committed Feb 26, 2024
1 parent a46fa3d commit e4ab015
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Showing 5 changed files with 57 additions and 42 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/MonoidAlgebra/Division.lean
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Expand Up @@ -123,21 +123,22 @@ theorem of'_divOf (a : G) : of' k G a /ᵒᶠ a = 1 := by

/-- The remainder upon division by `of' k G g`. -/
noncomputable def modOf (x : k[G]) (g : G) : k[G] :=
letI := Classical.decPred fun g₁ => ∃ g₂, g₁ = g + g₂
x.filter fun g₁ => ¬∃ g₂, g₁ = g + g₂
#align add_monoid_algebra.mod_of AddMonoidAlgebra.modOf

local infixl:70 " %ᵒᶠ " => modOf

theorem modOf_apply_of_not_exists_add (x : k[G]) (g : G) (g' : G)
(h : ¬∃ d, g' = g + d) : (x %ᵒᶠ g) g' = x g' :=
Finsupp.filter_apply_pos _ _ h
(h : ¬∃ d, g' = g + d) : (x %ᵒᶠ g) g' = x g' := by
classical exact Finsupp.filter_apply_pos _ _ h
#align add_monoid_algebra.mod_of_apply_of_not_exists_add AddMonoidAlgebra.modOf_apply_of_not_exists_add

theorem modOf_apply_of_exists_add (x : k[G]) (g : G) (g' : G)
(h : ∃ d, g' = g + d) : (x %ᵒᶠ g) g' = 0 :=
Finsupp.filter_apply_neg _ _ <| by rwa [Classical.not_not]
(h : ∃ d, g' = g + d) : (x %ᵒᶠ g) g' = 0 := by
classical exact Finsupp.filter_apply_neg _ _ <| by rwa [Classical.not_not]
#align add_monoid_algebra.mod_of_apply_of_exists_add AddMonoidAlgebra.modOf_apply_of_exists_add

Expand Down
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions Mathlib/Data/Finsupp/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -872,33 +872,27 @@ section Filter

section Zero

variable [Zero M] (p : α → Prop) (f : α →₀ M)
variable [Zero M] (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] (f : α →₀ M)

`Finsupp.filter p f` is the finitely supported function that is `f a` if `p a` is true and `0`
otherwise. -/
def filter (p : α → Prop) (f : α →₀ M) : α →₀ M
toFun a :=
haveI := Classical.decPred p
if p a then f a else 0
support :=
haveI := Classical.decPred p fun a => p a
def filter (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] (f : α →₀ M) : α →₀ M where
toFun a := if p a then f a else 0
support := p
mem_support_toFun a := by
simp only -- porting note: necessary to beta reduce to activate `split_ifs`
split_ifs with h <;>
· simp only [h, @mem_filter _ _ (Classical.decPred p), mem_support_iff]
-- porting note: I needed to provide the instance explicitly
· simp only [h, mem_filter, mem_support_iff]
#align finsupp.filter Finsupp.filter

theorem filter_apply (a : α) [D : Decidable (p a)] : f.filter p a = if p a then f a else 0 := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim D] <;> rfl
theorem filter_apply (a : α) : f.filter p a = if p a then f a else 0 := rfl
#align finsupp.filter_apply Finsupp.filter_apply

theorem filter_eq_indicator : ⇑(f.filter p) = Set.indicator { x | p x } f :=
theorem filter_eq_indicator : ⇑(f.filter p) = Set.indicator { x | p x } f := by
simp [filter_apply, Set.indicator_apply]
#align finsupp.filter_eq_indicator Finsupp.filter_eq_indicator

theorem filter_eq_zero_iff : f.filter p = 0 ↔ ∀ x, p x → f x = 0 := by
Expand All @@ -920,8 +914,7 @@ theorem filter_apply_neg {a : α} (h : ¬p a) : f.filter p a = 0 := if_neg h
#align finsupp.filter_apply_neg Finsupp.filter_apply_neg

theorem support_filter [D : DecidablePred p] : (f.filter p).support = p := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim D] <;> rfl
theorem support_filter : (f.filter p).support = p := rfl
#align finsupp.support_filter Finsupp.support_filter

theorem filter_zero : (0 : α →₀ M).filter p = 0 := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -966,9 +959,11 @@ theorem prod_div_prod_filter [CommGroup G] (g : α → M → G) :

end Zero

theorem filter_pos_add_filter_neg [AddZeroClass M] (f : α →₀ M) (p : α → Prop) :
theorem filter_pos_add_filter_neg [AddZeroClass M] (f : α →₀ M) (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] :
(f.filter p + f.filter fun a => ¬p a) = f :=
DFunLike.coe_injective <| Set.indicator_self_add_compl { x | p x } f
DFunLike.coe_injective <| by
simp only [coe_add, filter_eq_indicator]
exact Set.indicator_self_add_compl { x | p x } f
#align finsupp.filter_pos_add_filter_neg Finsupp.filter_pos_add_filter_neg

end Filter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1086,15 +1081,18 @@ def subtypeDomainAddMonoidHom : (α →₀ M) →+ Subtype p →₀ M
#align finsupp.subtype_domain_add_monoid_hom Finsupp.subtypeDomainAddMonoidHom

/-- `Finsupp.filter` as an `AddMonoidHom`. -/
def filterAddHom (p : α → Prop) : (α →₀ M) →+ α →₀ M
def filterAddHom (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p]: (α →₀ M) →+ α →₀ M
toFun := filter p
map_zero' := filter_zero p
map_add' f g := DFunLike.coe_injective <| Set.indicator_add { x | p x } f g
map_add' f g := DFunLike.coe_injective <| by
simp only [filter_eq_indicator, coe_add]
exact Set.indicator_add { x | p x } f g
#align finsupp.filter_add_hom Finsupp.filterAddHom

theorem filter_add {v v' : α →₀ M} : (v + v').filter p = v.filter p + v'.filter p :=
theorem filter_add [DecidablePred p] {v v' : α →₀ M} :
(v + v').filter p = v.filter p + v'.filter p :=
(filterAddHom p).map_add v v'
#align finsupp.filter_add Finsupp.filter_add

Expand All @@ -1114,15 +1112,15 @@ theorem subtypeDomain_finsupp_sum [Zero N] {s : β →₀ N} {h : β → N →
#align finsupp.subtype_domain_finsupp_sum Finsupp.subtypeDomain_finsupp_sum

theorem filter_sum (s : Finset ι) (f : ι → α →₀ M) :
theorem filter_sum [DecidablePred p] (s : Finset ι) (f : ι → α →₀ M) :
(∑ a in s, f a).filter p = ∑ a in s, filter p (f a) :=
map_sum (filterAddHom p) f s
#align finsupp.filter_sum Finsupp.filter_sum

theorem filter_eq_sum (p : α → Prop) [D : DecidablePred p] (f : α →₀ M) :
theorem filter_eq_sum (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] (f : α →₀ M) :
f.filter p = ∑ i in p, single i (f i) :=
(f.filter p).sum_single.symm.trans <|
Finset.sum_congr (by rw [Subsingleton.elim D] <;> rfl) fun x hx => by
Finset.sum_congr rfl fun x hx => by
rw [filter_apply_pos _ _ (mem_filter.1 hx).2]
#align finsupp.filter_eq_sum Finsupp.filter_eq_sum

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1163,12 +1161,12 @@ theorem erase_sub (a : α) (f₁ f₂ : α →₀ G) : erase a (f₁ - f₂) = e
#align finsupp.erase_sub Finsupp.erase_sub

theorem filter_neg (p : α → Prop) (f : α →₀ G) : filter p (-f) = -filter p f :=
theorem filter_neg (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] (f : α →₀ G) : filter p (-f) = -filter p f :=
(filterAddHom p : (_ →₀ G) →+ _).map_neg f
#align finsupp.filter_neg Finsupp.filter_neg

theorem filter_sub (p : α → Prop) (f₁ f₂ : α →₀ G) :
theorem filter_sub (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] (f₁ f₂ : α →₀ G) :
filter p (f₁ - f₂) = filter p f₁ - filter p f₂ :=
(filterAddHom p : (_ →₀ G) →+ _).map_sub f₁ f₂
#align finsupp.filter_sub Finsupp.filter_sub
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1265,7 +1263,7 @@ def finsuppProdEquiv : (α × β →₀ M) ≃ (α →₀ β →₀ M)
forall₃_true_iff, (single_sum _ _ _).symm, sum_single]
#align finsupp.finsupp_prod_equiv Finsupp.finsuppProdEquiv

theorem filter_curry (f : α × β →₀ M) (p : α → Prop) :
theorem filter_curry (f : α × β →₀ M) (p : α → Prop) [DecidablePred p] :
(f.filter fun a : α × β => p a.1).curry = f.curry.filter p := by
rw [Finsupp.curry, Finsupp.curry, Finsupp.sum, Finsupp.sum, filter_sum, support_filter,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1567,12 +1565,14 @@ theorem support_smul_eq [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [NoZeroSMulD


variable {p : α → Prop}
variable {p : α → Prop} [DecidablePred p]

theorem filter_smul {_ : Monoid R} [AddMonoid M] [DistribMulAction R M] {b : R} {v : α →₀ M} :
(b • v).filter p = b • v.filter p :=
DFunLike.coe_injective <| Set.indicator_const_smul { x | p x } b v
DFunLike.coe_injective <| by
simp only [filter_eq_indicator, coe_smul]
exact Set.indicator_const_smul { x | p x } b v
#align finsupp.filter_smul Finsupp.filter_smul

Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Finsupp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ theorem supported_eq_span_single (s : Set α) :
variable (M)

/-- Interpret `Finsupp.filter s` as a linear map from `α →₀ M` to `supported M R s`. -/
def restrictDom (s : Set α) : (α →₀ M) →ₗ[R] supported M R s :=
def restrictDom (s : Set α) [DecidablePred (· ∈ s)] : (α →₀ M) →ₗ[R] supported M R s :=
LinearMap.codRestrict _
{ toFun := filter (· ∈ s)
map_add' := fun _ _ => filter_add
Expand All @@ -357,21 +357,21 @@ variable {M R}

theorem restrictDom_apply (s : Set α) (l : α →₀ M) :
((restrictDom M R s : (α →₀ M) →ₗ[R] supported M R s) l : α →₀ M) = Finsupp.filter (· ∈ s) l :=
theorem restrictDom_apply (s : Set α) (l : α →₀ M) [DecidablePred (· ∈ s)]:
(restrictDom M R s l : α →₀ M) = Finsupp.filter (· ∈ s) l := rfl
#align finsupp.restrict_dom_apply Finsupp.restrictDom_apply


theorem restrictDom_comp_subtype (s : Set α) :
theorem restrictDom_comp_subtype (s : Set α) [DecidablePred (· ∈ s)] :
(restrictDom M R s).comp (Submodule.subtype _) = := by
ext l a
by_cases h : a ∈ s <;> simp [h]
exact ((mem_supported' R l.1).1 l.2 a h).symm
#align finsupp.restrict_dom_comp_subtype Finsupp.restrictDom_comp_subtype

theorem range_restrictDom (s : Set α) : LinearMap.range (restrictDom M R s) = ⊤ :=
theorem range_restrictDom (s : Set α) [DecidablePred (· ∈ s)] :
LinearMap.range (restrictDom M R s) = ⊤ :=
range_eq_top.2 <|
Function.RightInverse.surjective <| LinearMap.congr_fun (restrictDom_comp_subtype s)
#align finsupp.range_restrict_dom Finsupp.range_restrictDom
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/MvPolynomial/WeightedHomogeneous.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ variable {R}
See `sum_weightedHomogeneousComponent` for the statement that `φ` is equal to the sum
of all its weighted homogeneous components. -/
def weightedHomogeneousComponent (w : σ → M) (n : M) : MvPolynomial σ R →ₗ[R] MvPolynomial σ R :=
letI := Classical.decEq M
(Submodule.subtype _).comp <| Finsupp.restrictDom _ _ { d | weightedDegree' w d = n }
#align mv_polynomial.weighted_homogeneous_component MvPolynomial.weightedHomogeneousComponent

Expand All @@ -336,13 +337,15 @@ variable {w : σ → M} (n : M) (φ ψ : MvPolynomial σ R)
theorem coeff_weightedHomogeneousComponent [DecidableEq M] (d : σ →₀ ℕ) :
coeff d (weightedHomogeneousComponent w n φ) =
if weightedDegree' w d = n then coeff d φ else 0 :=
Finsupp.filter_apply (fun d : σ →₀ ℕ => weightedDegree' w d = n) φ d
letI := Classical.decEq M
Finsupp.filter_apply (fun d : σ →₀ ℕ => weightedDegree' w d = n) φ d |>.trans <| by convert rfl
#align mv_polynomial.coeff_weighted_homogeneous_component MvPolynomial.coeff_weightedHomogeneousComponent

theorem weightedHomogeneousComponent_apply [DecidableEq M] :
weightedHomogeneousComponent w n φ =
∑ d in φ.support.filter fun d => weightedDegree' w d = n, monomial d (coeff d φ) :=
Finsupp.filter_eq_sum (fun d : σ →₀ ℕ => weightedDegree' w d = n) φ
letI := Classical.decEq M
Finsupp.filter_eq_sum (fun d : σ →₀ ℕ => weightedDegree' w d = n) φ |>.trans <| by convert rfl
#align mv_polynomial.weighted_homogeneous_component_apply MvPolynomial.weightedHomogeneousComponent_apply

/-- The `n` weighted homogeneous component of a polynomial is weighted homogeneous of
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/finsupp_notation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.Notation
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Factorization.Basic

example : (fun₀ | 1 => 3) 1 = 3 :=
by simp
Expand All @@ -18,3 +19,13 @@ info:
guard <|
reprStr ( {1, 2} (fun | 1 | 2 => 3 | _ => 0) (fun x => by aesop))
= "fun₀ | 1 => 3 | 2 => 3"

/-! ## (computable) number theory examples-/

/-- info: fun₀ | 2 => 2 | 7 => 1 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval Nat.factorization 28

/-- info: fun₀ | 3 => 2 | 5 => 1 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval (Nat.factorization 720).filter Odd

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