This repository contains the PoC associated with the talk "From logs to metric with the TICK stack".
Its main goal is to show how to extract (structured) value from the huge amount of (unstructured) information that logs contain.
In brief, the steps are as follows: parsing of syslog messages into structured data, ingesting/collecting them via Telegraf syslog input plugin, visualizing and plot them via Chronograf's log viewer, and eliciting new meaningful metrics (eg. number of process OOM killed) to plot processing them via a Kapacitor UDF.
The stack used to achieve this is:
- Telegraf with syslog input plugin, which uses this blazing fast go-syslog parser
- Chronograf
- InfluxDB
- Kapacitor
First of all we need a local k8s environment.
Let's proceed with minikube.
minikube start --docker-opt log-driver=journald
Note that we need the journald log driver for the inner docker since the rsyslog's mmkubernetes module only works with it (or with json-file docker log driver).
The following step is to become a YAML developer 🙉 🙊, applying all the YAML files describing our setup.
![]() |
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Assuming your minikube setup is capable of provisioning volumes, execute the following commands.
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f roles.yaml
kubectl apply -f influxdb.yaml
kubectl apply -f telelog.yaml
kubectl apply -f chronograf.yaml
kubectl apply -f kapacitor.yaml
kubectl apply -f stress.yaml
Finally to access Chronograf from within our local browser we need the following port forward.
kubectl port-forward svc/chronograf -n logging 8888:80
Go to localhost:8888 now!
File docker-compose.yaml
is useful during the development and debugging of the Kapacitor UDF.
To make it working do not forget to forward the port of the influxdb within minikube.
kubectl port-forward svc/influxdb -n logging 8686:8686
Then run
docker-compose up -d
It is possible to use this with syslog docker log driver with following log options:
(telegraf syslog plugin)
In such case:
- there is not need for rsyslog
- telegraf syslog plugin in UDF mode (at the moment in TCP/TLS mode there is not way to disable octet framing requirement - ie., RFC5425)
- syslog facility will be fixed (depending on the
TBD: create an alternative setup for this setup.